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A short exercise on motivation

A short exercise on motivation. Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Motivation. Think on own for a moment, and write down a few notes, addressing: when I was a student, what really helped me was…… when I was a student, what really hindered me was……

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A short exercise on motivation

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  1. A short exercise on motivation Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  2. Motivation Think on own for a moment, and write down a few notes, addressing: • when I was a student, what really helped me was…… • when I was a student, what really hindered me was…… The discuss with neighbour Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  3. Motivation • Motivation is a complex phenomenon • One of the most powerful motivators is assessment • also feedback on performance • Other factors include • match between personal & ‘institutional’ goals • self-efficacy • Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation • The ‘hidden curriculum’ Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  4. The ‘hidden curriculum’ In any learning situation there are three curricula in action: • The intended curriculum • as contained in syllabus, study guides, lecture notes, further reading etc etc • The delivered curriculum • what actually happens on the day • The learned curriculum • what the learner actually learns Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  5. curriculum as delivered curriculum as intended ‘Hidden curriculum’ curriculum as learnt Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  6. Learning environment • A.k.a ‘learning climate’, ‘educational culture’ etc • Complex, multi-factorial • Operates at many levels • Is one of the most important influences on learning • An environment conducive to learning can be fostered & nurtured Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  7. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-esteem & Self-actualisation Feeling successful Receiving approval of others Love & belonging Feeling wanted and accepted Safety & shelter Safe from harm in a structured environment with low anxiety Physical Comfort requirements: Air, water, food Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

  8. “Humiliation and mental oppression by ignorant and selfish teachers wreak havoc in the youthful mind that can never be undone and often exert a baleful influence in later life”. Albert Einstein Professor John Spencer University of Newcastle upon Tyne www.medev.ac.uk

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