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Ope n Min d ed. Bal a nc ed. - Unit T i t le -. I nqui r e r s. C a ring. - G l o b al C o n te x t -. K e y Co ncept. Re l at e d C o ncep t( s). - S t a t em e n t of I n q u iry -. - Inq u iry Que s t i ons - F actual: C onceptual: Debat a b l e: - Ap p roac h es to L ear nin g -.
Open Minded Balanced -UnitTitle- Inquirers Caring -GlobalContext- KeyConcept RelatedConcept(s) -StatementofInquiry- -InquiryQuestions- Factual: Conceptual: Debatable: -Approachesto Learning- Knowledgeable Communicators OrganizationAffectiveReflection InformationLiteracyMediaLiteracy CommunicationCollaboration CriticalThinkingTransfer CreativityandInnovation Reflective RiskTakers -SummativeTask - A B D C Thinkers Principled