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Overview installation of Polarized Target . 0.- Hydrogen Target Length 1 .- Polarized target tests 2.- Rail System for ‘Frozen Spin’ mode 3.- CB Frame / Electronics 4.- Schedule. 14 th Crystal Ball Meeting Edinburgh September 13.-15. 2009 Andreas Thomas.
OverviewinstallationofPolarized Target 0.- Hydrogen Target Length 1.- Polarized target tests 2.- Rail System for ‘Frozen Spin’ mode 3.- CB Frame / Electronics 4.- Schedule 14thCrystal Ball Meeting Edinburgh September 13.-15. 2009 Andreas Thomas
Note: Hydrogen Target Length New Xraypictureof 30mm cellat 9.9.09 [R.Kondratiev, O.Kostikov, A.Thomas] • Results: • 3 cm cell 30.2 +- 0.3 mm h - Bump • 5 cm cell 47.2 +- 0.5 mm standard • 10 cm cell 100.0 +- 1.0 mm High luminosity
Components of the polarized target for the Crystal Ball detector He3/He4 Roots 4000m3/h Vacuum system Targetmaterial H-Butanol D-Butanol Mikrowaves 70GHz Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Superconducting Polarization magnet 5Tesla NMR-Apparatus 106MHz Polarisation meas. Horizontal He3/He4 Dilutionrefrigerator (20mKelvin) with internal Holding coil
· Current leads (46A): Copper T=300K 70 K HTc Supracond. T= 70K 4 K NbTi 200mm T= 4K 1.5K Internal Holding coil 1.3Kelvin ??? Tesla at 46A L=136mm, d=48mm, 4 layers Support Copper-tube d=0.3mm
Polarizing magnet He4(liq)
Calibrationofthe Holding coilfield B0=2.5Tesla F= 106MHz Observeshiftof NMR-Signal depending on holdingcoilcurrent
B0=2.5Tesla F= 106MHz 46A ~ 0.895Tesla
Internal transverse Holding coil Coiltestedat 4.2K Henry Ortega StartedPhD in Mainz Different layersare usedto optimizethe homogeniety.
Simulation • “Racetrack” coil: magnetic field highly non-uniform and not appropriate for a cylinder. • “Saddle” coil: winding must fit to the so-called overlapping ellipse or “cosine” shape of current distribution (Wilson 2002 & Ašner 1999). Ideal case for dipole magnet:
4-layer dipole: N1=N2=138 N3=N4=78 150mm
High Field Solenoid or Transverse Field
The degreeofpolarizationPTofthetargetprotons (runin May ´98) : Measurement ofthedegree ofprotonpolarization with online NMR during GDH datataking New NMR [N.Frömmgen]
Crystal Ball Polarizing magnet Polarizing magnet Cryostat Microwaves Microwaves + NMR Rail system needed Polarization method • External magnet 2.5 T • Polarize with microwaves • Internal holding coil 0.7 T • Remove external magnet • Move CB detector in. • Data taking. • Repolarization
Rail system to Move the CBall, TAPS and Magnet ACAD rails J.Rosche Chassis J.Ahrens Electronics A.Starostin P.Pedroni Move magnet transverse A.Thomas
Railsarebeeingaligned andfixed: R.Kondratiev O.Kostikov
Heavy loadcars will bemounted byJ.Ahrensnextweek
Electronics hastobemounted partially on CB frame: A.Starostin A.Lapik M. Korolija
Schedule 1.- Polarized Target - tests in dilution mode reproduced successfully - transverse coil tested at 4K - DNP measured - ColleaguesfromDubna in Mainz Nov.-Dec. 2.- Rail system for CBall - Cables dismounted, Railsbeeingalignednow - First moveof CB nextweek - DAPHNE in storage hall, TOF detectors? - Installation ofpartofelectronics in CB-Frame? 3.- Installation of PT in CBall - Start in October - Test beam in Decemberforintensitydependentrelaxation time etc. - Transverse or Longitudinal coil.