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Institute of Physics in Belgrade (IPB) is a top research institution in Serbia, founded in 1961. With a focus on high-quality research in the physical sciences, IPB contributes significantly to Serbia's scientific output. The Scientific Computing Laboratory at IPB serves as an EU Center for Excellence in Computer Modeling of Complex Systems and Grid technologies. IPB's major contributions include media and governmental relations, academic initiatives, and industrial collaborations. Through events, news releases, interviews, and scientific publications, IPB maintains its position as a leading research institution in the region.
NA2 in Serbia SEE Federation Aleksandar BogojevicScientific Computing LaboratoryInstitute of Physics Belgrade (IPB)
About IPB Institute of Physics in Belgrade (IPB) is the premier research institution in Serbia. IPB was founded in 1961 with a mission to conduct high quality research in the physical sciences. It has amply fulfilled this mission, and at present contributes more than 10% of the total scientific output of Serbia. With 170 employees (70 researchers with PhD degrees, 40 researchers with MSc’s, 30 technicians, and an administrative and support staff of 30), as well as a growing number of graduate students, it constantly ranks at the very top of the RTD institutions in the region. IPB Grid activities are implemented by its Scientific Computing Laboratory (SCL). SCL has been designated as EU Centre for Excellence for Computer Modelling of Complex Systems and Grid technologies. SCL currently consists of 6 researchers with PhD’s, 7 graduate students, and an ICT staff of 2. • Major NA2 contributions IPB’s major NA2 contribution has been in media relations (4 interviews and 2 specialized hour-long programs on national TV, 2 international webcasts, 7 radio interviews, 10 texts in print media), and in governmental relations: • 2006 visit to IPB and SCL of EU Commissioner for Research, • 2007 visit to IPB and SCL of Director General of JRC, • 2006 visit to IPB and SCL of Serbia’s Minister of Science and Minister of Finance and the launch of Serbia’s National Investment Plan, • IPB spearheads launch of AEGIS (Academic and Educational Grid Initiative of Serbia) • IPB’s brain gain initiative coordinated with Ministry of Science and Ministry of Diaspora. In the field of industrial relations IPB hosted the following Grid-related visits • 2006 visit to IPB and SCL of Director General of Japan’s Earth Simulator • 2007 visits to IPB and SCL of high level representatives from AMD NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Media Relations • News Releases • Produced – 1 press release + 1 info sheet • Translated – 8 press releases + 10 info sheets • Interviews • 23 interviews (4 TV, 2 Webcast, 7 radio, 10 print) • 2 hour-long TV specials about the Grid • Scientific Publications • 7 research papers in refereed international journals • 8 publications in proceedings of international conferences NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Events • EGEE2/Federation events 7 • EGEE-II Transition Meeting, Geneva, April 2006 (Belic, Balaz) • NA2 Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 2006 (Belic, Bogojevic) • EGEE `06, Geneva, September 2006 (Belic, Bogojevic, Balaz) • EGEE All Activity Meeting, Bolognia, January 2007 (Belic, Balaz) • EGEE `07, Budapest, October 2007 (Belic, Bogojevic, Balaz) • EGEE-II Project Review, Brussels, November 2007 (Belic) • EGEE PMB Meetings (Belic) • National events 23 • Organized by IPB 6 • Governmental events 14 • Industry-related events 3 NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Events • Most important event and its follow-up • July 2006 visit of EU Commissioner for Research to IPB and SCL and its Grid facilities • September 2006 – in his opening talk at the “International Conference and Ministerial Round Table” in Ljubljana, Commisioner Potocnik talked about his recent visit to IPB and the fact that he was impressed with the quality of fundamental research conducted. Talking about scientific parks in the West Balkan region he again mentioned IPB as an excellent location for nurturing future high-tech spin-offs. • October 2006 – Marie Curie Workshop (Zagreb, Belgrade) commemorating 150 anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla. IPB presents two Grid-related papers. • December 2006 – iSGTW feature article: “Government to Grid” (interview with A. Belic head of SCL). • March 2007 – iSGTW feature article reprinted in EGEE Newsletter NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Production of promotional material • Production of materials • Press Releases - 1 • Information sheets - 1 • Translations • Press Releases - 8 • Information sheets - 10 NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Local websites • Major sections • NGI (AEGIS) 6 pages • Local information 4 pages • EGEE-2 information 7 pages • EGEE material translated into Serbian 15 pages • Average number of visitors per month 430 hits 140 unique • What are visitors interested mostly in: • Home page of EGEE-II/Serbia website • AEGIS (Serbia’s NGI) • Computing facilities • Serbian participation in EGEE-II activities • Translations of various EGEE-II press releases NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Targeted Dissemination for Industry • Local strategy The concentration of high performance resources at IPB has greatly interested computer vendors and industry in general to set up ties with IPB and to investigate avenues for future cooperation. • Local approach Serbian industry’s high-tech sector is still in the process of attaining critical size. For this reason IPB has not focused on standard approaches such as industry days, business events or fairs, but more on personalized small-scale contacts tying together IPB Grid expertise, expertise on modeling of complex systems, and existing high-performance computing facilities with longer term developmental goals of both domestic and foreign industrial partners. NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague
Future Plans • IPB plans to vigorously extend its Grid capacity both in terms of computing infrastructure and human resources. • In the past two years this strategy has had significant positive impact on science generated at IPB and on IPB participation in EU projects. • Success in attracting the best young researchers to IPB and Grid related research has peaked government interest in Serbia, particularly IPB’s plans to become a focal point for reversing brain drain in key parts of Serbia’s science and high-tech sectors. NA2 Parner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague