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Surviving In The TAIGA. By Michael Nejaime & Bailee Nardi.
Surviving In The TAIGA By Michael Nejaime & Bailee Nardi
Whrrrrr! Went the helicopter’s blades as it propelled us through the dense and snow-covered biome. Bailee, Caitlyn, and myself had to survive in the Taiga biome for as long as we could. When we looked out the window, we saw evergreens all over the place. It was the only kind of tree I could see within eyesight. Then, the helicopter driver exclaimed that we had to jump… out the window!!! I WENT CRAZY, and accidentally, feel off, also pulling my parachute. When we landed, a camouflaged car drove us 100 miles from a base. All the trees going by so fast looked like a blur of green. I knew what we would do,..but I was still worried. When we reached the 100 mile point, a man dressed in dark clothes let us out with our Swiss Army Knife, and First Aid Kit. When we got out, we decided to build our campsite. We started with the fire. I figured we could rub two stones together for at least an hour to get a spark. I looked around and grabbed a melting sheet of clear ice. Bailee asked me what I was going to do with the ice. I answered her by telling her that it would help us redirect the sunlight on the timber. After we had a beautiful fire going, we started working on our shelter. Our goal was to build a moss and fern covered shelter that would protect us from strong winds and precipitation. We all trimmed a big, dead fallen tree trunk from the needles and sticks. We all lifted the fallen tree trunk up and over an evergreen tree limb. Then we grabbed smaller sticks and made them lean on the big branch. After all the sticks were in place, we grabbed some moss, ferns, and grass and placed it on top. We left a hole for the entrance. After we were all set, we sat around the fire to stay warm. 1st Entry From Michael’s Journal
1st Entry from Bailee’s Journal We were in the helicopter. I looked out the window, and saw a bunch of fir trees and pine. Before we knew it, the helicopter pilot told us it was time to depart. I was so afraid. He thinks he can just ask me to jump out of a helicopter? I don’t think so!! All of a sudden my stomach was in a big knot. I was so scared I couldn’t even talk. But before I knew it, Caitlyn grabbed my hand, I closed my eyes, and together, we jumped out of the helicopter with our parachutes. Michael followed close behind. It seemed like we landed in a manner of seconds. The whole parachuting experience wasn’t so bad after all. When we landed, my heart was pounding. The first thing I noticed as Michael disconnected my parachute was the tall Ever Greens standing strong against the hollow wind. It was the pine needles that made it hollow. As we looked around it was approaching dusk. And we decided to quickly look for a place to camp.
2nd Entry From Michael’s Journal When we woke up, I really needed a bathroom break. I went far away to a lake and walked around the perimeter so I wouldn't get lost. Then I dug a hole. When I was done, I covered it up with dirt and went back to my friends. Caitlyn suggested that we look for something to eat. When we went on our expedition, we decided to mark our path with different stick formations like an “x” or an arrow. And so the hunt for food began. We agreed to make an eye poking stick in case we got attacked by some wild animal. Since I was the only boy, I had to be the “taster”. I wasn’t worried about tasting. I had done a lot of research. But after I tasted the evergreen pine needles, I wasn’t so sure. After a lot of tasting and gathering, it was time to head back to camp. By that time, we had a couple earthworms,-which I had found tasty-and 5 rabbits. We caught them with my handy Swiss army knife. I opened the blade and tried to throw it at them. It was hard!!! I missed several times until I was finally successful. I told the girls that we should always have more than we need, just in case. As it got closer to dark, we had our meal. The rabbits tasted like a weird kind of chicken and the earthworms tasted like slimy fish. When night rolled in, we set pine needles on the floor of our “tent” and I slept the moment my head hit the pine needles.
3rd Entry from Bailee’s Journal We all woke up at the same time this morning. I was rather sleepy because Michael kept me up with his snoring, which he denied. After our energy sleep, we were back up and running. I was ready to hunt, but Caitlyn suggested to have fruit instead of meat. So Caitlyn, Michael, and I went out in search of cherries, which are commonly found in the Taiga. We walked for quite a while. On our way we saw a burrow. Caitlyn & I thought that maybe there might be snowshoe rabbits living inside. Unfortunately, it was empty so we just kept moving on. Finally ,we found several bushes of cherries and a few plum ---trees. I went over to the plum trees, and started climbing the trunk of the tree while Michael and Caitlyn collected cherries. When I reached the lowest limb, I pulled a small branch off that had plums growing on it. While I reached for the plums, I noticed some blue in the distance. I squinted my eyes really hard and discovered it was water that I was seeing. I yelled like a sailor in search of land. I slid down the tree trunk and told Michael and Caitlyn in which direction the water was located. When we were done collecting cherries, we ran over to the water with our pockets full of berries. We decided that it must be one of the great lakes., Lake Superior. We all bent down and started slurping up the water. We were so excited it seemed like we have never tasted water in our life!
3rd Entry From Michael’s Journal I awoke to a low growl. I was scared, because I knew it was the sound of a Black bear. We had to work FAST. The growl was coming closer. I grabbed my eye poking stick, hoping it would pass by and I wouldn’t have to use it. Unfortunately,I knew that the bear had a great sense of smell. A Black Bear can smell a mouse a mile away. I ran out saying COME HERE BEAR! I ran back into the tent panting with fear as the bear acted quickly. When I ran back in the tent, I was avoiding a bear rampage ! The bear streaming past had small eyes, rounded ears, a long snout, a large body, and a short tail. I suddenly remembered that noise keeps bears away. I told Bailee and Caitlyn to make as much noise as they could. The bear, suddenly got afraid, turned around, and trampled away to its cozy den, leaving us tired and weary. What as relief!
4th Entry from Michael’s Journal Before we ate the rabbit, I had to take out the insides, unpleasant parts, etc. so we could eat the meat lacking the dreadful parts. First, I exposed my blade, and broke the forearm bones, with a quick jerk, taking the paws off in the process and cut the skin around the break in a ring. I cut the head off in the same way. I cut a line down from the head to his rear. I was careful not to cut the abdominal cavity-all the insides would spoil the meat. I pulled back the skin to the hip and shoulders, yanking the fur off the legs like sleeves. I took hold of the fur at the neck and pulled downward. I held the carcass upside-down, took a pinch of loose skin near the rear legs and cut a line across it. As I turned it right-side up, all the insides fell out. I cut a partition between the stomach area, and the chest, and took out the heart, liver, and other bits and bobs. I cut out the testicles, then roasted the leftover meat on the fire.
4th Entry from Bailee’s and Michael’s Journal EXCERPT FROM BAILEE’S JOURNAL We were alright . We could get enough food and water. We lived off Snowshoe rabbit’s, plums, cherries, and water. We were ready to stay for a couple more days. Although we don’t know when they would pick us up. We were sitting on the ground just resting under a fir tree for a while because our legs hurt from a lot of walking the past couple of days. When all of a sudden, we heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance. We didn’t know if it was one for sure because the wind was making a rustling sound by blowing against the pine needles and leaves of the fir trees. Then we saw a red figure flying in the air. When it got closer we saw it was Mrs. Dudek coming to rescue us. We were so excited we cried tears of Joy-even Michael [only a little bit.] We moved out of the way so it could land. We were tired and lonely, But we were finally rescued! Mrs. Dudek gave us clean clothes and fresh water! Finally, we all hopped into the helicopter, and flew away. We left all of our adventures' behind us! EXER PT FROM MICHAEL’S JOURNAL I was feeling so awesome! We had finally completed our tiresome and difficult mission! I was overjoyed!
Taiga poem: by Michael Plants Trees grow everywhere Green plants growing in the ground They grow really fast
Bailee’s Taiga poem Taiga Trees and Mountains. Wind rushes against Fir trees. Every animal feels home sweet home. Forest