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Lawrence Mayega District Veterinary Officer. SPVCD ACTIVITIES IN MASAKA DISTRICT 8 th December, 2014 Hotel Brovad. SESSION 1: SPVCD activities in Masaka. Introduction of the project in Masaka Activities 2012 Activities 2013 Activities 2014 Planned activities into 2015
Lawrence Mayega District Veterinary Officer SPVCD ACTIVITIES IN MASAKA DISTRICT 8th December, 2014 Hotel Brovad
SESSION 1: SPVCD activities in Masaka Introduction of the project in Masaka Activities 2012 Activities 2013 Activities 2014 Planned activities into 2015 Acknowledgments
Introduction of the project - 2012 CGIAR is the Consortium Group for International Agricultural Research ILRI, CIAT, ICARDA and World Fish are part of the CGIAR centers that implement the Livestock and Fish Program ( CRP 3.7) ILRI is hosted in Nairobi Kenya with a research campus in Addis, Ethiopia ILRI has since opened an office in Kampala and hosts the Small Holder Pig Value Chain Project in Uganda
Introduction of the project - 2012 SPVCD was launched in Masaka District on 20th November 2012 at Palm Spring Hotel SSaza Other participating Districts in the first lot are Mukono& Kamuli. Hoima & Lira have been taken on in the second lot making it five participating Districts The inaugural meeting was followed by a number of activities as outlined below
Activities- 2012 Constraint identification process; November 2012- January 2013 Characterization of the pig value chain into three distinct but closely linked chains; Rural to Rural pig value chain Rural to Urban pig value chain Peri-urban to Urban Value Chain.
Activities- 2012 2. Constraints identified and prioritized Feeding Housing and general husbandry African Swine Fever
Activities- 2013 3. Baseline for prevailing pig diseases, livelihoods and nutrition; April-May 2013 400 samples for blood and fecal material were undertaken. Serological and microscopic analysis was done and reports generated. The profile and prevalence of parasitic disease including the ranking of the major worm species was undertaken and published Follow up activities on going under Safe Food Fair Food program (CRP 4.3)
Activities- 2013 4. In-depth performance studies (April- May 2013) Pig Health and farmers livelihoods (n=400), Integrated assessment of food safety and nutrition (n=400) Value Chain Assessment-Village Boar keepers (n=34).
Activities- 2013 5. In-depth value chain analysis of producers & secondary actors was carried out in (2) rural villages & (3) villages in Masaka Municipality (68) Producers, (45)Traders, (25) Feed stockists (12) Vet drug shops (7) Village vets (Animal health workers)
Activities- 2013 6. Pig business hub proposal; May-June 2013 Approved and integrated in the ILRI-Irish Aid project 7. Feed back of VCA results 11th- 13th November, 2013 best-bet recommendations discussed at District level and at 15 Parish centers in the District A total of 798 pig farmers participated in the dissemination feedback
Activities- 2013 Best-bets interventions to propel the pig sector as proposed by stakeholders in Masaka Cost and quality of pig feeds is the number one limiting factor 2. African Swine fever control 3. Collective marketing of pigs through formation of pig cooperative societies
Activities- 2014 The pig platform (ebimeza) Masaka has held two regional platform meetings facilitated by ILRI-SNV Uganda Platform meetings have enabled self-help solutions to key problems in the value chain
Activities- 2014 The 1st ever pig cooperative Union in Uganda was formed in Masaka and elected an executive committee (R to L) C/P: SsekyondwaSam Gen Sec: Samuel Musoke Publicity: Yiga Henry Treasurer: Monica Nkonwa (mrs) Member: ProssyNamanda Member: Kato Kalema Member: BabraKasujja (mrs) The union will own and run the municipal abattoir and tailored business
ILRI interventions- 2014 Food demand and intra household dietary survey, with a focus on animal source foods was carried out from 20th Oct- 5th Nov 2014 in Masaka
ILRI interventions- 2014 Consultants undertaking work on the pig business hub & Masaka Municipal pig abattoir 12-14th Nov 2014
Platform activities- 2014 Task forces to constraints Task force 1; was tasked to form a pig farmers association with the aim of undertaking collective marketing. A Union was formed to undertake this constraint Task force 2; convene a pig feed dialogue meeting to discuss on minimum standards Task force 3; Educate farmers to make own feeds and to grow highly digestible forages Task force 4; use grown crops rather than commercial feeds (use of potato silage) Task force 5; Set up a farmer shop with quality animal feeds Task force 6; Collective purchase of alternative feeds (brewers waste)
Acknowledgement Masaka District acknowledges all the efforts so far undertaken by ILRI and partners in improving the livelihoods of the poor through the pig sub-sector In the greater Masaka region; 6 in 10 households rear pigs which is a great sustainable resource to move out of poverty. We thank the CGIAR partners for making the right decision We are grateful for the decisions that were made by SPAC and PPMC without which this project will not be here in Uganda
Acknowledgement We take pride in the head of the program; Danilo Pezo for the good collaborative efforts undertaken in implementation of the program We thank the Kampala Team; Emily ,Dione and Kristina for providing good guidance on the program There is still a lot to be undertaken and we request you to take appropriate decisions to upscale the interventions that we are piloting We wish you a good stay in Masaka and thereafter a safe journey home