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MEASUREMENT OF PLANT BIO-DIVERSITY. Marthie Kemp Centre for Environmenal Management UFS. ANALYTIC PHASE. SYNTHETIC PHASE. BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE. ANALYTIC PHASE Reconnaissance of study area Homogenous Characteristic Relevé size Environmental Factors. SYNTHETIC PHASE.
MEASUREMENT OF PLANT BIO-DIVERSITY Marthie Kemp Centre for Environmenal Management UFS
ANALYTIC PHASE Reconnaissance of study area Homogenous Characteristic Relevé size Environmental Factors SYNTHETIC PHASE BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
10m 10m 10m 10m 5m 5m BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
Some of the environmental factors: • GPS • Aspect • Slope • Exposure • Topography • % Area covered by rock / size of rocks • Biotic influences N BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE • Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale:
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE • Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE • Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r + +
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE • Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 + 1 +
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE • Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 1 + 2a + 2a
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 1 + 2a 2b 2b + 2b 2a 2b
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 + 3 1 2a 3 2b 2b + 3 2b 2a 2b 3 3
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 + 3 1 2a 3 4 2b 2b + 3 2b 2a 2b 4 3 3 4 4 4 4
BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE Braun Blanquet Cover-abundance scale: r 1 + 3 1 2a 3 4 2b 2b 5 + 3 5 2b 2a 5 2b 4 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 4
ANALYTIC PHASE Reconnaissance of study area Homogenous Characteristic Relevé size Environmental Factors SYNTHETIC PHASE TURBOVEG (Hennekens 1996) TWINSPAN (Hill 1979a) / JUICE (Trichy & Holt 2006) Megatab Decorana BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
The hierarchical classification of the 53 relevés, 5 communities, 4 sub communities and 3 variants in which Acacia karroo is dominant, are: 1. Cyperus rupestris – Cynodon dactylon Community 1.1 Ledebouria luteola – Digitaria eriantha Sub-community 1.2 Berkheya onopordifolia – Cynodon dactylon Sub-community 2. Setaria sphacelata – Acacia karroo Community 3. Diospyros lycioides – Rhus pyroides Community 3.1 Salsola glabrescens – Cynodon hirsutus Sub-community 3.2 Sphaeralcea bonariensis – Eragrostis curvula Sub- community 3.2.1 Setaria verticillata Variant 3.2.2 Phyla nodiflora Variant 3.2.3 Asparagus laricinusVariant 4. Eragrostis lehmanniana – Acacia karroo Community 5. Eragrostis trichophora – Eragrostis curvulaCommunity BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
DESCRIPTION OF COMMUNITIES: Diagnostic species Dominant species Associated with environmental factors BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
Shallow soils Soil depth Deep Kalahari on dolerite sands Axis 2 • Montane grassland Habitat Sandy plains • Pristine Habitat Disturbed • Axis 1 DECORANA Ordination diagram indicating the distribution of the various grassland communities in relation to environmental factors (Axes 1 & 2). BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE
Hennekens SM (1996a) MEGATAB – A visual editor for phytosociological tables. Giesen and Geurts Hennekens SM (1996b) TURBO(VEG) – Software package for input, processing and presentation of phytosociological data. User’s guide. University of Lancaster Hill MO (1979a) TWINSPAN – A FORTRAN Program for arranging multivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes. Department of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Hill MO (1979b) DECORANA – A FORTRAN Program for detrended correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging. Department of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Kent M, Coker P (1992) Vegetation description and analysis: A practical approach. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp1 – 275. ISBN 0-4719-4810-1 Mueller-Dombois D, Ellenberg H (1974) Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John Wiley Sons, New York, pp 10 – 66. ISBN 0-4716-2291-5 Müller ME (2002) The phytosociology of the central Free State. M.Sc Dissertation. University of the Free State Tricky L, Holt J (2006) JUICE – Program for management, analysis and classification of ecological data. Program Manual. Masaryk University Brno. BRAUN BLANQUET TECHNIQUE