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WARMF Watershed Model

WARMF Watershed Model Carl W. Chen and Joel W. Herr Systech Engineering, Inc. carl@systechengineering.com joel@systechengineering.com Presented at CWEMF Watershed and Urban Hydrology Modeling Workshop June 22, 2007 Sacramento, CA DSS for Watershed Approach and TMDL Calculations

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WARMF Watershed Model

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  1. WARMF Watershed Model Carl W. Chen and Joel W. Herr Systech Engineering, Inc. carl@systechengineering.com joel@systechengineering.com Presented at CWEMF Watershed and Urban Hydrology Modeling Workshop June 22, 2007 Sacramento, CA Systech Engineering, Inc

  2. DSS for Watershed Approach and TMDL Calculations Systech Engineering, Inc

  3. Function of Modules • Engineering Module – perform scientific calculations • Consensus Module – supply scientific information to stakeholders for alternative evaluations • Data Module – update data & supply data to model • Knowledge Module – store reports, pertinent information, spreadsheets Systech Engineering, Inc

  4. Theory of WARMF • CSTR = divide a basin into canopy, land surface, soil layers, stream segments, and lake layers • Hydrologic network= link thousands of CSTRalong flow paths • Mass-heat balance equation for each CSTR = Advection + Diffusion + Sink + Source • Sink & Source = kinetic expressions of processes • Solve mass-heat balance equations for each CSTR with hourly or daily time step • Inputs change daily or hourly by meteorology and point sources • Simulate nonpoint source loads Systech Engineering, Inc

  5. Simulated Watershed Processes Subsurface Processes Mineral Weathering AMD Septic Systems Organic Matter Decay Nitrification Cation Exchange Plant Uptake Systech Engineering, Inc Schematic of Watershed Processes

  6. Simulate Hydrologic & Water Quality Effects of • Climate Change • Point Source Discharges • Air Pollution (Hg, SO4, NH4, NO3, etc) • Reservoir Operations, Soil Erosion, Septic System, Urbanization, Land Use Change • Water Diversions • Irrigations • Land Application (fertilizer, pesticide) • Best Management Practices Systech Engineering, Inc

  7. Air Deposition Evasion C1 C2 C3 . . Cn TDS BOD DO PO4 NO3 . . Algae Qi Qo Laboratory Beaker Idealized Model Compartment CSTR Analog Systech Engineering, Inc

  8. Quicken Analogy Modified from Jim Bowen, UNCC Bank Account Balancing Program ≈ Watershed Model Systech Engineering, Inc

  9. Summary of Watershed Model Meteorological Conditions Air Quality • Managed Flow • Diversions • Reservoir Releases • Watershed Characteristics • Land use • Fertilizer • Catchment areas/slope • Soil layer characteristics • Septic systems Point Sources • Watershed Model • Adjustable parameters: • Precipitation weighting, temperature lapse • Initial conditions • Reaction rates • BMPs • Bank stability / vegetation factors • Model Output • Stream flow • Water quality (nutrients, DO, Chl-a, TSS) • Loading COMPARISON • Measured Data • Hydrologic Conditions • Water Quality Systech Engineering, Inc

  10. Data Requirements of WARMF • Topographic data (DEM) to delineate a watershed into catchments, rivers, lakes • Site specific data • Land Use • Meteorology • Air Quality / Rain Chemistry • Point Sources • Managed Flow (diversions & releases) • Observed Flow and Water Quality Data Systech Engineering, Inc

  11. Model Outputs • Time series of state variables, i.e. pollutant concentrations of each CSTR • GIS maps with bar charts for pollution loads from various sub regions • Color coded GIS maps showing areas meeting or violating criteria • Annual fluxes between compartments Systech Engineering, Inc

  12. Peer Review • Solicited by USEPA and Followed EPA Guidelines • Peer Reviews • General Purpose Use and TMDLs: August 2000 • Acid Mine Drainage: July 2001 • Onsite Wastewater (Septic) Systems: May 2003 • Mercury Transport: March 2004 • Reviewers included Local / National Experts • EPA regional and headquarters • State WQ agencies • Research institutes and universities • Electric utilities and stakeholders • WARMF modified to incorporate reviewer recommendations Systech Engineering, Inc

  13. Live Demonstration • On screen review and edit of data • Help menu • Data module and data update • Road map for TMDL module • Road map for Consensus module • Bar chart for pollution source • GIS map for water quality Systech Engineering, Inc

  14. Setting up WARMF for New Applications • Import topographic data (DEM) and delineate the watershed • Populate WARMF with data • Land Use • Meteorology • Air Quality • Point Sources • Managed Flow (diversions & releases) • Observed Flow and Water Quality Data Systech Engineering, Inc

  15. WARMF Support • Complete Technical Documentation, User’s Manual, context-sensitive help • WARMF User’s Group • Professional help availableLevel of service depends on need • Set up map and projection • & import data • & hydrologic calibration • & water quality calibration • Scenarios, reports, stakeholders Systech Engineering, Inc

  16. WARMF Applications Mica Creek, ID St. Louis River, MN Hockanum River, CT NapaRiver, CA Chartiers Creek, PA Truckee River, CA/NV Turtle Creek, IN Blue River, CO Cheat River, WV Mokelumne River, CA Holston River, TN, VA San Joaquin River, CA San Juan River, NM Catawba River, NC/SC Santa Clara River, CA Oostanaula Creek, TN Santa Margarita River, CA International: Kyungan River, Korea Techi Reservoir, Taiwan Systech Engineering, Inc

  17. For Hydrologic Analysis • San Juan River, CO/NM • Water shortage sharing alternatives • Impact of climate change on water shortage • (Confidential Client) • Water availability for industrial development • Impact of climate change on water availability Systech Engineering, Inc

  18. For Watershed Stewardship • Catawba River, NC/SC • Sponsored by a major stakeholder • Used for hydro relicensing, sediment BMPs, nutrient TMDLs for reservoirs • Mokelumne River, CA • Funded by state grant to local watershed authority • Watershed management plan for source water protection • Mica Creek, ID • Effects of forestry practices on water quality • Model comparison of WARMF and HSPF Systech Engineering, Inc

  19. For Water Quality Issues • Turtle Creek Reservoir, IN • Power plant cooling water reservoir with deteriorating water quality (hardness) • Sediment filling up the reservoir • Determine their causes and potential solutions • Oostanaula Creek, TN • Impaired for coliform and sediment • Truckee River, CA/NV • Periphyton causes large DO fluctuations • Buy water right from farmers to reduce nonpoint nitrogen load & periphyton growth Systech Engineering, Inc

  20. For TMDL Analyses • Truckee River, CA/NV • Trade point and nonpoint load of nitrogen for TMDL • Santa Clara River, CA • TMDLs of NH4, NO3 • Catawba River, NC/SC • TMDLs of coliform, Cu, phosphorus • Cheat River, WV • TMDLs of Fe, Mn, Al, Zn (acid mine drainage) • San Joaquin River, CA • Effect of nutrient loads from upstream farms on dissolved oxygen of downstream estuary Systech Engineering, Inc

  21. For Stormwater Discharge Permit • City of Duluth, MN • Urban trout streams receiving stormwater discharges • Calibrate WARMF to current land use and data • Simulate flow and water quality for 1988 land use • Simulate flow and water quality for 2020 land use • Determine changes in flow and pollution loads • Calculate effects of detention ponds and other BMPs • Prepare non-degradation report for MS4 permit Systech Engineering, Inc

  22. For Cutting Edge Research • Blue River, CO • Simulate biozone processes occurring in septic systems leaching field • Evaluate benefits of onsite wastewater treatment systems vs centralized sewers • St. Louis River, MN • Track mercury from atmosphere to fish • Model bioaccumulation through food web • Calculate mercury TMDL of drainage lakes Systech Engineering, Inc

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