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Adult II Couples Class. Welcome. discoverjoy.com. If you could eliminate one thing you have to do every day, so that you never have to do it again, what would it be?. Adult II Couples Class. Question of the day. discoverjoy.com. Prayer Requests. Church Stuff. Class Events.
Adult II Couples Class Welcome discoverjoy.com
If you could eliminate one thing you have to do every day, so that you never have to do it again, what would it be? Adult II Couples Class Question of the day discoverjoy.com
Church Stuff Class Events Church Events • Benevolence Fund • R.E.A.P. (R Team) • Monthly Fellowships • February • March • April • Dinner Out Friday (27 Jan) • 5th Sunday Breakfast (29 April) • Quarterly Service Project • Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth • Brad and Kim Savage • Discipleship University • Men’s Discipleship Class • Women’s Discipleship Class • World Religions (Mormonism) • Easter Musical Rehearsals • Jennifer Groves’ diaper shower (3pm) • Wednesday Night Meal (29 Feb) • Widow’s Banquet (4 Mar) • Spring Revival (29 Apr – May 2)
If you could eliminate one thing you have to do every day, so that you never have to do it again, what would it be? Adult II Couples Class Question of the day discoverjoy.com
Chronological Bible Discipleship Iva May and Dr. Stan May week eight Leviticus 16
Review Creation Patriarchs Exodus
Review Creation: God reveals His goodness and mercy Patriarchs: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Exodus: • After several hundred years, God allowed His people to come to a place of desperation as slaves of Egypt so that they cried out to Him • God heard their cries and acted in His own time to deliver the Israelites, demonstrating His power and glory through the plagues He sent on the Egyptians • God watched over and cared for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness, and worked through events and the giving of the law to shape them into a nation that was holy to Himself.
The Day of Atonement reminds Israel of the necessity of a blood sacrifice as payment for sin, of God putting those sins away, and looks forward to the final atoning Sacrifice of Christ which would bring a ‘once for all’ atonement. Key Truth
The Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 The Exodus Era
Leviticus means ‘and He called’ Written through the hand of Moses (Matt 8:4) • Possibly as early as the first year of the Exodus (1446B.C.) Two groups within Israel are directly addressed • All the sons of Israel • The Levites and the priests Addresses 3 major areas of living a holy (set apart) life • Moral – ethical absolutes for maintaining a godly life • Sacrificial law – set forth the great lessons of salvation from sin, dedication to God, thanksgiving, fellowship with God • Legal – a system for the nation to handle criminal and civil claims Purpose of the Levitical directives • Separate Israel from the nations as holy unto the LORD • Reveal God’s holiness • Present the system of sacrifices required to approach God • Shape Israel as a nation through which all people would blessed Points to the necessity of a ‘once for all’ atonement for sin The Book of Leviticus
The Day of Atonement in the Old Testament Leviticus 16:11-22
Day of Atonement in the OT www.themegallery.com • Highlights three celebratory days for the people of God • The Passover • Remembers Israel's deliverance from Egypt • The Feast of Tabernacles • Remembers the wilderness travels • The Day of Atonement • Acknowledges and addresses the holiness of God and the sinfulness of humanity • Of these, the Day of Atonement is by far the most significant
Day of Atonement in the OT www.themegallery.com • The high priest enters the Holy of Holies twice • First, he presents the blood of the bull for his own sin • Second, he enters with the blood of one of the two goats for the sins of the people • Only on the Day of Atonement could the high priest enter • The meaning of the two sacrifices • The blood of the bull and goat sprinkled at the mercy seat testify of the substitutionary death for man’s sin • The Law broken by man, (kept under the mercy seat) is then covered by this blood • Sin’s price is paid through the substitutionary death of innocent animals for guilty sinners (high priest and the people)
Day of Atonement in the OT www.themegallery.com • The purpose of the scapegoat • The high priest has offered the blood of a bull for his own sins and a ram for the sins of the people on the altar within the Holy of Holies • The second ram (goat), as determined by the casting of lots, is presented at the door of the tent of meeting • The high priest lays his hands on the scape goat and confesses the sins of the nation over it, before sending it out into the wilderness • Presents the picture of Israel’s sins being removed from God through the dual acts of confession and sacrifice
The Day of Atonement in the New Testament Hebrews 9:1-15, 23-26
Day of Atonement in the NT www.themegallery.com • The earthly tabernacle described (1-5) • The outer and inner courts • The veil between the outer and inner courts • The Holy of Holies (inner court) • The ark of the covenant • The insufficiency of the Day of Atonement of the Old Testament (6-10) • Must be done repeatedly (annually) • The separation between the outer and inner courts represented a division between God and man • Gifts, sacrifices and rituals of the worshiper did not change the heart
Day of Atonement in the NT www.themegallery.com • The heavenly Day of Atonement (11-15) • Jesus is the perfect High Priest able to enter into the heavenly tabernacle of God • While the blood of bulls and goats could only cover sin for another year, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ pictures a permanent redemption offered for mankind • The ‘better’ attributes of Christ’s atonement • His death become our substitute, bearing our sin • His burial became our scapegoat, taking our sins upon Himself and carrying them away • His resurrection grants us His righteousness and access to the very presence of God
Conclusions The Day of Atonement forces people to come face to face with their sin, confess that sin to God and come to God His way for dealing with sin. The Day of Atonement demonstrates that the broken law must be covered by the price of sin-death. The Day of Atonement pictures the twin truths of sin paid for by the blood and sin put away “as far as the east is from the west”(Ps 103:12) The Day of Atonement points to the one day when the final atoning Sacrifice would enter behind the veil in the true tabernacle not made with hands and bring once for all atonement for all sin.
Application What does this lesson teach about God? Man? Sin? Redemption?
Discussion Do we continue to strictly follow the laws and customs laid out in Leviticus (why or why not)? Moral laws? Sacrificial laws? Criminal / civil laws? (legal) Compare 1 John 1:9 with the placing of hands and confession of sin on the scapegoat. 1 Jn 1:9 – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Why is confession so important? How does the confession of sin affect the power of sin in our lives?
Bible KNOWLEDGE QUIZ The Book of Leviticus (1pt) • What did the law require be done to a house that has a ‘mark of leprosy’ reappear after it had the affected walls scraped and repaired? • “He shall therefore tear down the house, its stones, and its timbers, and all the plaster of the house, and he shall take them outside the city to an unclean place.” (Lev 14:45) • When harvesting their fields, what were the people commanded to do in order to provide for the needy? • “Now when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. Nor shall you glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard” (Lev 19:9-10)
BONUS ROUND Bonus Question (5pts) • What did the son of the Israelite woman and Egyptian man do that warranted the penalty of death by stoning? • Blasphemed the name of God and cursed
Exodus 32 The God Who Is, The God People Want Adult II Couples Class Next week….. discoverjoy.com