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Title = Fascism What do you think are the most important characteristics of Fascism ?

Day 102 Opening Question. Title = Fascism What do you think are the most important characteristics of Fascism ? Don’t use your notes!!!!. Day 102 to 104 Objectives. Chronicle Adolf Hitler’s story and his rise to power

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Title = Fascism What do you think are the most important characteristics of Fascism ?

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  1. Day 102 Opening Question • Title = Fascism • What do you think are the most important characteristics of Fascism? • Don’t use your notes!!!!

  2. Day 102 to 104 Objectives • Chronicle Adolf Hitler’s story and his rise to power • Analyze the problems that existed in Germany that allowed Hitler to rise to power

  3. Germany after WWI • After Kaiser Wilhelm II flees (to Holland) & the 2nd Reich falls, Germany goes back to… • 1918 = Weimar Republic •  elected President in 1925 Democracy

  4. Problems after WWI • Political? • Democratic Gov is weak and split! • Conservatives vs Socialists • What about Hindenberg? • Social? • Anger in Germany…why? • Scapegoats?

  5. Economic Problem #1

  6. Gallon of Milk

  7. Inflation • an increase in the amount of money that is being circulated in a country or marketplace • It happens when more bills/notes are being printed by the treasury of a country.

  8. Inflation Crisis • Germany needs to pay a lot of $$$....why? • Weimar Republic’s Solution = print out more and more money… • 1914 • $1 = 4.2 marks • November 1, 1923 • $1 = 130 billion marks • November 30, 1923 • $1 = 4.2 trillion marks

  9. Effects of the Inflation • Mr. B in Germany… before the inflation… • I earned $50K a year • I have $20K saved in a bank savings account • What will happen to me and many people like me in Germany?

  10. What does remind you of?

  11. More Inflation Effects • $$ Stacks =  • Who is blamed!?!? • Inflation problem is eventually fixed…but what damage is done?

  12. Problem #2 = Depression from 1929 through 1930s • Unemployment gets VERY HIGH • 1932 (worst year) = 40% • Production only at 50% • Feelings in Society? • No faith in… • Where do people look for solution? • Youth join gangs • Door is open for who? • Is 1932 a big year?

  13. Adolf Hitler’s Early Story • 1889-1945 • Abusive Father, Alois • Dies in 1903 (AH is 14) • Loved his mother Klara deeply • Inferiority complex • Partly Jewish?  • Flunked Secondary School

  14. What people have influenced you the most in your life?

  15. Hitler in Vienna 1908-1914 a. Why does he go?

  16. 1905-1907, Hitler frequently visits Vienna • Klara dies from breast cancer in 1907 • Hitler = Vienna drifter from 1908-1913 • Age 19-24 • “In this period, there took shape within me a world picture and a philosophy which became the granite foundation of all my acts.” • But how? 

  17. Hitler preferred landscapes and architectural paintings and drawings • Rejected twice from Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 1907-1908 • Psychology behind the art? • What if???

  18. Who Influenced Hitler?? • Catholic monk, German Nationalist, Austrian Mayor, Composer Richard Wagner • Ideas he picked up • Racism…especially Anti-Semitism that went beyond religion... • Extreme German nationalism. Germans should all unite in one state. How to use propaganda and terror to build nationalism. • German Aryan Race should rule the world • Struggle and the need to dominate

  19. 1914…WWI comes for Hitler!

  20. Hitler’s thoughts on the arrival of the war? • Loved War • Wounded in WWI as dispatch runner • Won Iron Cross • Effects of surviving WWI? • Invincible

  21. WWI Ends • Impact on Hitler? • Bitter at German loss in 1919 • Who does he blame?

  22. 5. Hitler after WWI • Joins National Socialist German Workers’ Party •  Most important words? • AKA Nazi Party • Party grows in power with Hitler as leader

  23. b. Hitler’s police?

  24. Sturmabteilung • AKA • Brown-shirts • SA • Storm-troopers • Para-military Group • Like a police force

  25. Whoelse had a group that was similar to the SA?

  26. SA’s purpose? • Attacked Socialists, Commies and Jews •  • Helped Hitler rise to power in the late 20s and early 30s

  27. The SA will be important for Hitler until he takes over Germany in 1934…

  28. Beer Hall Putsch

  29. Mussolini in 1922 vsHitler in 1923

  30. Nov 8, 1923 • Goal? • Overthrow the Weimar Republic • Outcome  • March on Munich fails… • Hitler given 5 year prison sentence for High Treason • gets off easy  • Looks good in his defense… • In jail, AH writes…

  31. Mein Kampf • “My Struggle” • Writes in prison about his goals and beliefs • Hitler is a “changed” man

  32. Beliefs in Mein Kampf • Same ideas he adopted in Vienna • Racism…Anti-Semitism • Extreme nationalism • Unite Germans • Aryan Race • Struggle for domination

  33. The Aryan Race? • Blonde Hair – Blue Eyes • Master Race of Germans that should rule Europe • Eugenics – study or belief of improving genetics of humans by encouraging the reproduction of certain genetic traits and discouraging negative traits • Who has negative traits? • Non-Aryans • Jews = the enemy of Aryans • Totally different race!!! • Slavs…(ha)

  34. Goals in Mein Kampf • Reunite German People… • Aryans will defeat inferior races… • Expand Germans’ Lebensraum… • Germany would be led by strong leader… • Fuhrer • Hitler would start a 1000-Year Reich • Would take 1000 years to accomplish his goal

  35. Where are the German People? • What will AH have to do?

  36. 8. Hitler out of jail in 1924!!!! • Hitler takes over party again • Nazi Party status = • Germany’s economy is prospering • Good times for Germany = Bad times for Extremism • How will the Nazi’s get power this time?  • Which class of people? Weak!

  37. Star Wars Connection

  38. 1929-1932 • Why is the Depression of 1929 =  • Think horseshoe • Nazi Party rebuilds… 1928-1932…how? • Lots of men under 30 do the dirty work…(?) • SA • Recruiting and campaigning… • Party tries to win seats in Reichstag (Parliament)

  39. 9. Reichstag Elections What do you have here? Hitler learns… Should AH be ? What do the Nazis win in this election????  Is this good? To Be Continued…

  40. How should the NazisInterpret this chart?

  41. 10. January 30, 1933 • What happened to Senator Palpatinewhen the Senate showed weakness? • From 1928-1932, the Weimar Republic is WEAK!! • Elite want Hitler appointed Chancellor  • They thought he would be their…

  42. Why did Hitler get the job? • President Hindenburg thinks Germany needs man of action • Middle and Lower class want a change too • What did the elite think? • Franz von Papen steps down to Vice Chancellor

  43. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syI_B8a5IV4&feature=related

  44. 11. Hitler’s next steps to obtain Total Power • Chancellor Palpatinegains Total Power from the Senate in Star Wars because of a Civil War he created!! • In Jan 1933, Hitler does not have Total Power!! • Commies in his way… • Hitler needs to suck more power from the Reichstag just like Palpatine did

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