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Exercise Motivation

Exercise Motivation. Concepts. Differences Between Sport & Exercise. Sport is selective Lifespan differences with sport/exercise Social network tends to be different between the two Structure differences. Interactionist Perspectives. Most popular for examining exercise motivation

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Exercise Motivation

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  1. Exercise Motivation Concepts

  2. Differences Between Sport & Exercise • Sport is selective • Lifespan differences with sport/exercise • Social network tends to be different between the two • Structure differences

  3. Interactionist Perspectives • Most popular for examining exercise motivation • Exercise Motivation = Personal X Situational Variables • Can’t predict motivation without knowing both parts of equation

  4. Personal Variables -- Self-Perceptions • Self-efficacy • Perceived Competence • Identity • Perceived Fitness Status • Body Image

  5. Personal Variables - Personality • Introversion/Extroversion • Persistence • Optimism/Pessimism • Anxiety

  6. Personal Variables - Life History • Attitudes/Previous Experience • Enjoyment of Exertion • Expectations of social network • Current health status

  7. Situational Variables • SES • Ethnicity • Climate • Access to knowledge • Social support • Leadership Processes

  8. Personal Variables - Motives • Why do people say that they want to exercise? • What influence does that have on adherence?

  9. Self-Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 1986) • Again, an interactionist approach • Environment = social norms, social anxiety, social context, accessibility • Person = self-efficacy • Self-efficacy - a person’s belief that (s)he will be successful at a given task

  10. Modeling Affects Self-Efficacy • What is modeling? • How can it relate to exercise behaviors? • Primary method of advertising for exercising

  11. Self-Presentational Concerns • Self-Presentation = concern for how others perceive our self • Ranges on a continuum • Can be motivating/demotivating for exercise behaviors

  12. Potential Motivators/Demotivators • Physical Appearance • Maintenance • Perceived attractive • Social Identity • Maintain identity of fit/athletic person • Enhance social image • Demotivators?

  13. Choices of Activities

  14. Choice of Contexts • Concerns re: skill/fitness may avoid certain contexts • Loss of potential motivators & social support • Self-presentational concerns may preclude certain activities, such as...?

  15. Quality of Performance • In exercise conditions, may increase performance (Worringham & Messick, 1983) • Underrate exertion • Social loafing • Self-handicapping (more likely to happen with high self-presentational concerns)

  16. Affective Responses to Exercise • Social Anxiety = occurs when people are motivated to make a certain impression on people, but doubt their ability to do so • May detract from emotional rewards of sport

  17. Affective Responses to Exercise • Social Physique Anxiety = belief that others are likely to judge physique negatively • Presents a variety of problems for encouraging participation

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