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Body Image

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Body Image

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Body Image 8th Grade Lesson 6

    2. What is Body Image The way you see yourself The way you feel about yourself Overall it is how comfortable you are with yourself.

    3. Healthy Body Image A person feels good about the way he/she looks and feels. Accept their bodies and do not feel that they need to change for other people. Not easily influenced.

    4. Unhealthy Body Image Not comfortable with how they look or feel. Compare themselves to other people. Low self-esteem Participate in unhealthy eating habits.

    5. Influences Your Family Friends Teachers Coaches Magazines TV

    6. Media Influence These people are changed to look a certain way. - Special affects (look taller, thinner) - Camera angles - Zoom - Lighting - Air brushing

    7. Building a Healthy Body Image What is ‘normal’? There is no normal size. Everyone comes in different sizes. Be proud of your body and how you look. Eat Healthy and Exercise and you will look and feel good.

    8. Unhealthy Eating Habits Fad Diets Promise fast results with little to no exercise. If it sounds to good to be true, it is !!!!! Gain weight as soon as you stop using product. Bad for your body.

    10. Unhealthy Eating Eating Disorders Anorexia Limit eating or do not eat. Bulimia Purge food Binge Eating

    14. Getting Help Talk to someone about what your going through. If you know someone be honest with them. Tell them you are concerned The dangers Talk to someone

    15. The Goal Be proud of who you are Eat healthy foods Exercise

    16. What do you like? Write about different characteristics you like about yourself.

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