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Overview of the Suomi NPP SDR Status

Overview of the Suomi NPP SDR Status. Fuzhong Weng , NPP/JPSS SDR Chair Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA/STAR Satellite Cal/Val Activities. Pre-launch Pre-launch characterization

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Overview of the Suomi NPP SDR Status

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  1. Overview of the Suomi NPP SDR Status FuzhongWeng, NPP/JPSS SDR Chair Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  2. NOAA/STAR Satellite Cal/Val Activities • Pre-launch • Pre-launch characterization • Common standards for vendor calibration • Traceability to system international units • New calibration models and algorithms • Post-launch • Maintenance of operational satellite calibration • Inter-and Intra-sensor calibration for WMO GSICS • Online monitoring and trending of satellite instruments • Product validation • Existing products from newly launched • New products from research satellites • Define validation sites • Consensus algorithm and error budget models • Impact assessment of new cal/val procedures • NWP forecasts • Climate trend analysis • Special Applications (e.g. Land cover analysis, Severe weather forecast)

  3. SDR Management Highlights • JPSS SDR teams have been fully integrated since 2010 with NOAA calibration scientists as managerial leads and NASA instrument scientists as technical leads • The collaborations from all NPP/JPSS SDR stakeholders are strengthened through weekly telecons and SDR product review meetings • The strengths of each principal investigator are identified from their participations of calval tasks, weekly and monthly reports • The operational components in JPSS SDR are enhanced with more focuses on integrated calval system (ICVS) and long-term monitoring (LTM)

  4. NOAA Concept of Operation for Integrated Cal/Val System (ICVS) Framework STAR Integrated Cal/Val Tool Kits POES METOP GOES SDS GSICS GOES-R NPP/ JPSS DMSP Cal/Val + LTM subsystems Collaboration with Partners OSPO NASA OSD NCDC JCSDA Academia EUMETSAT WMO Common Instrument Data base Data processing Spacecraft & instrument status Xcal data to other Space Agencies Instrument specs. RTM & cal/val Meta data &archival Sensor Science

  5. Summary of Suomi NPP TDR/SDR Algorithm Schedule C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

  6. ATMS Monitors Well the Development of Tropical Cyclone Giovanna Giovanna at Feb 13 2012 0630Z MODIS Visible Channel A warm core of 8K ore more at 250 hPa from ATMS indicated a category 4 to 5 hurricane intensity Pressure (hPa) Duration 9 - 21 February 2012 MSPD=115 mph  MSLP=932 (hPa)

  7. Summary and Future Plan • SDR Teams are supporting all phases of the Suomi NPP instrument calibration and have completed all the critical tasks for beta version release • The teams developed some innovative techniques for on-orbit calibration. For example, uses of COSMIC GPSRO data and LBLRTM for absolute calibration of sounding channels • Uses of the Suomi NPP mission specific data are very significant in calval. Some of data such as VIIRS maneuver data have been used for characterization of radiance vs. scan angle and SD transmission functions, and CRIS diagnostic mode data for refining nonlinearity parameter • STAR ICVS-LTM is improved for NPP sensors with more parameters being trended . The mean and standard deviations)are being used for IDPS updates in LUT, PCT and Engineering packages • Future work will focus more on fixing SDR processing bugs, improve and optimize the SDR processing algorithms • Plan to hold the quarterly F2F workshop participated jointly by SDR and EDR team members

  8. Backup Slides

  9. STAR ICVS Web-Main Page

  10. Major Benefits from Instruments LTM • Identify bugs and flaws in ground processing systems • Characterize the instrument in-orbit performance (e.g. noise for NWP) • Update the processing coefficient files (PCT) and lookup table (LUT) • Detect instrument anomaly and provide the root-cause analysis • Provide the alert and warning to user community on satellite data quality

  11. VIIRS Testing Control & Telemetry Trend ST#3 RTA & SDSM Stowed 1 week Svalbard Line Outage 11/28 for 4 days ST#1 RTA Stowed 1394 Bus Anomaly 11/25 – 11/26 Cooler open ST#2 Op_Night BB temperature change control Turn off due to spacecraft problem Nadir Door Open 11 / 21 1)VIIRS is activated on Dec 8, 2) Nadir Aperture Door opening Nov 21, 3)After 1394 Bus anomaly Nov 25, 4)ST #1 RTA stowed for 3 days Dec 09–12, 5) ST #2 Night only observations with Solar Cals Dec 15–19, 6) ST #3 stow both SDSM and telescope for 1 week to evaluate the SDSM insensitivity to solar, 7) Cooler open on Jan 18, 8) Black body temperature change control , 9) Turn off when spacecraft problem

  12. Example: ICVS-LTM Monitoring NOAA/METOP AMSU-A • NOAA-19 Ch3 NEΔT variation • MetOP-A Ch7 NEΔT Drop • MHS • NOAA-19 H3 NEΔT is out of specification (1K) • NOAA-19 H4 Cold Calibration Count jump • HIRS • NOAA-19 Ch4 Data Gaps • NOAA-18 Ch5 NEΔN Anomaly • AVHRR • NOAA-19 AVHRR Ch3B Blackbody Target Counts Trend Since Launch

  13. Example: VIIRS Instrument Monitoring Parameters

  14. Example: VIIRS SDSM Degradation Trend

  15. CrIS SDR Status: Beta Version Product CrIS Instrument Characteristics and Requirements Courtesy of Yong Han, CrIS SDR Chair • CRIS SDR product review was made on April 4, 2012 and the panel recommended its Beta Maturity level which is now being approval by AERB • SDR Beta product: • NEdNs are well below specifications • Spectral uncertainty: < 2 ppm, well below specification • Radiometric uncertainty: ~0.1K, well below specification • Geolocation error: < 0.5 km (preliminary), below specification

  16. CrIS Noise Equivalent Differential Radiance (NEdN) Note: MWIR7 (Green) is known to have excess NEdN (expected) NEdN On-Orbit data is consistent with Ground Test Data (Black Lines); Much Better Than Spec Limits (Dashed Lines)………No Ice Contamination Signatures Slide Courtesy o of Joe Predina, ITT EXELIS

  17. VIIRS SDR Status: Beta Version Product Courtesy of Changyong Cao and Frank DeLuccia, VIIRS SDR Co-Chairs • VIIRS SDR review meeting was held April 5, 2012 and VIIRS SDR beta status was approved on May 2, 2012 • VIIRS SDR Beta Product: • All band are producing excellent images with expected quality • All onboard calibrators (BB, SD, SDSM) are functioning normally, providing good quality data for SDR calibration • Thermal Emissive Bands (TEB) response is stable, Noise (NEdT) meets the sensor requirements for all detectors and all bands • Geolocation error is less than 80 meter • Reflective Solar Band (RSB) LUT has been successfully updated on-orbit and provides approximately calibration stability of 1% (expected: 0.3%) • VIIRS onboard calibration is closely monitored. Both the SD/SDSM and blackbody calibration systems are working well, ensuring stability of the calibration. In addition, lunar data are acquired monthly for stability trending of the solar bands, and occasional blackbody warm-up cool-down is performed for the infrared bands

  18. VIIRS On-Orbit Performance Summary

  19. OMPS SDR Status: Beta Version Product Courtesy of Fred Wu and Glen Jaross, OMPS SDR Co-Chairs • OMPS declared its Beta status on March 12, 2012 • OMPS NM/NP SDR Beta Product: • SNRs as expected • Geolocation is good at 5-KM level (Small FOV) • Intra-orbit Wavelength scale stability of 0.02-nm (EOF) • Dark current performance is consistent with pre-launch characterization and within the expectations. • Baseline of the nominal dark current measurement is established, including screen of transient signals • Solar measurement SNR meets the system requirement of 1000 • Day one solar irradiance and day one wavelengths have been established, which is within an average of 2% of predicted values • Nonlinearity meets the system requirement of 2% • For NP, stray light is present (preliminary analysis shows correlation of 280-nm variations with 305-nm variations gives 3%: 50% response ratio)

  20. ATMS Noise Equivalent Differential Temperature (NEDT) On-orbit ATMS noise magnitudes are about twice as large as those AMSUMHS but much lower than specification. The re-sampled ATMS data within CrIS FOR or equivalent AMSU-A FOV would result in noise much lower than that of AMSU-A/MHS

  21. ATMS Calibration Accuracy Using GPSRO Data GPSRO Sample 5700 COSMIC data Bias (K) On-orbit ATMS calibration accuracy is quantified using GPSRO data as input to RT model and is better than specification for most of sounding channels.

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