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Class of 2010 Plebe Advising

Class of 2010 Plebe Advising. CAPT(sel) Thomas A. Logue, Computer Science. Majors for the Class of 2010. Majors shown in red italics are proposed for the Class of 2010. Critical Languages. FA101, FC101, FJ101 or FR101 – new courses for you! Arabic and Chinese majors have been approved.

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Class of 2010 Plebe Advising

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  1. Class of 2010 Plebe Advising CAPT(sel) Thomas A. Logue, Computer Science

  2. Majors for the Class of 2010 Majors shown in red italics are proposed for the Class of 2010.

  3. Critical Languages • FA101, FC101, FJ101 or FR101 – new courses for you! • Arabic and Chinese majors have been approved. • Regional Studies Majors (Asian and Middle Eastern) are tentative (waiting approval) starting with the class of 2010 • To be selected: • You must have a strong general academic background with high Math SAT/ACTs. • Interview with the Language Studies representative during the platoon's scheduled 15minute Q&A period at 1430. • Take the DLAB - Defense Language Aptitude Battery test on 24July (Results determine which plebes can take one of the critical language courses in the fall.) • It is easier to take a critical language course if: • You have validated one or more courses.  This makes it easier to fit in these language courses into your course matrix.  • If you haven’t validated a course: • Don’t worry!! • You can delay taking FP130 and HH104 to an upperclass year to make room for the language courses. • You will not fall behind because all critical language courses completed will count as HUM/SS electives for all majors. • Important Navy program. Financial incentives for language proficiency. • up to $300 per month additional pay for critical language proficiency.

  4. TYPICAL PLEBE YEAR NL110 Preparing to Lead, Credits: 2 28th platoon will take this course in the spring.

  5. Course Numbering Typical Variants: P – Plebe A – Additional help S,A – Honors C – With computers E – For engineers V – Validators X – Foreign Mids Nominal Year: 1 – 4/c 2 – 3/c 3 – 2/c 4 – 1/c Division: E – Engineering S – Science H – History / English F – Poly Sci / Econ / Languages N – Pro Dev / Officer Dev P – Phys Ed SM221P Unique Course Identifier Engineering:Math & Science:Humanities & Social Science: A – Aero / Astro P – Physics E –Econ or English E – ElectricalC – Chemistry H –History M –Mechanical M–Math P –Political Science N –Naval ArchO – Oceanography x –Arabic, Chinese, & Ocean Engr French, German, Japanese, S – Systems I – Computer Science Russian, and Spanish

  6. REQUIRED COURSES, Part 1 • LEADERSHIP, ETHICS, LAW (NL) • SEAMANSHIP (NS) & NAVIGATION (NN) • POLITICAL SCIENCE (FP) • HISTORY (HH) Look for variants: FP130A, X Possible to defer to 3/C year

  7. CHEMISTRY (SC) Preferred: HH205P or: HE217, FP210, FE210, SP211

  8. ENGLISH (HE) Must take HE112, BUT NO SUMMER SCHOOL! Look for HE111S (honors) variant

  9. Extra hour each week for Trig Almost validated!! One less hour each week!! MATHEMATICS (SM) Must take SM122A DURING SUMMER SCHOOL

  10. Physical Education • Boxing & Wrestling • Swimming: • 50-meter breaststroke (6to 11 strokes per 25 meters) • 50-meter backstroke (6to 11 strokes per 25 meters) • 5-meter tower jump • 40-foot underwater swim • 200-meter swim (5 minute 12 second maximum). • Personal Conditioning/wellness: • fundamental knowledge promoting a lifetime of health and physical fitness.

  11. 28th Company Advisor Assignments by Alpha Code • Alpha Codes: (100252 through 102850) assigned to: CAPT(sel) Logue, USN ( tlogue@usna.edu ) • Midshipman Atwood up through to and including • Midshipman Hiner • Alpha Codes: (102964 through 107338) assigned to LT Backhaus, USN ( backhaus@usna.edu ) • Midshipman Howard up through to and including • Midshipman Zebian

  12. Questions?

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