This will be a two-year programme to secure key efficiencies in social care, primarily around high cost placements, by developing arrangements that enable more children and adults with additional (often complex) needs to live at or near home, reducing the use of both local and out-of-county residential educational and adult social care placements. It is recognised that the current pattern of family support and specialist placements/services is not financially sustainable and does not always lead to a high likelihood of independent supported adult living or social inclusion. Similarly, a number of recent initiatives around ‘complex’ individuals and families and person-centred approaches are yielding significant returns on investment that are ripe for application across wider service areas.
To identify the most appropriate 3 or 4 (max) high impact project actions to which we might commit the project’s resources and then implement over the next 2 years To provide some initial suggestions about project plans for these (Bonus) To make contact with a range of interesting projects and people
Each of the nine local areas has been invited to nominate four champions for this project. They should be senior leaders who can contribute to the development of the project but should also be of a sufficiently senior position to connect the project with local actions and policies to maximise its impact. “We want the champions to connect together locally to add value to the regional work, so we get more local join up and impact as well as regional. I don't want people to just see this as a regional project … it is also about more integrated commissioning locally” Mick Connell, DASS Project Sponsor
Awareness of future policy direction A radically different system that: The Green Paper proposes: a new approach to identifying SEN supportsbetter life outcomes for young people a single assessment process and ‘Education, Health and Care Plan’ a local offer of all services available gives parents more confidence by giving them control parents to have the option of a personal budget by 2014 giving parents a real choice of school transfers power to front-line professionals and to local communities greater independence to the assessment of children's needs
As you participate in the world café session and discussions about project possibilities, please ask if the following ‘test conditions’ are met