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SMART Sustainable Moulding of Articles from Recycled Tyres WP9– Project Management

SMART Sustainable Moulding of Articles from Recycled Tyres WP9– Project Management. KICK-OFF MEETING Rome, 21st of March 2012. WP9 Objectives. WP7 Duration: 36 Months WP Leader: ETRA (Coordinator) Partner involved: SME-Ags and SMEs D9.1 – Signed Consortium Agreement (Month 2).

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SMART Sustainable Moulding of Articles from Recycled Tyres WP9– Project Management

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  1. SMART Sustainable Moulding of Articles from Recycled Tyres WP9– Project Management KICK-OFF MEETING Rome, 21st of March 2012

  2. WP9 Objectives WP7 Duration: 36 Months WP Leader: ETRA (Coordinator) Partner involved: SME-Ags and SMEs D9.1 – Signed Consortium Agreement (Month 2) The main objectives of the Project Management WP are: - Ensuring effective co-ordination and collaboration among partners within the project - Ensuring a fair and transparent decision making process - Monitoring the project progresses guaranteeing the technical homogeneity. - Ensuring fulfilment of the overall goals within the time and the budget constraints. The dispatch of project deliverable, technical and financial reports in due time The activities will be focused in 2 management areas: one related to the Consortium and the other ones related to coordination and communication with the EC.

  3. SMART Project Management Structure Project Coordination Committee SME-AGs and OTHs partners chaired by the Project Manager; Project Manager Consortium Management (ETRA) S&T Manager Scientific Director (UTV) Independent Quality Control Manager External to be identified Exploitation Manager Exploitation Strategy (ETRA) WP Leaders Technical Management (UTV, LABOR, TI)

  4. Project Coordination Committee (PCC) The Project Coordination Committee (PCC) will be the project’s main decision-making body in relation to technical, management, legal and financial issues. The PCC is composed of one representative from SME-AGs and OTHs partners and will be chaired by the Project Manager (PM); each Representative of the PCC shall have one vote. In case of conflicts, when voting is requested by any of PCC members, the decisions of the PCC will be taken with the majority of the votes of the members representative of SME-AGs and OTHs participants in the PCC. In this occasion, and in case of fundamental decisions for the project, RTDPs will be invited to participate to the discussions with an advisory role only, having no right to vote. The PCC will meet during the 3 official meetings (kick-off, mid-term, final). Additional meeting will be organized, if necessary, at any other time with the agreement of and the participation of at least half of the representatives.

  5. Project Manager (PM) • Project Manager (PM) is a representative of the project Coordinator ETRA; the appointed Project Manager is Dr. Ettore Musacchi, president of ETRA. • The PM will be responsible for the efficient administration of the project. • He will chair the PCC and he is at disposal of the Consortium for the whole project duration at any time to address any issue related to the project run. • In case of annual leave he will communicate in advance to the Consortium the contacts details of the person in charge of addressing urgent issues. • He represents the single entry point for the communication with the REA and with Third Parties willing to interact with the project. • If the Project manager fails in its coordination tasks, the Project Co-ordination Committee (PCC) may propose to the Project Coordinator to change the Project Manager.

  6. Scientific and Technological Manager (S&TM) • The Scientific and Technological Manager (S&TM) is a representative of the RTD Performer UTV; the appointed S&T manager is Dr. Fabrizio Quadrini. • The S&TM provides support to the PCC and to the Project Manager in taking decisions regarding the technical orientation of the project, the quality control and when need corrective actions are needed • S&TM must at all times be fully informed of the current status of the project • The S&TM is in close contact with the Work-Package Leaders and may, at any time, require additional technical information to the partners to verify if the work is progressing according to plan. • In case the S&TM is not satisfied of the quality of a project output he may submit it to the attention of the PCC for its approval /rejection; • the S&TM will support the PM in preparing the Progress Reports to be submitted to the REA

  7. Exploitation Manager (EM) • The Exploitation Manager (EM) will support the PCC for the protection of foreground, results exploitation and dissemination. EM is a representative of the SME association proposer ETRA; the appointed Exploitation Manager is Ms. Valerie Shulman. • The EM supports the PCC in the organization planning and monitoring all the activities related to the exploitation and dissemination of the project (such as patents, trade marks, brochures, etc.); • EM will also support the PM in the preparation of the Plan for using and disseminating knowledge for timely submission to the Project Co-ordination Committee

  8. Independent Quality Control Manager (QM) • The Quality Control Manager (QM) will be an independent role reporting to the PM and to the PCC. • The Quality control manager will be an external expert of the tyre recycling/moulding industrial sector, appointed by the PCC from a list of names provided by the PCC members, and paid as a • subcontractor by the Consortium. • The appointed QM provides independent technical assistance to the PM and PCC on technical decisions, where needed, and realises a peer review for the technical deliverables before being issued, checking the quality standards compliance of the documents and results. • The assessment will also be used by the PCC as an independent external support for the approval of the deliverables produced by the RTDPs

  9. Work package leaders (WP) • The WP leader is responsible for managing a Work-Package (WP) and all work conducted by participants in this Work-Package. • The Work-Package Leader establishes, in co-ordination with the participation partners and other Work-Packages, the detailed schedule of the Work-Package and the work in progress. • He is also responsible for organising the production and internal review of the Work-Package deliverables. • The WP Leader or any participant can call for Work-Package meetings in order to co-ordinate work within the Work-Package, to resolve work issues and to monitor progress and other related issues.

  10. Delivery to REA of official documents • Documents to be delivered to the REA (technical reports, administrative documents, financial reports) will be: • issued by the corresponding responsible to and uploaded on the Groupware; • all the partners will be informed by email about the availability of the document • They will have 15 calendar days to provide comments or propose modifications; • once this term has expired, the document will be considered approved and can be dispatched to the REA; • in case a member of the PCC is not satisfied of the quality of a project output may submit it to the attention of the PCC for its explicit approval or motivated rejection.

  11. Monitoring System Communication


  13. SMART key figures (tbc)

  14. Thank you and Let’s keep in touch! Giorgio Recine LABOR s.r.l Via Giacomo Peroni, 386 C/O Tecnopolo Tiburtino 00131 Roma (Italy) Telephone: +39 06 40040354 Fax: +39 06 40040357 g.recine@labor-roma.it Skype: g.recine

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