"Impulse Buying" By: Candice Young
Impulse buying is being increasingly popular among individuals. This is creating a huge deficit in those individuals bank accounts, and with the economy doing so poorly most people can’t afford to shop on whim. Impulse buying is a hard habit to break, and some people don’t even realize they are a victim of it.
Thesis: As a consumer walks around the store what gives them that urge to grab things that aren’t on their list, who is most affected by impulse shopping, and how can impulse shopping be controlled? Needs: Wants:
What Causes Impulse Buying? • Internet shopping – browsing by all items entices you to buy more than what you came for. Browse instead by a search looking only for the specific item you need. • Lack of self discipline. • Menstrual Cycles • The need for “retail therapy.”
Who is affected? • Women in the last ten days before their menstrual cycle. • Men when they are sent to the grocery with no list. • Younger generations more than older generations through lack of being forced to budget.
Conclusion There are many different factors that can play into impulse buying, but there are also many ways to get around it. As the economy continues to change so rapidly this consumer issue is going to continue to ruin people’s bank accounts. So the next time impulse buying overcomes the consumer, fight the urge and think before purchasing.
Works Cited "What men want - in the supermarket / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com." The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2010. <http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0623/p11s01-lifo.html>. Jones, Â Michelle. "Impulse Buying: Keeping Impulse Purchases Under Control.“ Get Free Budgeting Help at BetterBudgeting.com Since 2001 – Save More, Spend Less and Get Out of Debt!. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2010. <http://www.betterbudgeting.com/articles/money/impulsebuying.ht m>. Spool, Jared. "What Causes Customers to Buy on Impulse?" ECommerce White Paper 2 (2002): 7. http://www.uie.com. Web. 4 June 2010.
Works Cited Cont'd... "Stanford Marshmallow Study." SyberVision Guide to Self Improvement Self- help and Personal Development Growth Audio and Video Media, Streaming Media and Downloadable, Pimsleur, foreign language, golf, tennis skiing. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2010.<http://www.sybervision.com/Discipline/marshmallow.htm>. "CONSUMER INSIGHT: UK consumers give in to their indulgent impulses." Precision Marketing 15 Jun 2007: ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. Web. 4 Jun. 2010. "Retail Therapy Explained." Good Housekeeping 249.6 (2009): 59. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 4 June 2010.