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CLEO-c and CKM Physics

CLEO-c and CKM Physics. Karl M. Ecklund Cornell University WIN 2003 October 7, 2003. CLEO-c and CESR-c. What’s with the “-c”? CLEO detector Symmetric e + e - collider  s=10.6 GeV Add wigglers to improve damping and run at  s=3-6 GeV Access to charm threshold region

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CLEO-c and CKM Physics

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  1. CLEO-c and CKM Physics Karl M. Ecklund Cornell University WIN 2003 October 7, 2003 CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  2. CLEO-c and CESR-c What’s with the “-c”? • CLEO detector • Symmetric e+e- collider s=10.6 GeV • Add wigglers to improve damping and run at s=3-6 GeV • Access to charm threshold region • Approved by National Science Board Feb 2003 • First Physics Run starts October 24, 2003 • 3+ year program CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  3. Context for CLEO-c Flavor physics: • Overconstrain VCKM • Inconsistency  new physics • Interpretation limited by strong interaction effects • Measurements in Charm decays can validate QCD corrections needed to extract Weak physics from observables • Sin 2b is clean • |Vub| is not • B mixing is not • Hadronic uncertainties confound the • extraction of weak physics • Non-perturbative QCD • Perturbative QCD (on better ground) CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  4. 1.2% ~15% (LQCD) UT Constraint from B mixing • Lattice QCD predicts decay constants fD(s)/fB(s) • If precise measurements of fD and fDs exist, then our confidence in non-perturbative QCD calculations needed to make constraints on the UT is increased. • Even better if Bs mixing is observed! CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  5. UT Constraint from |Vub| |Vub| from Bpln: • Absolute rate and shape is a stringent test of theory • Heavy quark symmetry relates Dpln to Bpln • A precise measurement of Dpln can calibrate LQCD and allow a precise extraction of |Vub| from Bpln • Form factor f(q2): • Not well known • Limits |Vub| precision • Predicted by LQCD CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  6. Vub/Vub 17% Vud/Vud 0.1% Vus/Vus =1% l l e B n n K n n p p  Vcs/Vcs =11% Vcb/Vcb 5% Vcd/Vcd 7% l D n l K B n l D D n p Vtb/Vtb 29% Vtd/Vtd =36% Vts/Vts 39% W Bd Bd t Bs Bs b Status of CKM Matrix Current VCKM From direct Measurements -no unitarity imposed CLEO-c will redefine 2nd generation elements And enable improvements in 3rd generation CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  7. CESR-c 6/12 Wigglers Installed Spring’03 6 more March-May’04 E=1.5-3 GeV CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  8. CESR-c One day scan of y’: CESR: L((4S)) = 1.3.1033 cm-2 s-1 yJ/y  J/y  s(nb) CESR-c Design Luminosity: L ~ 1.1030 (~BES) 1 wiggler Ebeam Machine performance:D Ebeam ~ 1.6 MeV at y’ (6 wigglers) CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  9. CLEO-c Detector State of Art Detector: • Drift Chamber Tracking (1 Tesla) • RICH Particle ID • Crystal EM Calorimetry • 93% of solid angle • Only small changes from CLEO III • B field 1.5  1 T • Silicon  ZD CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  10. CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  11. New Inner Detector • Replaced Silicon Vertex Detector May 2003 • 6 stereo layers: • r=5.3 cm – 10.5 cm • 12-15o stereo angle • |cos q| < 0.93 • 300, 10 mm cells • 1% X0 inner Al tube .8mm • Helium-Propane (60:40) • 20 mm Au-W sense wires • 110 mm Au-Al field wires • Outer Al-Mylar skin • Continuous tracking volume • Low mass (sp is MS limited) • Nothing to vertex at charm threshold! CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  12. CLEO III • Y(4S) • Typical • Hadronic • Event • Average: • 10 tracks • 10 showers CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  13. CLEO-c • y(3770) • Typical • Hadronic • Event • Average: • 5 tracks • 5 showers Event Recorded September 29, 2003 CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  14. Charm Threshold Region • D+D-, D0D0 aty(3770) • Ds+Ds- at s=4140 MeV • Potential for Lc+Lc- • Will also run on J/y and possibly y’ CESR-c Energies DD cross section at y(3770) ~5 nb (Mark III) DsDs cross section ~0.5 nb CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  15. CLEO-c Run Plan Phase I:y(3770) – 3 fb-1 (y(3770) DD) 30 million DD events, 6 million tagged D decays (310 times MARK III) Phase II:s=4140 MeV – 3 fb-1 1.5 million DsDs events, 0.3 million tagged Ds decays (480 times MARK III, 130 times BES) Phase III:y(3100) – 1 fb-1 1 Billion J/y decays (170 times MARK III, 20 times BES II) Now:Dec’02 5 pb-1 at y(3770) Oct’03-Jan’04 50 pb-1 on y(3770) CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  16. Tagging Technique – Tag Purity • y(3770)  D D s ~4140  Ds Ds • Charm mesons have many large branching ratios (~1 - 15%) • High reconstruction efficiency •  High net tagging efficiency ~20% • Anticipate 6M D tags and 0.3M Ds tags D  Kp tag: S/B ~ 5000/1 Ds fp (f  KK) tag:S/B ~ 100/1 Log Scale! Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Log Scale! CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  17. Absolute Charm Branching Ratios Double tag technique: Almost zero background in hadronic tag modes Measure absolute B(D  X) with double tags B = D- tag D+  K-p+p+ Monte Carlo # of X # of D tags CLEO-c: potential to set absolute scale for heavy quark measurements 50 pb-1 ~1,000 events  x2 improvement (stat) on D+ K-p+ p+ PDG dB/B CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  18. |fD|2 |VCKM|2 l n fDs from Absolute B(Ds m+n) • Measure absolute • B(Ds mn) • Fully reconstruct • one D (tag) • Require one • additional charged • track and no • additional photons Monte Carlo • Compute MM2 • Peaks at zero for • Ds+ m+ n decay • Expect resolution • of ~O(Mpo) DS tag DS mn Vcs (Vcd) known from unitarity to 0.1% (1.1%) CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  19. Semileptonic Decays: |VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 CLEO-c Monte Carlo D0pln Tagged Events & Low Bkg D0 pln dG/dpp Monte Carlo D0 Kln pp Lattice QCD Emiss - Pmiss D0 pln • Measurement of complete set of charm P  P ln & P  V ln absolute form factor magnitudes and slopes to a few %: • almost no background • one experiment dG/dpp Stringent test of theory! pp CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  20. CLEO-c Impact on Semileptonic dB/B 1: D0 K- e+n 2: D0 K*- e+n 3: D0 p- e+n 4: D0 r- e+n 5: D+ K0 e+n 6: D+ K*0 e+n 7: D+ p0 e+n 8: D+ r0 e+n 9: Ds K0 e+n 10: Ds K*0 e+n 11: Ds f e+n PDG CLEO-c CLEO-c will make significant improvements in precision for each absolute charm semileptonic branching ratio. CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  21. Determining |Vcs| and |Vcd| Combine semileptonic and leptonic decays – eliminating VCKM G(D+ p ln)/G(D+ ln) independent of |Vcd| Test rate predictions at ~4% level G(Ds f ln) /G(Ds ln) independent of |Vcs| Test rate predictions at ~4.5% level Test amplitudes at 2% level Stringent test of theory - If theory passes test … D0  K- e+ndVcs/Vcs = 1.6% (now: 11%) D0  p-e+ndVcd/Vcd = 1.7% (now: 7%) Use CLEO-c validated lattice to calculate B semileptonic form factor  B factories can use B r/p/h/ln for precise |Vub| determination. CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  22. Inclusive Semileptonic Decays • Significantly improved D X e spectrum possible using tagged D’s • Backgrounds in B X lnanalyses (bcl) • Test of HQET: D0, D+, Ds+ same to few % • Ds and D+ weak annihilation contribution – a concern for |Vub| from El endpoint • Inclusive spectra + HQET used for |Vcb| from bc ln DELCO y(3770)  DD  eX Also can measure BSL to get GSL - currently no measurement for Ds CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  23. Strong Phases in Hadronic D • Methods to measure g in B± D0K±; D0 f • Aided by measurements of strong phases in hadronic D decays: • Dmany Atwood & Soni PRD 68, 033003 • D0K*±K Rosner & Suprun PRD 68, 054010 • CLEO-c: advantage of quantum coherence: y(3770)  DD ; JP=1- ( ) ( ) Interference of K*+ & K*- bands CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  24. CLEO-c & Unitarity Triangle • Potential Impact • Top: current experimental and theoretical uncertainties • Bottom: current experiment with 2% theory uncertainties – perhaps possible with LQCD calibrated with CLEO-c data CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  25. Vub/Vub 17% Vud/Vud 0.1% Vus/Vus 1% 5% l l e B n n K n n p p  3% 2% 2% Vcd/Vcd 7% Vcs/Vcs 11% Vcb/Vcb 5% l D n l B n K l D Future VCKM D n p Vtd/Vtd 36% 5% 5% Vtb/Vtb 29% Vts/Vts 39% W Bd Bd t Bs Bs b Potential Impact on VCKM Current VCKM From direct Measurements -no unitarity imposed CLEO-c will redefine 2nd generation elements And enable improvements in 3rd generation CLEO-c and CKM Physics

  26. Summary • The CLEO detector is state of the art, understood at a precision level, and collecting data in the cc resonance region. • CLEO has a long history of weak decay and CKM physics interests that will carry over to the CLEO-c program • CKM physics • semileptonic D decays: spectra, form factors, |Vcs| & |Vcd| • Leptonic decays: fD fDs informing B mixing interpretation • Enabling measurements of Hadronic D decays • Strong Phases to inform g determinations in BDK • Measurement of absolute branching fractions CLEO-c and CKM Physics

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