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For Ms. Barlow’s and Mrs. Crum’s HR and Physical Science Classes. Routines, Rituals and Rules. A procedure is a step by step guide used in the classroom. Procedures make our lives easier, and prevent confusion.
For Ms. Barlow’s and Mrs. Crum’s HR and Physical Science Classes Routines, Rituals and Rules
A procedure is a step by step guide used in the classroom. Procedures make our lives easier, and prevent confusion. When we follow procedures in the classroom, we have order, and students know what to expect. A routine is an established way of completing a task, the same way every time. Everyone has routines. If a classroom environment is one of established routines then it will be orderly, and learning can take place. You will be following several procedures in this class. We will spend the first few days of school going over these procedures.
Why We Have Rules • To allow each student the opportunity to learn • To prevent the disruption of learning • Too create a safe place to learn
Homeroom • After you are dismissed from the cafeteria, report to HR in a timely fashion. • Once you enter HR, please sign in. Make sure you sign in by your name. • Go quietly to your assigned seat. • There will be some time before the announcements begin. Use this time to read, complete homework or study.
A tardy bell will ring before the announcements, or I may quiet the class. All talking must stop before the announcements, so that when they begin, the room is completely silent. • There is no talking during the announcements. Stop what you are doing. • Listen to the announcements. Pay attention to them.
During homeroom period, attendance will be taken, and take care of any other necessary items, such as distribution of handouts, and any other important announcements. • You may ask any questions that you may have, either before or after the announcements. • Homeroom will end shortly after the announcements.
How To Enter The Classroom • If there is another class dismissing, wait until they have left the room before entering. • Enter the classroom silently – One of us will usually be standing in the doorway greeting you as they enter. • Sign in and immediately go to your assigned seat, sit down, and organize your materials for this class. You may sharpen your pencil within the first 2–3 minutes of class. One person at a time. • Complete the Warm-Up Assignment silently and independently.
X • Complete the Warm-Up Assignment silently and independently. • Keep you feet on the floor and keep all the chair legs on the floor. • Food and carbonated drinks are not allowed in the classroom. • Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed out. Please refrain from having ear plugs/buds out as well.
Supplies Needed For This Class • You need to bring the following supplies to this class with you everyday: • Pencils/pen, markers, erasers • Spiral notebook. • 2 Pocket folder with fasteners for handouts, worksheets, etc.
Getting Our Attention • When you need our help, or have to ask us a question, you must get our attention in a way that does not disturb the lesson or activity that is in progress. • To get our attention, raise your hand, and wait silently for us to call on you. Look at his smile
Sharpening Your Pencil • Only If Necessary: • You may sharpen no more than two pencils during the first 2-3 minutes of class. • One person at a time at the pencil sharpener. • Immediately, silently, return to your desk. • Complete the Warm-Up Assignment silently and independently.
OR • You may sharpen no more than two pencils at your desk, using your covered pencil sharpener, during the first 2-3 minutes of class. • Clean up any pencil shavings that may have fallen in or around your work area. • Complete the Warm-Up Assignment independently. • Put your pencil sharpener up for the rest of the class period
When you need to use the restroom, fill out your planner, show it in a non-disruptive way, we will sign your pass to the restroom. • Only one person at a time may use the restroom. • You will have 2 minutes to use the restroom. When you return to the class, do so quietly, and return immediately to your work.
If you are out of class beyond the time limit without a valid reason this will be treated as skipping the class and will be handled as such. • Passes will not be signed for the first 15 minutes of class and the last 15 minutes of class
Quieting The Class • When it is time to quiet the class, I will use a phrase and a hand signal. • For the hand signal, I will display an open palm to the class, as shown on the next slide. • Each digit represents a step that you will follow to get silent. There are 5 Steps
It takes 5 seconds to follow these steps. We will also say the phrase “Give Me 5.” When you hear this phrase, immediately follow the 5 Steps for getting quiet.
Turning in Papers • We will pick one person per row to pick up papers. Each table will pass their papers to your right. • The paper picker upper will gather papers and stand at the back of the room. • The person to the right will pass all the papers to the person in the middle who will hand all papers to the person in the last row.
The person in the last row will take all the papers and place in the class folder. • This procedure should be completed quickly and quietly. • Lets model this!
Personal Space • Keep your hands and feet to yourself. • Respect other people’s belongings. • Grooming is prohibited in class. This includes no spraying of any fragrances. Why? Some people have allergies to fragrances.
How To Make Up Missed Assignment(s) and or Test(s) • You must make up any missed assignments due to an excused absence (excused absence per Cobb County Policy). • Upon your return from an excused absence, check the “Make Up Work” file folder for your class or check our blog.
IN-SCHOOL-SUSPENSION (ISS) AND OR OUT-OF-SCHOOL-SUSPENSION – DOES NOT EXEMPT YOU FROM COMPLETING CLASS ASSIGNMENT(S) AND HOMEWORK. It is your responsibility to make up missed assignments and homework. • Complete the make-up work by the due date given. • Place your completed make-up work in the “Make-Up Work” file folder for your class, by the due date given.
Throwing Out Trash • Throw trash away at the end of class.
Ending the Class/Leaving the Room • Closing activities to end the class will begin approximately 5-10 minutes before the end of class. • When you have completed your closing activity, make sure you have your homework assignment written in your agenda. • Tidy up your area making sure there is nothing on the floors and trash is ready to be thrown away when you exit the room.
The teacher will give the class some kind of signal, or say a few words to indicate that you may leave. You will then QUIETLY get up, push your chair underneath the table and walk out of the classroom by row or section as instructed. • Throw away any trash as you exit the room.
Walk in the aisles ONLY. Do NOT squeeze or push past your classmates, or squeeze behind someone’s chair. • Leave the classroom in an orderly and calm manner, walking single-file out the door. • REMEMBER, THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU – THE TEACHER DISMISSES THE CLASS!!! • Let’s practice!
Dismissal For The Last Class Of The Day • The announcements will come on at the end of the period. Listen to them SILENTLY. • Remain in your seat until you are called to your bus. • Place your chair on top of the table. • Exit the room quietly and calmly. The buses will not leave you.
Teacher-Teacher Conversation or Student-Teacher Conversation • When I am talking to another person, whether they are a student, or another adult, continue with your work and without interrupting us. • Exclude yourself from the conversation. In other words – Please Mind Your Own Business!!! • If I need your input, or information from you, I will let you know.
How To Behave When Someone Enters The Room/Calls The Teacher On The Intercom • Continue with your work if someone enters the room. • When there is a call on the intercom, please remain silent.
Lunch • We will let you know when it is time to line up for lunch. • When we tell you it is time for lunch, line up in a single file line and remember, no touching. • Walk quietly down the hallway. • Go to your assigned lunch line. • Always say thank you to the lunch ladies! • One person will be assigned to clean the table when we leave. Cleaning the table should only take 2-4 minutes. Please get back to class quickly.
Remember – there are always eyes watching you and teachers tell us when you are socializing in the cafeteria!
Respect includes, but is not limited to, • No name calling – even as a joke • No teasing – even as a joke • Listening when people talk without interrupting • Waiting your turn to speak or get supplies
Avoiding sarcasm • Never saying “shut up” • Practicing PAWS • Absolutely no bullying – ever! • Compliment / congratulate others! • Maintain eye contact when talking or listening to someone. • Respect others’ comments, opinions, and ideas. • Always say thank you
When homework is assigned do not moan or complain. • Do not ask for a reward. • Greet visitors and make them feel welcomed. • Mind your own business if a student is being reprimanded. • When assigned to work with a partner do not moan or complain.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY Dishonesty includes: • Cheating on tests (looking at another students’ test, using notes or the book without permission, etc..) • Copying and pasting from the internet • Telling other students what is on a quiz or test
Copying another persons’ work. This includes homework assignments.
If Academic Dishonesty Occurs • You will earn a zero for that assignment. • No discussion.
Computer Use • No settings (screensavers, desktop, cursor) may be changed on the computers. • Use only web sites you are instructed to use. In other words, you may not surf the web.
Put the laptops into the cart sideways and plug in the cord. • Do not let the cord get tangled with other cords.
FINISHING EARLY PROCEDURE Use this time efficiently and wisely a. Check your science notes b. Organize your binder c. Study your notes, background information, vocabulary d. Read the science textbook 2. Don’t waste the time socializing with people around you; you will distract those who need the time to finish their work
SUBSTITUTE PROCEDURE • When a substitute will be in the room, you will receive a student instruction sheet. This sheet will have the day’s assignments and any other needed instructions written on it. • Follow the instruction sheet exactly; the instruction sheet serves as the teacher’s instruction when she is not there. • Substitute teachers are to be treated respectfully and politely.
GROUP WORK PROCEDURES • Some of our work is group work • QUIET talking is allowed during group work. • If materials or supplies are needed during group work, someone will be assigned to get the supplies. Only one person from each group is allowed out of their seats at a time.
Do your fair share of the work • Collaborate with your group. That means sharing, learning, participating and helping EVERYONE in the group • Practice Active Listening
FIRE DRILL PROCEDURE • Tornado Drill Procedure • Code Red Procedure