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Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures

Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures PROJECT – STRAND 1 – Training and Capacity Building. FAQ in collaboration with. FAQ.

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Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures

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  1. Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures PROJECT – STRAND 1 – Training and Capacity Building

  2. FAQ in collaboration with

  3. FAQ In the course of the project execution you decide to distribute wheat instead of rice as you had intended. This has no negative effect on the project. What procedure should you use? You should follow the procedure “Unilateral modification with notification to ECHO” Formalize the modification made by a letter addressed to the Field Officer and the Desk Officer and in the Interim Report. It is not necessary to receive authorization.

  4. FAQ Does ECHO indicate an ideal % allotment of costs in Titles 01 and 02 (ex. Costs of supports must not exceed 30% of the total project cost) ? NO, ECHO does not supply any indication regarding this. In any case, it is a good idea to evaluate a “just proportion” between the two Titles.

  5. FAQ In the course of the project execution you decide to work with a local partner different than you had planned on without substantially modifying the project. What procedure should you use? ? You should follow the procedure “Unilateral modification with notification to ECHO” Formalize the modification made by a letter addressed to the Field Officer and the Desk Officer and in the Interim Report. It is not necessary to receive authorization.

  6. FAQ You had planned on drilled wells for supplying water to beneficiaries, but technical reasons prevent this. You propose to supply the area by truck – therefore the project sustainability has failed. The cost is the same. How do you act with ECHO ? A modification in the sustainability of the project is a critical change and must be previously discussed with the Field Expert to obtain authorization.

  7. FAQ Can formats different to those issued by ECHO be used for the presentation of the Budget in the initial, interim & final phases ? • NO, the formats to be used (in the same language as the Grant Agreement) are those exclusively issued by ECHO for each of the following phases: • Budget Breakdown • Interim Financial Report • Final Financial Report

  8. FAQ In presenting the Interim Report what date must I consider for charging money spent (column ACTUAL BUDGET) ? I must insert expenses (money spent and money owed) up until 15 days before the presentation of the Interim Financial Report

  9. FAQ You budgeted a PM for a 12-month project. Your PM has left and you decide to hire a person until you can substitute him. At project’s end you have employed 3 PMs. How do you justify this? ECHO gives full flexibility for use of funds for personnel (principle of 15%). However you must explain what happened in the presentation of the Interim Report. Overlapping is reimbursed by ECHO if motivated and considered appropriate.

  10. FAQ How much time do I have to invoice expenses for an ECHO project after its termination? Option A: project < 6 months 6 weeks Option B: project > 6 months 3 months

  11. FAQ You want to move a % of total eligible costs superior to 15% from Title 01 to Title 02 without negativity effecting a fundamental element of the project. What procedure should you use? ? • You should follow the procedure “Exchange of letters”: • Formalize your intention to the Field Officer • Send a written request to the Desk Officer • Wait for a written answer from ECHO

  12. FAQ When presenting a project proposal to ECHO do I fill out both the Budget Breakdown and the Budget Summary ? No, I must fill out only the Budget Breakdown. The Budget Summary will be filled out by ECHO and enclosed with the Grant Agreement

  13. FAQ You want to ask to use the reserve planned for your budget. What procedure should you use ? • You should follow the procedure “Exchange of letters”: • Formalize your intention to the Field Officer • Send a written request to the Desk Officer • Wait for a written answer from ECHO

  14. The end

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