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ACORDE Status Report Detectors Status – Alice Offline Week June 22th 2009. Mario Rodríguez Cahuantzi FCFM - BUAP, Puebla, México on behalf the ACORDE Mexican Group. Outline. Alignment Calibration. Geometry Summary. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status.
ACORDE Status Report Detectors Status – Alice Offline Week June 22th 2009 Mario Rodríguez Cahuantzi FCFM - BUAP, Puebla, México on behalf the ACORDE Mexican Group
Outline • Alignment • Calibration. • Geometry • Summary. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment • To align the ACORDE modules we use the propagation of the ESD – Tracks. • Two options for this task: • Accelerator data. • Cosmic data. • Let’s see …. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment: accelerator data The spectra is dominated by low energy muons. pp collisions at 900 GeV pp collisions at 14 TeV E. Cuautle Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment: accelerator data M. Sengupta, P.K. Sarkar, V.A. Kudryavtsev, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2009 Scattering distribution approximately a Gaussian ,for For iron, λ = 1.20 cms, so that, for 3 GeV muons, θ = 11.1mrad in 10 cms of material. Not acceptable for modules which are 20 cms wide!!! Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment Around the 10% of triggers ACORDE has at least one track reconstructed. The 67.21% of this events are useful to calibrate the modules of ACORDE. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment: cosmic data We can not align ACORDE with accelerator data. So we do it with cosmic data. The 50 mts of molase over the detector stops low energy muons allowing those with an energy above 15 GeV. It is made: 1.- Propagate to ACORDE the Tracks reconstructed as muons. 2.- See the ACORDE’s activity per module, in X and Z direction. 3.- Make a gaussian aproximation in X and Z direction looking for the center of each module. 4.- Redefine the Geometry with the values of step 3. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment: cosmic data Propagation of tracks to ACORDE modules. Run 62107. The center of the module 0_0 should be at (2.69,3.30) Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Alignment: cosmic data To improve the results we can make a loop. We obtained: CenterModule0_0(0.81,1.13) After the alignment we found a better behavior for the fitting of both distribution over Z and X direction in ACORDE’s modules. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Calibration: cosmic data Using the propagation of ESD-tracks we calibrate the ACORDE modules. Offline calibration procedure Select only ACORDE triggers with at least one track reconstructed. Over the module iACORDEModule and the track propagated to ACORDE: The efficiency of iACORDEModule = (#Triggers iACORDEModule/#Tracks in iACORDEModule) * 100 % if ( (!TrackPropagatedToiACORDEModule) && (FiredAcordeModule(iACORDEModule)) ) if ( (TrackPropagatedToiACORDEModule) && (FiredAcordeModule(iACORDEModule)) ) { Reconstruct the ACORDE’s Bitpattern # Triggers iACORDEModule Count how many tracks reached the iACORDEModule #Tracks in iACORDEModule } if ( (TrackPropagatedToiACORDEModule) && (!FiredAcordeModule(iACORDEModule)) ) { Count how many tracks reached the iACORDEModule->#Tracks in iACORDEModule } We see the inefficiency of iACORDEModule Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Calibration: cosmic data Efficiency of module 0_0 = 67.35 % The global efficiency of ACORDE modules = 64% Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Calibration: cosmic data The efficiency estimated offline for ACORDE should be done after the alignment. With the propagation of tracks done in the alignment, we calibrate offline the modules of ACORDE !!! Shall we include this values and the alignt geometry in OCDB??? Shall we include this proccess in AliAnalysisTask framework?? During ACORDE cosmissioning the 92% of modules have been improved and calibrated. Now they are beeing testing at P2. During the first cosmic runs we plan to implement this procedures, but we need the tracks reconstructed. Is it possible? Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Geometry • Due to several hardware changes in ACORDE modules and DCS the ID volumes have changed. • Also an upgrade of the survey is coming, as soon as finish it, the geometry will have changes (displacements) in AliRoot. • In the new survey we will have 3 points per module. Thus the alignment process will be extended. Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status
Summary • We don’t have calibration OnLine. • Updates are necessary in Shuttle coding running at P2. • ACORDE needs the information of TPC to align and calibrate. We don’t need to make an alignment per run, so we take the first cosmic runs to align and calibrate offline. • Bug (#50089) in SLC systems fixed for QAChecker. • Improve AliESDACORDE and AliQAChecker for the next cosmic data taking. • Migrate the MOOD code for ACORDE to AMORE. • Possible implementation of a cosmic ray shower generator. Thanks for your time !!! Further comments about Acorde’s Offline tasks: Pedro Podesta <Pedro.Podesta@cern.ch> Arturo Fernandez <afernan@mail.cern.ch> Alice Offline Week June 2009 MRC – Detector Status