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Status – Week 274. Victor Moya. Simulator model. Boxes. Perform the actual work. A box can only access its own data, external data must come through signals (time!). The box manages its own signals. A box: whatever you do in 1+ cycle or whatever or what a piece of hardware does.
Status – Week 274 Victor Moya
Simulator model • Boxes. • Perform the actual work. • A box can only access its own data, external data must come through signals (time!). • The box manages its own signals. • A box: • whatever you do in 1+ cycle or whatever or • what a piece of hardware does
Simulator Model • Signals. • Communication between boxes. • Carry the simulator time: 1+ cycle latency. • Parameters: bandwidth, latency. • Storage size: bw * (lat + 1). • Not allowed read and write with latency 0.
Simulator Model • Wiring boxes: • Global static object. • Creates and binds signals by name. • Statistics • Global static object. • Boxes declare a statistic name. • The statistics object manages the different statitistics.
Simulator Model SignalBinder BOX BOX Box StatisticBinder Signal Signal Signal Signal Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
Simulator Model Box1 Box2 write read bw:2 lat: 3
Problems • Must be 0 latency for wires forbidden? => NO! • What happens if a two boxes must communicate in the same cycle? => NOT ALLOWED!.
Problems • How to manage multiple instances of the same Box (4 vertex shaders, 8 pixel shaders). • Create each instance as a different class with its own name and signal binding. • Box() now has a parameter Name that defines a different name for each instance (How can we grant the names are different?). • How to bind signals in multiple instanced boxed (VS, PS). • Signal are created/binded by the signal emiter and receiver. • Prefix signal name with instance name. • Add new parameters to Box() for the emiters name instances.
Vertex Shader • VS 1.0 (NV20) based Vertex Shader model. • Multithread (multivertex?) supported. • No branching. • No texture/vertex buffer load. • No vertex kill.
Vertex Shader • VS 2.0+ (NV30) based Vertex Shader model. • Multithreaded?? Implemented with a FP array (3DLabs P10). • Dynamic branching. • No texture/vertx buffer load. • No vertex kill.
Vertex Shader • VS 3.0 (DX9.1). Not implemented yet. • Hardware implementation unknown. • Static and dynamic branching. • Texture/Vertex Buffer load (and store?). • Possible vertex kill?
Vertex Shader Model • Instruction Fetch • Sends the instruction byte code pointed by the current PC to Decode/Register box (latency 1). • Decode/Register • Calculates next PC (sequential, jump, conditional jump, calls, return, indirect) and sends it to Instruction Fetch (latency 1). • Reads up to three source operands from the register files (Vertex Input, Constant, Temporary, Address) and sends them to Execute with the instruction operation code (latency1). • Gets incoming result (flags + operation result) from execute and write them in the register files (flags, Vertex Output, Temporary). • Execute • Performes an operation with the operands received with from the Decode/Register box and sends the result back to Decode/Register box with 1+ latency.
DirectX 9 • Almost ready. • DX 9 RC 0 just released. • ATI DX9 demos and drivers. • GDC Presentations are available already. • Introduction to VS/PS 3.0 and beyond.
NV30 • Product ‘release’. • Cards in February. • Reviews in later December. • 400-500 MHz. • 0.13 um, 125 M Transistors. • FP array implements the vertex shader. • 8 pixel pipes, 1 TMU. • 128bit 500 MHZ DDRII.