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ILC-Americas Regional Efforts. G. Dugan ILC/GDE and Cornell University. International Linear Collider Industrial Forums Fermilab Sept. 21, 2005. GDE – Elements of the Near Term Plan. Baseline/alternate Configuration and Reference Design Report
ILC-Americas Regional Efforts G. Dugan ILC/GDE and Cornell University International Linear Collider Industrial Forums Fermilab Sept. 21, 2005 ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
GDE – Elements of the Near Term Plan • Baseline/alternate Configuration and Reference Design Report • Continue to define LC Configuration (Snowmass, Aug 05) • Baseline Configuration Document, together with alternatives, by end of 2005 • A structured electronic document, including links to reports, drawings, technical specs, parameter tables, etc. • A ‘printable / readable’ summary document (~100 pages) • Put Baseline under Configuration Control (Jan 06) • By end of 2006, develop 3 volumes -- 1) Reference Design Report; 2) Shorter glossy version for non-experts and policy makers ; 3) Detector Concept Report • Supporting R&D Program • Coordinate worldwide R & D efforts, in order to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc. (Proposal Driven to GDE) ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
ILC-Americas Regional Team ANL BNL Cornell LEPP Fermilab Jefferson Lab LBNL LLNL SLAC TRIUMPF Universities ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
R&D resource allocation in FY05 ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
ILC-Americas Lab R&D Program in FY05-06 • Main Linacs • 1.3 GHz SCRF cavity fabrication and processing: Fermilab, JLab, ANL, Cornell • High gradient cavity R&D: Cornell, Jlab, SLAC • ILC cryomodule design: Fermilab, Jlab, SLAC • RF power sources and controls- SLAC, LLNL, Fermilab • Machine design and simulation- SLAC, Fermilab, Cornell • Sources • Design and simulation- SLAC, LLNL, Cornell • Damping rings • Machine design and simulation- LBNL, Fermilab, SLAC, ANL, Cornell • Component prototyping- SLAC, LLNL, Cornell • Beam delivery systems • Design and simulation- SLAC, BNL, Fermilab • Component prototyping- BNL • Global Systems • Availability and machine protection- SLAC, Fermilab • Site development- Fermilab, SLAC ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
ILC-Americas University R&D Program • SCRF materials and surface preparation: Wisconsin, Northwestern, Old Dominion • RF power sources: Yale, MIT • Polarized electron source: Wisconsin • Polarized positron source: Tennessee, Princeton • Damping rings: Illinois, NCA&T • Instrumentation, diagnostics: UCLA, Berkeley, Vanderbilt • Mover systems: Colorado State • Radiation hard electronics: UC Davis • Ground motion: Northwestern ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main Linacs: Cavity fabrication and processing: Fermilab, Jlab, ANL, Cornell Enhance infrastructure at Fermilab/ANL for cavity treatment and testing; establish process for repeatable production of high-performance (35 MV/m, Q>1010) cavities; Acquire cavities from AES, ACCEL, KEK; utilize existing lab facilities to process cavities 4: ACCEL Cavity Fabrication FNAL & SMTF 4: AES 4: KEK Early 06: Joint FNAL/ANL BCP facility Processing Jlab/Cornell/ANL Cavity Processing FNAL & ANL Vertical Testing Cornell/Jlab Vertical Testing FNAL Spring 06: Horz. Test Facility Horizontal Testing Fermilab Cavity to String Assembly Achieve 35 MV/m by FY08 ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main Linacs: High-gradient R&D Cornell: Re-entrant 1.3 GHz cavity Single cell Nb cavity, 70 mm TESLA-like aperture: achieved 46 MV/m at Q = 1010. Hpk = 175.5 mT, Epk = 100 MV/m JLab: Single crystal 2.3 GHz LL cavity Single crystal BCP: surface rms 27 nm. Typical BCP: surface rms 1247 nm, EP: 251 nm Hpk=160.2 mT ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main linacs: RF power sources and controls • Development at SLAC, Fermilab and LLNL • Baseline modulators and klystrons, LLRF and controls developments at SMTF • Alternate modulator designs for reduced cost/improved reliability and performance: SNS-style, Marx generator, series-switched (DTI) • Coupler improvements beyond TTF-3 design • Evaluate RF distribution system options (alternatives to circulators) • L-band test facility at SLAC (ESB) (FY06/07) • Test modulators and klystrons • Provide rf power for NC accelerator structures and couplers ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main linacs: Cryomodule design • Cryomodule design: Fermilab, JLab • Develop 4th generation (ILC) cryomodule design, in collaboration with INFN, DESY, KEK ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main Linacs: Industrialization • Industrialization • In the longer term: develop and support start-up industrial production capability in the US; transfer cavity and cryomodule technology; pursue paths to large-scale industrialization and design for manufacturing. • In FY06, in support of the reference design and cost estimate: initiate industrial cost studies for cavities, cryomodules, RF systems, civil construction (subject to fiscal constraints). ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Electron and Positron Sources • Electron source: SLAC, Fermilab • Continuing photocathode development, begin laser and gun development • Positron source: SLAC, LLNL, Cornell • Studying target design for undulator, conventional, and Compton sources • Radiation damage • Thermal shock / beam damage • Engineering issues (high rotation speed, remote handling) • Capture and optics studies • Normal conducting capture structure design and fabrication • Complete E-166 polarized positron production (summer 2005) ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Damping rings • Development at LBNL, SLAC, Fermilab, ANL, Cornell • Damping ring design and simulation • Optics, tuning studies, collective effects • Wiggler design and optimization • SEY studies for electron cloud • Laboratory measurements at SLAC • Building three chambers for PEP-II installation to verify solutions • ATF at KEK • Instrumentation, Beam studies, ATF Kicker development, FONT/Feather ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Damping Ring Options 6 km ANL-Cornell-Fermilab ring Other designs from SLAC and LBNL TESLA: 17 km ring ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Main linacs- Beam Line Design and simulation • Bunch compressor design: SLAC, LBNL, Cornell • Multiple stage designs are being considered for reduced energy spread or reduced bunch length • Main linac emittance tuning: SLAC, Fermilab, Cornell • Evaluating emittance tuning procedures • Considering implications on linac design (Stronger or weaker lattice desired? BPM resolution? Laser-straight linac required? Tolerance to stray fields? Benefits from RF cavity “HOM BPMs”?) • Quadrupole alignment and vibration studies: SLAC • BPM, Laser wire, cavity diagnostics tests: SLAC, with TTF, ATF and LCLS ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Beam Delivery System • Optics design and layout (SLAC, Fermilab, UK groups) • Study variations of BDS with different crossing angles, collimation systems, L*, etc to understand tradeoffs • ATF-2 at KEK • Demonstration of new FFS using ATF beam • Proposal is being assembled – detailed contributions to be defined • Specialty magnets (SLAC, BNL) • SC final quadrupoles are being prototyped at BNL • End Station A Test Facility (SLAC, UK and University groups) • MDI instrumentation studies, collimator wakefield studies • Construct IR mock-up ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Global systems-availability and machine protection • Availability and downtime modeling- SLAC, with DESY • More to it than just MTBF and MTTR • Expanding a time-domain simulation written for USLCTOS • Currently studying impact of low-intensity conventional positron source in conjunction with undulator source • Machine protection - SLAC, with DESY • Just getting started. Current work: classifying scenarios which lead to single-pulse or single-train damage ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Global systems: Civil/Site development • Sample site development efforts focused on Illinois site(s) near Fermilab. • Fermilab and SLAC civil engineers are evaluating five sample sites using a site considerations matrix-common methodology for all regional sites • The current effort is not intended to select a potential site, but rather to understand from the beginning how the features of the sites will affect design, performance, and cost. • A single sample site will be selected as the Americas region candidate for inclusion in the 2006 Reference Design Report ILC-Americas Regional Efforts
Conclusion • ILC-Americas is getting organized and co-ordinated. • A robust program is being developed, in support of the GDE goals of a baseline (plus alternatives) configuration this year, and a reference design report and cost estimate by the end of 2006. • ILC-related R&D efforts in the Americas are growing. To optimally utilize the available resources, we need to fully co-ordinate the R&D efforts within the Americas and across the regions. ILC-Americas Regional Efforts