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SWE ELECTIONS FOR 2009-2010. Please review the Nominees and complete the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=MPy2vHeFpHSn_2fONTyNtpig_3d_3d. President – 1 of 2 Nominees Jessica Anderson.
SWE ELECTIONS FOR 2009-2010 Please review the Nominees and complete the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=MPy2vHeFpHSn_2fONTyNtpig_3d_3d
President – 1 of 2 NomineesJessica Anderson I am a senior in mechanical engineering, but I will be sticking around for another year and a half in the concurrent Masters' Degree Program. This is my first year in SWE, but I have served as the Publicity Representative and attended Region Conference. One thing I would bring to the position of SWE President is a commitment to help SWE members make connections with one another. I believe that it is beneficial for engineering students, especially those just starting out, to have a support group of other engineers who can give them help and encouragement as they face the many challenges that go along with pursuing a difficult degree and adjusting to college life in general. Even older students can benefit from connecting with others who face the same challenges they do - everything from searching for a job to fighting senioritis. I love that we have been actively recruiting men to join SWE, and I want all engineers to see how SWE can help them. I love SWE, and I really want to keep this great organization growing at Utah State. --Jessica Anderson
President – 2 of 2 NomineesVicki Ragsdale My name is Vicki Ragsdale. I am currently a junior in the MAE department and still manage to smile at least three times a day! I joined SWE as a freshman and the first program I fell in love with was Expanding Your Horizons (EYH). Another thing I love about SWE is conference. I was able to attend Regional Conference for the first time this year in Albuquerque, and absolutely loved it! It was so encouraging to see so many women from college and industry come together to celebrate their success. Plus, I got past the ‘acquaintance’ status with the girls from our section and was able to call many who went ‘friends’ by the end of our trip! I would be an amazing SWE President because I have the capability to manage and multitask. I am very excited about SWE and feel that I can share that excitement with others and get them involved. I am also not afraid to strike up a conversation with people I do not know, which would help in getting the word out about SWE. Also, my job at SDL requires a lot of delegation and schedule planning. I feel like this experience will aid me as I oversee the planning of activities and follow up to ensure everything goes smoothly.
VP of Student Affairs – 1 of 1 NomineesWendy Miners My major is Civil Engineering and I will be in my senior year next year. I have been involved in SWE since my freshman year of college. In 2007 I started to help with the council. I helped run a fundraiser for SWE that year as well. The following year I was Co-VP and attended my first conference, in Pasadena, CA; I also attended conference this year in Albuquerque, NM. I am interested in becoming VP of Student Affairs because I enjoyed being apart of SWE and enjoy the bringing other women in engineering together. I will be bringing my skills from working for housing for the past three years and my previous experience on SWE to the committee. I think SWE is an awesome program and want to see it continue.
VP of Outreach Affairs – 1 of 2 NomineesLauren Berrett Hi everyone! My name is Lauren Berrett and I’ll be a junior next year! I’m studying Mechanical Engineering with a Math and Spanish minor as well. I love to snowboard! It’s the only thing that keeps me sane from the stress of school, as any engineer would know. I also play a lot of intramural sports: basketball, soccer, dodge ball, racquetball, etc… I’ve been a member of SWE for a year now and I love it! I was able to go to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the SWE conference in January with about 15 other SWE members. I met new people, learned about networking and internships, and had a lot of fun with the girls! I would love to be the VP of Outreach Affairs. I’m very responsible with anything I’m committed to, and I love to meet and interact with new people, especially women engineers. I’m a hard worker and dedicated to school, but I do like to have a little fun now and then. I’m very down to earth, flexible, and can work around other people’s busy schedules. I’ll get the job done!!
VP of Outreach Affairs – 2 of 2 NomineesCami Lyman Major: Environmental Engineering, Freshman SWE Experience: Attended Regional SWE Conference in Albuquerque, NM 2009; CSCO Rep 2008-2009; attends weekly SWE officer meetings What I Could Bring to the Position: Utah 4-H State Ambassador – travelled nationally, regionally, and state-wide to be trained, teach workshops and train other youth and adults in 4-H outreach programs including youth-adult partnership workshops in addition to the program Health Rocks! which teaches elementary school-aged youth to make wise decisions concerning tobacco and drug use. Lead outreach programs and service projects for my community on the South Jordan City Youth Council which included organizing a Bicycle Rodeo teaching kids bicycle safety as well as other service projects. Helped lead a booth at the Salt Lake County Fair and made 200 Dino-bricks (toy dinosaurs baked in sand and glue), posters and fliers in order to promote and teach kids about dinosaur excavation and soil layers for a Girl Scout project. Attended USU engineering outreach program Engineering State.
VP of Corporate Affairs – 1 of 1 NomineesMay Bo Hsu My name is May Bo Hsu. I will be a Sophomore in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Math. I can't imagine studying anything else! Besides being a nerd and playing with my circuit board, I enjoy art, photography, music, sewing, and working with little kids.I have been a member of SWE for one year and have been to almost all the activities this year such as the opening social, tech talks, glass blowing, and BARN tour. I also went to SWE Region B conference and loved interacting with the professional women engineers.I love SWE and I want to dedicate my time to serving the members of SWE. I have already networked with a bunch of companies and I plan to work with Melissa Schaeffer/Career Center to organize A Night with the Industries Dinner to fund raise for the SWE conference next year.
Secretary– 1 of 2 NomineesKim Otteson My name is Kimberly Otteson and I am currently a freshman in the Biological Engineering Major. This year is my first year being a member of SWE. I went to the conference in Albuquerque and learned a lot about what SWE is and what it can really do. I hope that if elected as secretary for the USU SWE Chapter that I could bring organizational skills, planning, and fun ideas, I would do everything to the best of my ability to support our chapter. I am really excited about potentially being an officer next year.
Secretary– 2 of 2 NomineesAshlin Olsen I've been a member of SWE for one year and am Freshman majoring in Biological Engineering. I attended SWE Regional Conference in Albuquerque New Mexico this past January. I have been aware of SWE since my Senior year of high school. I grew up in a small town and understand the value of community. I have taken a leadership class and learned effective ways to lead other people. I held many leadership positions from my alta mater North Summit High School, located in Coalville, Utah. Some of the positions included FBLA President, National Honor Society Treasurer, English Sterling Scholar, Senior Ball chairman, varsity volleyball and softball captain, and leadership committee member. I have also held several positions for my church. I am a very ambitious, driven, and focused worker. I enjoy working on a team and I get along with others well. I believe the experience I have would bring benefits to our SWE chapter. I love the atmosphere SWE creates and the friendships I have gained from becoming a member of SWE. I would like to continue the tradition and expound upon it. I know I have the skills necessary to fulfill this position.
Treasurer– 1 of 1 NomineesChristine Koloveas Degree: Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering (math minor) Graduation: Spring 2011 Current SWE Position: Historian My SWE Experience: I joined SWE my junior year to make new friends and learn a little more about the possibilities in engineering. I also went to regional conference at witnessed firsthand what SWE is all about. Why I want to be Treasurer: I wanted to be an officer during the next SWE fiscal year and encourage other engineers to join SWE while teaching them the benefits of joining. I’m also organized and I know how to balance a checkbook.
Summary of Nominees: • VP of Student Affairs: • Wendy Meiners • President: • Jessica Anderson • Vicki Ragsdale • VP of Corporate Affairs: • May Bo Hsu • VP of Outreach Affairs: • Lauren Berrett • Cami Lyman • Treasurer: • Christine Koloveas • Secretary: • Kim Otteson • Ashlin Olsen
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