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Warm up #19. Name 2-3 things in which you know about the Greek Civilization. http://employees.oneonta.edu/farberas/arth/arth200/politics/parthenon.html. Warm up #20. _H__ 1. Zeus A. God of the Trade _C__ 2. Hera B. God of War _E__ 3. Poseidon C. Goddess of Family
Warm up #19 Name 2-3 things in which you know about the Greek Civilization. http://employees.oneonta.edu/farberas/arth/arth200/politics/parthenon.html
Warm up #20 _H__ 1. Zeus A. God of the Trade _C__ 2. Hera B. God of War _E__ 3. Poseidon C. Goddess of Family _A__ 4. Hermes D. Goddess of Wisdom/Arts _G__ 5. Hades E. God of the Sea _B__ 6. Ares F. Goddess of Love/Beauty _D__ 7. Athena G. God of the Underworld _F__ 8. Aphrodite H. King of Gods
Minoan Civilization • Sea Traders • Named after King Minos • Palace at Knossos • Acquired skills from Egyptians and • Mesopotamians Frescoes-watercolor paintings on wet plaster • Disappearance???? • Invaders • Natural Disaster http://antique.mrugala.net/Crete/Images/page_01.htm http://antique.mrugala.net/Crete/Images/page_01.htm http://www.prometheus-imports.com/greekreliefs.htm?row2col2=greekreliefsrow2col2.htm
The Minotaur • King Minos • Fought for control with his brothers • Asked Poseidon for support • Poseideon gave a snow- • white bull to King Minos • to sacrifice • Minos liked the bull too much to • sacrifice, so he kept the bull and • sacrificed a bull he already had. • Poseidon wasn’t happy and laid a curse • on Minos’ wife. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Minotauros_Myron_NAMA_1664_n1.jpg
The Minotaur • Poseidon’s curse was Minos’ wife to fall in • love with the snow-white bull • She gave birth to the minotaur— • half man/half bull • As the minotaur grew older, became • more ferocious and ate people • Minos created a labyrinth (Maze) to hold the minotaur • Minos upset…asked Zeus for revenge • Athens had to send 7 men and women • every year as food for the minotaur • One person was Theseus, son of Poseidon, who devised a plan to kill • the minotaur and escaped with a ball • of yarn.
Mycenae • Indo-European People • Sea traders • Country was organized into Polis– city-states • Thick fortress wall • Each polis was ruled by a Warrior-King http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/hd/abouthelen.htm http://www.beloit.edu/~classics/Trojan%20War%20Site/Web%20Site/Archaeology%20Pages/Plan_of_Citadel_at_Mycenae_Larger.htm
The Trojan War • Mycenaeans vs Troy, 10 year war • Romantic battle • Trojan Prince Paris kidnapped Helen • Helen was the wife of Spartan King • Menelaus. (Paris was obsessed!) • With the help of Aphrodite, Paris and Helen elope • Trojan Horse • Burnt Troy to the ground http://home.gwu.edu/~ehcline/USA_Today_International_Version.html
Homer • Homer, Greek Poet • Illiad • Poem about Trojan War centered • around Odysseus (10 years) • Odyssey • Epic Poem about Odysseus trip home • (9 years) • Who was Odysseus? • King of Ithaca • Wife was Penelope • Child was Telemachus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/greece/7962445/Greeks-discover-Odysseus-palace-in-Ithaca-proving-Homers-hero-was-real.html
Warm up #21 1.Who was Menelaus 2.Who was Paris 3.Who was Helen 4.Who was Odysseus 5.Who was Homer Helen’s husband, King of Mycenae Prince of Troy, kidnaps Helen Wife of Menelaus, eloped with Paris King of Ithaca, created Trojan Horse Wrote Iliad and Odyssey
but... • Odysseus and his men leave for Ithaca • Needing food, land on the island of Lotus Eaters. His men ate Lotus Flowers which… Odysseus has to save his men. Lotus flowers made the men sleepy and apathetic and wanting to stay. • Still needing food Odysseus land on the Island of Cyclops. Polyphemus tricks them into his cave and they have to escape http://famousgreekmonsters.webs.com/polyphemus.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotus-eaters
Odysseus and his men • sharpen a stick and stab the • Polyphemus’s eye. • Men escape, but Polyphemus’ father is Poseidon (God of the Sea) he seeks revenge by blowing the ship of course and creating havoc on his trip back home. • 4. The Island of Aeolus– God of wind give Odysseus all the bad winds in a bag so he travel home safely….however his men accidently open the bag and release all the bad winds. http://seniorlearn.org/forum/index.php?topic=2002.1200
5. Circe’s Island. • Odysseus lands here and • Circe turns Odysseus’ men • into pigs. Hermes helps Odysseus • in turning his men back to human • but, end up staying on the island • for two years. Circe and Odysseus • became lovers. • Island of Sirens. The Siren • lure sailors with their voices • on the island. Odysseus • knows this and has his men • fill their ears with beeswax • and he is tied to the mast of • his ship. http://famousgreekmonsters.webs.com/sirens.htm
7. Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus • has to make a choice. Either • sail pass Scylla, a six-headed • sea serpent or Charybdis, a • giant whirlpool. Odysseus • decided Scylla not wanting to • risk his ship, however he doesn’t • let his men know….6 die when • passing Scylla. • Island of Helios. Odysseus orders • his men not to eat Helios’ cattle. • They disobey him while he falls • asleep. Zeus is mad and throws • a thunderbolt and destroys the • ship…only Odysseus survives. http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/Pellegrino-Tibaldi/The-Companions-Of-Odysseus-Steal-The-Cattle-Of-Helios.html http://odyssey.weebly.com/scylla-and-charybdis.html
Calypso’s Island • Odysseus drifts to this island of women and is held captive by the nymph Calypso. She holds him captive for 7 years. Hermes finally convinces Calypso to let Odysseus build a new ship and leave. • 10. The Island of the Phaecians. After hearing Odysseus story, the Phaecians give Odysseus one of their magical ships to get home quickly. http://ithaka.wikispaces.com/Calypso+and+Odysseus http://www.maicar.com/GML/Phaeacians.html
Finally Odysseus returns home. • However, upon coming home he • see suitors have overtaken his • palace to try to marry Penelope. • The suitors convinced Penelope • that Odysseus is dead. • She agrees to remarry, based on • a competition. The one who can • shoot the arrow through 12 ax • heads, a feat only done by • Odysseus. All suitors fail except • one, Odysseus, dressed as a beggar • does it and turns with help of his • son kills all the suitors. http://www.utexas.edu/courses/larrymyth/31OdysseyIII2009.html
End of the Mycenaeans Sea raiders Dorians Abandoned cities, loss trade, forgot skills