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APUSH: Market Revolution 1815-1840

APUSH: Market Revolution 1815-1840. Mr. Weber Room 217. Activator. Chapter 9 reading test: 15 minutes 1. What were the major social effects of the market revolution? 2. What revolutionary changes did American slavery undergo during this period?

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APUSH: Market Revolution 1815-1840

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  1. APUSH: Market Revolution 1815-1840 Mr. Weber Room 217

  2. Activator • Chapter 9 reading test: 15 minutes • 1. What were the major social effects of the market revolution? • 2. What revolutionary changes did American slavery undergo during this period? • 3. What role did immigration play in the market revolution? • 4. How does the Second Great Awakening relate to the market revolution?

  3. Agenda • Activator, agenda, and objective (20 minutes) • Benchmark study strategy: matching game (30 minutes) • The Market Revolution lecture (30 minutes) • Teaching each other our DBQs (30 minutes) • Exit ticket and homework (5 minutes)

  4. Objective • AP Topic #6. Transformation of the Economy and Society in Antebellum America • The transportation revolution and creation of a national market economy • Beginnings of industrialization and changes in social and class structures • Immigration and nativist reaction • Planters, yeoman farmers, and slaves in the cotton South

  5. Benchmark Review: Matching • In teams of two. • Match the key term/event in bold with the appropriate definition or phrase. • You may use your notes and the book but time is of the essence. • First team finished will receive extra credit on the exam.

  6. Matching

  7. The Market Revolution • The New Economy • Roads and steamboats • Improvements in transportation lowered costs and linked farmers to markets. • Improved water transportation most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce.

  8. Ch. 9, Image 4

  9. Ch. 9, Image 6

  10. Transportation and Communication • The Erie Canal • Completed in 1825 and made NYC a major trading port. • State-funded canal as example for funding for internal improvements. • Railroads and Telegraphs • Railroads opened the frontier to settlement • Telegraph introduced a communication revolution • Improvements in transportation and communication made possible the rise of the West. • People traveled in groups to clear land and establish communities. • Squatters set up farms on unoccupied land.

  11. Ch. 9, Image 8

  12. Ch. 9, Image 9

  13. Ch. 9, Image 12

  14. The Cotton Kingdom • The market revolution and westward expansion heightened the nation’s sectional divisions. • Rise of cotton production came with Eli Whitney’s cotton gin. • The cotton gin revolutionized American slavery. • Historians estimate that around 1 million slaves were shifted old slave states to deep south between 1800-1860 • Slave trading became organized business.

  15. Ch. 9, Image 10

  16. The Market Society • Commercial farmers • The Norwest became a region with an integrated economy of commercial farms and manufacturing cities. • Farmers grew crops and raised livestock for sale. • The cities in the East provided credit and a market. • New technologies: • Steel plow • Reaper

  17. Ch. 9, Image 13

  18. The Factory System • Samuel Slater establishes first factory in 1790 • First large scale factories in 1814 in Waltham, Mass. Then Lowell, Mass. • Nature of work shifted from skilled artisan to that of factory worker. • Mass production of interchangeable parts assembled into standardized products. • New England textile mills relied primarily on female and child labor. • South lagged behind the North in terms of factory production.

  19. Ch. 9, Image 15

  20. Ch. 9, Image 16

  21. Ch. 9, Image 17

  22. Ch. 9, Image 18

  23. Growth of Immigration • Economic expansion fueled demand for labor • German and Irish settled primarily in Northern cities. • Reasons for migration (push and pull factors) • Filled mainly low-wage unskilled jobs

  24. Nativism • Racist reaction to immigration • Response to growing Catholic presence (Irish) • Nativists blamed immigrants for: • Urban crime • Political corruption • Alcohol abuse • Undercutting wages

  25. Individualism • Freedom linked to availability of land (Manifest Destiny) • National myth and ideology surrounding the “West” • Transcendentalists responded to competitive materialists individualism of emergent capitalism with idea of self-realization through which individuals remake themselves and their own lives • Ralph Emerson (“Self-Reliance”)

  26. Ch. 9, Image 20

  27. Ch. 9, Image 21

  28. The Second Great Awakening • Added religious element to celebration of individual self-improvement, self-reliance, and self-determination. • Charles Grandison Finney became a national celebrity for his preaching in upstate N.Y. • Democratized Christianity • Promoted doctrine of human free will • Used opportunities of market revolution to spread their message

  29. Ch. 9, Image 22

  30. Limits of Prosperity • Opportunities for the “self-made man” • Jacob Astor and Heratio Alger • Market revolution produced a new middle class. • Barred from schools and other public facilities most free African Americans and women were excluded from economic opportunities.

  31. Cult of Domesticity • New definition of femininity emerged based on values of love, friendship, and mutual obligation • Virtue became personal moral quality • Women should find freedom fulfilling their duties in their sphere

  32. Ch. 9, Image 27

  33. Early Labor Movement • Some felt that the market revolution reduced their freedom • Economic swings widened gap between rich and poor • First workingman’s parties est. 1820s • Strikes were common by the 1830s • Wage-earners evoked “liberty” when calling for improvements in the workplace • Some described wage labor as slavery: “wage slaves”

  34. Ch. 9, Image 31

  35. Sharing our DBQs • Form a reading group and share out your DBQ’s from the “securing the republic,” 1790-1815, period. • Take notes and ask questions for clarification.

  36. Voices of Freedom • Pick a quote from Emerson’s “The American Scholar” and explicate it. • Pick a second quote from Orestes Brownson’s “The Laboring Classes” and explicate it. • Prepare to share your quotes and explanations on Thursday in class.

  37. Exit ticket and homework • 1. How was it to read the chapter before hearing lecture about it? • Homework: • Explicate 2 quotes from the Voices of Freedom for Thursday. • Benchmark Thursday. • Begin reading Chapter 10 on Democracy in America 1815-1840 for next Tuesday. • Prepare for Friday’s debate on Jacksonian Democracy

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