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The end is near!...Run for your lives!...And other strategies for Lotus Quickr customers

The end is near!...Run for your lives!...And other strategies for Lotus Quickr customers. Rob Novak, SNAPPS. About Me. Rob Novak, President, SNAPPS “Lotus” industry for 22 years , SNAPPS for 17 years Co- author and editor: RedBooks , about 15 cert exams, articles

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The end is near!...Run for your lives!...And other strategies for Lotus Quickr customers

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  1. The end is near!...Run for your lives!...And other strategies for Lotus Quickr customers Rob Novak, SNAPPS #engageug

  2. About Me • Rob Novak, President, SNAPPS • “Lotus” industry for 22 years, SNAPPS for 17 years • Co-author and editor: RedBooks, about 15 cert exams, articles • Speaker at Lotusphere since 2002, other events back to 1995 • Other areas of interest include cognitive theory, collaboration strategy, business process design, obscure history, BTVS and fishing • 2011-2014 • @IBMRockStar • IBMRockStar.com • rnovak@snapps.com

  3. Oh, and… I’ve done some stuff with Quickr

  4. Agenda Purpose of the session Lotus® Quickr for Domino® usage scenarios IBM® Connections Content Manager (CCM) Migration from Quickr  CCM: Preparation So what ends up where? Other migration options Decisions, decisions Parting thoughts Q & A

  5. Suffering from Withdrawal • Lotus Quickr for Domino (and WebSphere®) was withdrawn from marketing in April 2013 • This is an official designation from IBM (http://ibm.co/K7rf8f) that essentially means: • The product is no longer available to new customers • The product under certain circumstances can be bought if you are just adding seats • No new features will be developed • Technical support is available for at least three years, but don’t count on anything Sev3 or Sev4 at being addressed • Technical support may be available for up to two more years with a support contract

  6. Quickr is Dead! Yelled all Last Year

  7. Follow the Path • IBM has announced an upgrade path and entitlement • Users of Quickr for Domino or WebSphere Portal are entitled to licenses of IBM Connections and IBM Connections Content Manager • IBM has developed tools for some users to migrate from Quickr (D/P) to IBM Connections Content Manager • CAVEAT FOR CCM SLIDES THAT FOLLOW: AS OF MARCH 2014, MIGRATION LOGIC IS BROKEN. INQUIRE ABOUT THIS IN INTERACTIONS WITH IBM OR BUSINESS PARTNERS AND REQUEST PROOF

  8. Or Turn Left…or Right • Depending on use cases, strategy, and organizational direction, customers may choose another path • Stick with Quickr while making strategic decision on platform for document collaboration • Start mapping to another solution already in place • Evaluate third party solutions for partial replacement • Evaluate cloud solutions • Distribute Quickr functions to other platforms • So which way should you turn?

  9. Quickr Use Patterns *Source: Quickr Template downloads • “All Over the Map” – literally…there are Quickr installations in about 100 countries* • Common use cases have been: • Simple document repository (in some cases Connectors-only) • Intranet for resources, newsletters, etc. • Intranet for self service forms • Intranet for team and project activities, events, tasks, lists • Extranet for client service • Template applications – home grown or open source • Integrated applications – directory, mapping, data source • Business process applications with complex combinations of custom forms, scripts, external databases, and interfaces

  10. In Case You Missed a Little Marketing • CCM is an add-on to Connections Communities • Provides a path to advanced ECM solutions from IBM • Features: • Upload and sharing files • Configuring library settings like draft approvals, document types and metadata • Saving files as drafts • Configuring access to files • Searching by document types • Refine search by custom metadata • Tagging, liking, commenting on files • Approving / rejecting a document

  11. Quick Look at CCM

  12. High Level Overview

  13. Items that DO Migrate to CCM The Quickr Domino place is migrated as a community in IBM Connections. Quickr Domino place membership is migrated to community The Quickr Domino room is migrated to CCM as folder (hierarchy is preserved) The Quickr Domino folder is migrated to CCM as a folder (hierarchy is preserved) Quickr Domino documents created from the upload, import, page, simple custom forms, and MS forms are migrated to CCM

  14. Items that DO Migrate to CCM Information, such as author, last editor, created timestamp, and last updated timestamp is migrated with the documents and folders Versions and comments are migrated together with the documents Simple custom forms are migrated to CCM as document classes (NOTE they have to be done first, and there are limits) ACL (Access Control) is migrated to CCM together with documents, folders, and rooms

  15. Items that do NOT Migrate to CCM Wiki and Blog places Task, Calendar, forum, list, link, custom library HTML forms and the documents based on HTML forms Draft - Complete all drafts before migration Content in trash Local members Workflow state - Complete all workflows before migration So, prepare…

  16. Notes.ini Settings • There are new jar files that qptool will depend on – so they are added to notes.ini • Found in “JavaUserClassesExt=“ • Additional settings (note that https is required for the Connections server URL) • ConnectionsServerURL=https://icserver.example.com:9444 • FilenetURL=http://fnserver.example.com:9081 • ObjectStore=ICObjectStore • TopTargetFolderForMigration=/ClbTeamspaces

  17. Qpconfig.xml Settings • New node in qpconfig.xml under <server settings>: <migration> <person_mapping_file></person_mapping_file><group_mapping_file></group_mapping_file><person_ldap_dump_file>D:\LDAP_dump\users.dns</person_ldap_dump_file><group_ldap_dump_file>D:\LDAP_dump\groups.dns</group_ldap_dump_file><expand_external_groups enabled="true" max_depth="3" number_limit="10"<special_char_encoding_mode>underline</special_char_encoding_mode> </migration>

  18. Qpconfig.xml Settings <combination_document_name> After migration, the attachment name will be used as title in CCM for a document created by an upload, an import, or a Microsoft™ Office-based form in Quickr. If you want to preserve the original document title in Quickr, you could set <combination_document_name enabled="true"/> in the <migration> section in qpconfig.xml. With this attribute enabled, the Quickr migration tool combines the document title and attachment name, then moves it to CCM. <domino_native enabled="true"/> If the directory of Quickr is Domino Native, enable this attribute. <hide_restricted_document_name enabled="false"/> If this parameter is enabled (that is, set to "true"), the document name will not display in the generated list to avoid leaking confidential information contained in the document name.

  19. Java Policy Modification • Locate java.policy on the Domino server at <Domino installation dir>\jvm\lib\security and append grant codeBase "file:${notes.binary}/lib/Jace.jar" { permission java.security.AllPermission;};grant codeBase "file:${notes.binary}/lib/quickplace.jar" { permission java.security.AllPermission;};

  20. Over to FileNet • Log into the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine to make modifications to Security for the migration user (which means, open the ACCE in the browser) • Ensure that Permission Type value is Allow, the Apply to value is This object and all children, and that the Level value is Custom. • Select All system properties in the Rights list. • NOTE: You may have to add a new user to do this!

  21. Over to Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) • It is necessary to generate a list mapping DNs to Connections unique IDs (uid) – because every user in Quickr has to already exist in Connections or they won’t migrate, and the migration tools need to know the mapping • Before performing this task, you should know how to populate the Profiles database and where your Connections unique ID comes from. • The Unique ID could be directly from a LDAP attribute, no conversion needed, for example from ibm-entryUuid for Tivoli LDAP by default. • The Unique ID also could be converted from a LDAP attribute by calling existing TDI JavaScript™ functions. • Performing this task, TDI scripting, and all the choices for different LDAP directories is out of the scope of this session, please refer to http://ibm.co/1dvGQea for further documentation

  22. Ready, Set, Wait • With all systems prepared for migration, we can migrate Quickr places, with some caveats: • Simple documents only – no custom forms yet • Security considerations for rooms, folders and documents • User interface considerations (pretty much a new topic) • So, if all you have in Quickr are document repositories, go for it (not really!) • Best Practice time – create a series of test Quickr places with attributes of your normal use • Nested rooms and folders • Secure folders (if you use them) • Secure rooms • Different page types • Add documents via connectors (if you use them)

  23. Running Quickr Migration • Migration is implemented through the qptool command line with new arguments • Fixpack to perform these is available from IBM Support, eventually in a public fixpack (maybe) • Four qptool commands to familiarize you with the tool’s processes: • qptoolgetrestrictedresourcelist [–?] (–a | –p <place list> | –i <file>) [–o <file>] • qptoolgetcustomized forms [–?] (–a | –p <place list> | –i <file>) [–o <file>] • qptoolmigratecustomizedforms [–?] -u <user> -pw <password> -i <file> [-o <file>] • qptool migration [-p (place list)] [-a] [-iinput.xml] -u username -pw password

  24. qptool getrestrictedresourcelist In the current implementation of the migration tool, the room/folder/document reader ACL setting is not preserved after migration All community members are granted reader access to the content contained in the community, whether or not the user is allowed based on the original ACL setting Kind of a big deal if you depend on security in your Quickr implementation (rooms, folders) but can be partially mitigated after migration qptoolgetrestrictedresourcelist outputs an XML file with a list of all restricted resources in the source Quickr place, so security can be applied in CCM if necessary

  25. qptool getrestrictedresourcelist Output

  26. qptool getcustomizedforms Simple forms only – remember HTML forms do not migrate Purpose is to gather a list (XML output) of all custom forms, generating an input file for the next qptool command

  27. qptool migratecustomizedforms • What it sounds like, just way more involved than you think • Taking the input list (modified) from the previous command, this command saves the mapping relationship between Quickr forms and the Document class in memory, then writes it to Filenet • Best Practice: • All property templates contained in document class are maintained in the DocVersion table • The underlying database has a row length limitation • So…migrate incrementally from most to least important (for the whole server!)

  28. qptool migration Yes, what it sounds like! Output to the console gives you statistical information about the migration Migrated Room Count: The number of sub-rooms successfully migrated for this place. Migrated Folder Count: The number of folders successfully migrated for this place. Migrated Document Count: The number of Quickr documents successfully migrated for this place. Migrated Document Version Count: The number of Quickr documents taking version into account successfully migrated for this place Migrated Attachment Count: The number of attachments successfully migrated for this place

  29. qptool migration Sample output:

  30. Place Membership conversion

  31. Folder and Room ACLs

  32. Sample Folder ACL conversion

  33. Document ACLs

  34. Sample Document ACL conversion

  35. Import / Upload Migration

  36. Page Migration

  37. Sample Custom form (SIMPLE) conversion

  38. Most Common Option

  39. Most Common Option

  40. Next Most Common Option(s) • Most companies have a mixture of the Quickr use cases • Some plain libraries with minimal security needs • Some slightly custom applications, with simple forms • Some templates, either for UI or from open source • Some project places with heavy use of calendars and tasks • When there is a mixture of use cases, consider splitting off Quickr into CCM and • A) Quickr – just keep it as is • B) Other document management systems • C) Redevelop in Domino or a platform where the skills exist • D) Third party applications that make sense as replacements • E) SaaS solutions like Intuit QuickBase, etc.

  41. Migration to ECM/DMS • When a primary interest of your Quickr install is document management and workflow, consider migration to another document management system • FileNet (from a licensing standpoint, more than what you get with CCM) • Custom Domino application (you may have staff for this) • Insert most evil ECM/DMS you can think of here (SharePoint) • Consider workflow states, mapping of steps, and UI as critical evaluation points • Consider migration programming, consultation, training, and new license acquisition when evaluating migration expense

  42. What Kind of Quickr Customer are You? • Evaluate your usage patterns • Use expert assistance or develop tools to analyze usage and perform discovery on customizations made by end users • Survey end users to determine: • Criticality of security of their documents within the membership • How heavily they use non-migrating features (Calendar, Tasks, HTML forms, Lists, blogs, wikis) • Whether there is heavy use of Simple Custom Forms • Whether their use of Quickr is appropriate for a more social experience (Likes, Shares, etc.)

  43. Analyze Environment Based on Usage More likely than not you will need to combine strategies!

  44. Rate the Importance of Architectural Limits Do you use Quickr for an Extranet? Do you require more granular security? Do you require greater use of Forms? Do you use Quickr for business processes? Do you rely on more complex workflow? Answers to these, and a degree of importance for each, will help you determine readiness of your Quickr environment – or part of it – for migration to CCM

  45. A Few Things to Consider Quickr has served us well for 15 years (and 2 more…) Connections Content Manager represents the future of IBM’s investment in the space, but are relatively new It will take time for replacement strategies to evolve Quickr afforded customers a lot of leeway in creating structure, forms, and content – the result being systems that can be difficult to analyze, so give it time In the meantime, the best strategy is to begin an analysis of your Quickr usage, environment, users, customizations and importance to help make the best decisions

  46. Thank You! Time for Q & A Contact details: @IBMRockStar Skype: RobNovak Email: rnovak@snapps.com Blog: IBMRockStar.com Newsletter: Sign up online at snapps.com

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