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Expressing Evidentiality in Lithuanian: the case of neuter adjectives. Anna Ruskan Vilnius University. Outline. Evidentiality and its expression in Lithuanian. Background research on adjectives functioning evidentially.
Expressing Evidentiality in Lithuanian: the case of neuter adjectives Anna Ruskan Vilnius University
Outline Stockholm, SLE Conference • Evidentialityand its expression in Lithuanian. • Background research on adjectives functioning evidentially. • CTP and parenthetical use of Lithuanian neuter adjectives in fiction and academic discourse: quantitative findings. • Evidential functions of the CTPs and parentheticals: sources of evidence, (inter)subjective values and pragmatic implications. • From evidential to pragmatic functions.
The Category of Evidentiality Stockhlom, SLE Conference Evidentiality a functional-conceptual domain indicating the speaker’s/writer’s sources of information for a judgement. (Wiemer 2008; Boye & Harder 2009) • Types of evidence: direct/indirect (Willett 1988; Plungian 2001; Aikhenvald2004) • Sources of evidence: self/other (Frawley1992) • Interaction of typesand sources of evidence (Squartini 2008)
Indirect evidence: inferences • “Observation-motivated” and “reasoning-motivated” (Willett 1988; Plungian 2001; Aikhenvald 2004) • Circumstantial, generic and conjectural inferences (Squartini 2008) • “Perceptual”and “Conceptual” inferences (Diewald and Smirnova 2010: 63) “perceptual input” “internal reflection (cognition)” Stockholm, SLE Conference
Indirect evidence: inferences “(…) inferentialsarise from the need to assign causes to observed situations.” (Willett 1988: 61) “<…>inferential evidentials primarily denote the speaker’s reflection of some evidence,i. e. they indicate the relation between the described situation and some other situation, which is treated by the speaker as evidence for the former.” (Diewald & Smirnova 2010: 63) Stockholm, SLE Conference
Evidentiality in Lithuanian • Morphological: participial constructions. (Ambrazas 1977; Gronemeyer 1997; Lavine 2006; Wiemer 2006; Holvoet 2007) LT: Čia vaiko miegota. (Wiemer 2006: 35) EN:‘(Obviously) the/a child has slept here.’ • Non-morphological: verbs of perception, particles.(Usonienė 2001, 2003; Wiemer 2007, 2010) LT: Matyti, kadjisnamie. (Usonienė 2003: 211) EN: ‘Itis seen that he (is) at home.’ Stockholm, SLE Conference
Focus: Neuter Adjectives akivaizdu‘evident’, aišku‘clear’, panašu ‘similar, likely’, natūralu‘natural’ • Complement-Taking-Predicates (CTPs), CTP + thatS LT: <…> palyginusšiassąvokasakivaizdu,kadjosnėratapačios. EN: ‘<…> having compared these concepts it is evidentthat they are not identical.’ • Parentheticals (initial, medial, final position) LT: Kalba, aišku, yrapriemonė, lemiantižmoniųtarpusaviobendravimą. EN: ‘Language, clearly,is a means that shapes human communication.’ Stockholm, SLE Conference ty
Background research • Epistemic/modal/evidential adjectives in Germanic languages (Biberet al.1999; Nuyts 2001;Marín-Arrese 2007; 2009) (inter)subjectivity - shared/non-shared evidence/responsibility (Nuyts2001: 33) • Lithuanian CTP and parenthetical use of neuter adjectives (Tekorienė 1990; Akelaitis 1992; 2011) Adverbialization (Smetona & Usonienė 2012) Stockholm, SLE Conference
Aims Stockholm, SLE Conference • To identify evidential functions of the neuter adjectives akivaizdu‘evident’, aišku ‘clear’, panašu ‘similar, likely’and natūralu ‘natural’ used as CTPs and parentheticals. • To compare the evidential functions of the neuter adjectives in fiction and academicdiscourse along the parameters of the sourceof evidence, (inter)subjectivity and pragmaticimplications. • To explore the loss of evidential functions and acquisition of pragmatic functions.
Methods and Data Stockholm, SLE Conference • Corpus-based methodology • The Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language: the sub-corpus of fiction (about 7 million words; http://www.vdu.lt) • The Corpus of Academic Lithuanian (CorALit: about 9 million words; http://www.coralit.lt/) The sub-corpora: B (biomedical sciences) H (humanities) S (social sciences) P (physical sciences) T (technological sciences)
Frequency in the CCLL (Fiction) and CorALit Stockholm, SLE Conference
Frequency of CTPs and parentheticals:CCLL (Fiction) and CorALit (Acad) Stockholm, SLE Conference
Percentage of the parenthetical use: initial, medial, final position Stockholm, SLE Conference
Functions of CTPs and parentheticals Stockholm, SLE Conference
“Perceptual” inferences Fiction LT:Kapitonaspirmasmaneužšnekino, nuobodžiavoaišku. EN: ‘The captain first spoke to me, he was bored clearly.’ Academic discourse LT:Iš kreiviųaišku,jog tų bandinių <…> pH buvo didesnis. EN: ‘Fromthe graphsit is clearthat in those samples pH was more prominent.’ klausimai. Stockholm, SLE Conference
“Conceptual” inferences Fiction LT:Nuo mažens man buvo akivaizdu, kad ne tiesa, o kažkas kita yra literatūros alfa ir omega. EN: ‘Since childhood it has been evidentto me that not truth but something else is alpha and omega of literature.’ Academic discourse LT:Analizuojant paskelbtąsias užsienio šalių tyrinėtojų publikacijasakivaizdu, kad didesnė dalis tyrinėjimų skirta filtravimo algoritmams sukurti. EN: ‘Studying the publications of foreign researchersit is evidentthat most of the research is devoted to designing algorithms for filtering’. Stockholm, SLE Conference
Strong argumentation: reliable/valid evidence LT: <…>Tiuringomašinanekeičiajuostojeįrašytųsimbolių, nekeičiamašinosbūsenos <…> Akivaizdu, kadšimašinanekeičiajuostosturinioirniekadanesustoja. (Acad) EN:‘<…> Turing machine does not change the symbols written on the tape, does not change the mode of the machine <…> It is evident that this machine does not change the contents of the tape and it never stops.’ LT:Kadangi <…> šiluminis efektas priklauso nuo temperatūros, taisavaimeaišku, kad ir šiluminės talpos turi priklausyti nuotemperatūros. (Acad) EN: ‘Because <…> the heat effect depends on temperature, soit is self-evidentthat heat capacity must also be dependent on temperature.’ Stockholm, SLE Conference
Cautious argumentation: less reliable/valid evidence LT: Todėlirlikoneaišku, kiekgarbėskonsulųStokholmeturėjoLietuva 1927–1940 m. – du, tris, keturisardaugiau(skurdišaltiniųbazėapsunkinaatsakymopaieškas), o juolabiaukadabaigiasipirmasis ir prasideda antrasis Lietuvos konsulatų Švedijoje funkcionavimo etapas –1931 ar 1933 metais? Panašu, kad pirmasis garbės konsulatų steigimo etapas Švedijoje tęsėsi ne iki 1930 m. <…> o gerokai ilgiau – iki 1933 metų. EN:‘Therefore it remains unclearhow many honorary consuls of Lithuania there were in Stockholm in 1922−1940 – two, three, four or more (the poor database makes the search difficult), and especially when the first period of the activities of the Lithuanian consulates in Sweden ended and the second started – 1931 or 1933? It is likelythat the first period of the establishment of honorary consulates in Sweden did not last until 1930 <…> but much longer – until 1933.’ Stockholm, SLE Conference
Pragmatic functions: response/reaction Stockholm, SLE Conference LT:<…> kurgibuvotedingęs? - Niekur. Buvautikkiekužsnūdęs. - Mat kaip! <…> Užsnūdęs,aišku. (Fiction) EN: ‘<…> where have you been? – Nowhere. I’ve taken a nap. – Interesting! <…> You’ve taken a nap, I understand.’ LT:Namie, aišku , nieko neradai? (Fiction) EN: ‘You did not, clearly/of course,find anyone home?’ LT:Ko reikia tau? <...> Na, kai ką nors skaitai?..” “Ne vien, aišku , malonumo!..” (Fiction) EN:‘What do you need? <...> When you’re reading something?” “Not only, clearly/of course, pleasure!..”’
Pragmatic functions: emphasizer, common ground LT:Duris užtrenkiau, aišku , per garsiai <…> (Fiction) EN: ‘I shut the door, clearly/of course, too loudly.’ LT:Argi jis nepažįsta žvirblio? Aišku, pažįsta <…> (Fiction) EN: ‘Cannot he recognize a sparrow? Clearly/of course, he can <…>.’ LT: Natūralu, jogvaikuiikimokyklinioamžiaustarpsnyjeartimiausiassociumasyrašeima. (Acad) EN: ‘It is natural that the closest social unit to a child in the period of pre-school age is a family.’ Stockholm, SLE Conference
From evidential to pragmatic markers • In fiction: contexts of emotional speech requiring emphasis and confirmation rather than evidential grounding. • In academic discourse: highly argumentative contexts requiring no supporting evidence (Aijmer 2008), appeal to common knowledge (Hyland 2008) and dialogicalityrealizations (Martin & White 2005). Stockholm, SLE Conference
Concluding remarks: 1 • Evidential CTPs and parentheticals inferences based on “perceptual” and “conceptual” sources of evidence. • AKIVAIZDU ‘evident’ and PANAŠU ‘likely’ - evidential in all contexts of use (CTPs). Not prone to parenthetical use and restricted in pragmatic functions. • AIŠKU‘clear’ – most frequent parenthetical that displays an array of functions (from evidential to pragmatic). • NATŪRALU ‘natural’ – leastevidential. Stockholm, SLE Conference
Concluding remarks: 2 • Discourse differences: Fiction subjective inferences, emphasis. Academic discourse intersubjective inferences, validation of research(Grossmann & Tutin2010), polemic with other points of view(Fløttum 2006), hedging (Šinkūnienė 2012). • Parentheticalization and loss of evidential functions. Functional parallels with evidential adverbs in Germanic and Romance languages (Simon-Vandenbergen & Aijmer 2007; Cornillie 2010). Stockholm, SLE Conference
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