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Chapter 14 Blood

Chapter 14 Blood. Connective tissue Functions: transport, maintains fluid/solid homeostasis, distributes heat, immunity 8% of body weight ~ 5 liters. Hematocrit: = packed cell volume 55% plasma 45% RBC <1% WBC, platelets. Cells. Hematopeietic stem cells

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Chapter 14 Blood

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  1. Chapter 14 Blood

  2. Connective tissue • Functions: transport, maintains fluid/solid homeostasis, distributes heat, immunity • 8% of body weight ~ 5 liters Hematocrit: = packed cell volume 55% plasma 45% RBC <1% WBC, platelets

  3. Cells Hematopeietic stem cells Myeloid (rbc, wbc, platelets, macrophages Lymphoid (lymphocytes cells, macrophages)

  4. Red Blood Cells = Erythrocytes • Small • Biconcave – increases surface area for gas attachment • No nucleus • No mitochondria (Use glycolysis to make only 2 ATPs) http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-11/first-transfusion-lab-grown-blood-success

  5. Hemoglobin • 1/3 of cell is hemoglobin • Hemoglobin (Hb) + O2 = oxyhemoglobin = red color • Hb – O2 = deoxyhemoglobin = dark red/purple • Cyanosis = low O2 = increased oxyHb and looks blue • Cold temperatures make you look blue from decreased blood flow (more oxyHb)

  6. Carbon Monoxide • Binds to RBC better than oxygen. • Not good • Kills us silently • Cant smell it or taste it.

  7. Sickle Cell Disease

  8. Erythropoiesis – RBC production Erythropoietin hormone – negative feedback mechanism

  9. Bone Marrow

  10. Diet and Blood Cell Production B12 and folic acid needed for DNA synthesis, and intrinsic factor in stomach needed for absorption Iron (heme) – need vitamin C for Fe absorption Anemia= low rbc or low Hb (especially during pregnancy due to increased blood volume that decreases hematocrit levels)

  11. White Blood Cells Hormones: interleukin and colony-stimulating factor (CSF) stimulate development Granulocytes vs. Agranulocytes (cytoplasmic granules) a) neutrophils – phagocytosis of bacteria cells a) monocytes – lysosomes for phagocytosis b)eosinophils – kills parasites, allergies b) lymphocytes – T cells and B cells c) basophils – releases chemicals like histimine to increase blod vessel size (inflammation), heparin to thin blood

  12. Neutrophils(nucleus has several lobes) Active phagocytes 60% of WBC Found in pus of wounds

  13. Eosinophils Mainly attack parasites 2% of WBC

  14. Basophils Produces heparin and histamines Important in inflammatory response 1% of WBC

  15. Monocytes(large, horeshoe-shaped nucleus, agranular) Become macrophages 6% of WBC

  16. Lymphocytes(dark nucleus takes up most of cell, very little cytoplasm) Make antibodies 30% of WBC

  17. Leukemia

  18. Test Yourself! When you are ready, click the mouse to see the answers. A = red blood cell B= lymphocyte C = neutrophil D= eosinophil E = neutrophil F = monocyte G = platelet H = lymphocyte I = eosinophil J = basophil

  19. Chemotaxis Damaged cells release chemical signals (CAMs) that attract more leukocytes. Diapediesis= movement of wbc PUS

  20. Platelets = thrombocytes • Cell fragments • Developed in response to thrombopoietin • Amoebic movements • ½ size of rbc • Sticky and release serotonin to contract blood vessel walls to decrease blood flow

  21. Plasma • Functions: • 92% water • Transport nutrients, gases, vitamins, proteins, etc. • Regulate fluids and electrolytes • Maintain pH levels

  22. This machine removes the plasma from the blood and returns the RBC’s to the donor.

  23. Proteins • Albumins • Smallest, 60% of proteins in plasma • Synthesized in liver • Help transport bilirubin, fatty acids, hormones • Helps maintain osmotic pressure (proteins too large to cross membrane therefore holds fluid in vessels) – regulates fluid and blood pressure • Especially important in pregnancy KWASHIORKOR EDEMA

  24. 2. Globulins – 36% of plasma • α alpha – from liver • β beta- from liver • γ gamma – from lymph, type of antibody (immunoglobulins) • 3. Fibrinogen: 4% of plasma, converted to fibrin • largest • blood coagulation

  25. Gases and Nutrients • O2, CO2, N2 • Amino acids • Monosaccharides • Nucleotides • Lipids – because plasma is mostly water, lipids must be bound to proteins (lipoprotein complexes)

  26. Nonprotein Nitrogenous Substances (NPN) Excreted in Urine • Amino acids- from protein digestion • Urea- from protein digestion • Uric acid – from nucleic acid digestion

  27. Creatine • Creatinine • Found as creatine phosphate in muscle, brain, and blood. • Stores energy in bonds like ATP does • A high level indicates kidney disorder

  28. Plasma Electrolytes Na – muscle and neurons Cl – muscle and neuron HCO3 – maintains pH and osmotic pressure K – muscles and neurons Ca – nerve and blood clotting Mg – muscle, bone, teeth, enzyme action PO4 – ATP and DNA synthesis

  29. Clotting Blood Vessel Spasm (vasospasm) – contracts bv to decrease blood loss Platelet Plug = platelets and collagen Blood coagulation – blood clot cascade (vitamin K is necessary), uses fibrin (converted from fibrinogen by “thrombin” enzyme)

  30. Thrombus – clot in a blood vessel (Ex – Deep Vein Thrombosis) Embolus – dslodged clot or fragment that breaks loose and carried in blood **Atherosclerosis can cause this by changing arterial lining

  31. Blood Groups and Transfusions 31+ different genes and over 29 different blood groups

  32. Agglutination

  33. Erythroblastosisfetalis – Rh incompatibility RhoGAM

  34. See a list of all the rare blood groups: More Info About Bombay Blood Type: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hh_antigen_system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_blood_group_systems

  35. Blood chip – new way to diagnose disease http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2011/03/16/standalone-lab-on-a-chip/

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