1. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Hong Kong Baptist UniversityFaculty of Science
2. Science: the heart of innovation and growth
3. Science: the heart of innovation and growth BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology Biotechnology
BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology Environmental Science
BSc (Hons) in Chemistry
BSc (Hons) in Chemistry Environmental Studies
BSc (Hons) in Computer Science
BSc (Hons) in Computing Studies (Information Systems)
4. Science: the heart of innovation and growth 10 Undergraduate Programmes BSc (Hons) in Mathematical Science
BSc (Hons) in Applied and Computational Mathematics
BSc (Hons) in Statistics and Operations Research
BSc (Hons) in Physics Applied Physics
BSc (Hons) in Physics Physics with Computer Science
5. Science: the heart of innovation and growth 4 Taught Postgraduate Programmes
MSc in Analytical Chemistry
MSc in Environmental and Public Health Management
MSc in Information Technology Management
MSc in Operation Research and Business Statistics
6. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Timetable
Complete outcome-based teaching and learning for all 10 BSc programmes in three years
Cover one-third of all subjects each year starting in the academic year 2008-2009
Cover all subjects by the end of the academic year 2010-2011
QAC provides added impetus
7. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Process
Specification of programme outcomes
Specification of the outcomes for individual subjects
Develop outcome matrix linking the two
8. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Implementation
Convert subject syllabi to outcome-based
Adjust assessment weighting
Work out resource implications
Approval of changes at Faculty Board
Delivery of subject
Evaluation and submit report
Submit to Faculty and Department
First implementation report mandatory
Subsequent reports optional
Evaluation meetings held at departmental and faculty levels
9. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Challenges/Obervations
Classes often too large to enable outcomes to be achieved and assessed
Reduction in examination weighting
more diverse forms of assessment methods included, e.g. quizzes and tests, tutorial classes, laboratory sessions, mini projects and term papers
more workload for both staff and students
More resources required
More labs and TAs
More lab tests
Not everything is observable or measurable
Attitude outcomes are particularly hard to assess
Paper exercise?
What proportion of outcomes needs to be achieved to constitute a pass?
10. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Useful Practices
Ensure students are informed of the outcomes
Go through the outcomes with students in the first lecture of the course
Review the outcomes in the last lecture of the course
Observe and monitor outcomes continuously and adjust teaching pace and strategy accordingly
More labs/lab tests
Smaller classes
Staff-student consultation sessions
11. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Useful Practices
Incorporate outcomes in subject examination review form, correlating examination questions with outcomes
Guest speakers practitioners
Real-life case examples
More class discussion opportunities
12. Science: the heart of innovation and growth Way Forward
Currently completed over one-third of all subjects
On track to complete all subjects by 2010-2011
Expected to have converted most subjects by the end of 2009-2010
Postgraduate programmes
Evaluation of programme outcomes
Keeping up the momentum?
13. Science: the heart of innovation and growth
Thank you!