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Welcome. CSCI 1100/1202 Intro to Computer Science Winter 2002. Instructor. Kirstie Hawkey Ph.D. Candidate Email: hawkey@cs.dal.ca Desk: Outside the GINI boardroom on the 3 rd floor. Office hours will be held in room 222. Who should be here?. Those who want to learn how to program :

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  1. Welcome CSCI 1100/1202 Intro to Computer Science Winter 2002

  2. Instructor • Kirstie Hawkey • Ph.D. Candidate • Email: hawkey@cs.dal.ca • Desk: Outside the GINI boardroom on the 3rd floor. • Office hours will be held in room 222.

  3. Who should be here? • Those who want to learn how to program: • CSCI 1100 (Computer Science Students) • CSCI 1202 (Science Students) • Biology students may take COMM 1501, Introduction to Computers in Business Management. • BSc Kinesiology should register for CSCI 1204, Computer Science for Health Professionals. • CSCI 1200 Microcomputer Application is a non-programming course for non-Science majors.

  4. Text • JAVA Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design - 2nd edition (Update) • John Lewis and William Loftus • Addison Wesley. 2001. • Available in the bookstore ($97.80). • We will be following this text closely.

  5. Learning Strategy • Read the material in the text. • Attend class. • Attend tutorials (will reinforce the material taught the previous week). • Do assignments (based on material taught the previous week). • If still having difficulty with a concept, come see me.

  6. Marking Scheme

  7. Tutorials • Teaching Lab 3 (1st floor CS building) • Mandatory • Teaching Assistant: Bonnie MacKay • Material review, hands-on exercises, quizzes, etc. • Weekly submission will determine your participation and grade (10% total). • This week is for setting up your accounts and familiarizing yourself with the tools you will need (telnet, ftp, email, editor, compiler, etc.)

  8. Assignments • Weekly – due at the beginning of class. • Late policy: late assignments will not be accepted. • 11 assignments, 30% grade based on top 10 marks your receive. • Combination of programming questions and short answer.

  9. Intellectual Honesty • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. • Students are encouraged to brainstorm solutions to the point of pseudo-code. • As this is a programming course, code fragments from other sources (even if properly credited) are not acceptable. Original work only.

  10. Help Desk • Located on the 1st floor of CS building. • cshelp@cs.dal.ca • For assistance with technical problems. • Will be in tutorials this week only to assist with initial account setup.

  11. Learning Center • Located on 2nd floor of CS building (to the left of elevators). • Staffed by students to assist you in your coursework. • If having difficulty with an assignment, see the learning center first!

  12. Course Website • http://borg.cs.dal.ca/~hawkey/csci1100/ • Check often for: • Assignments. • Tutorial material. • Solutions. • Calendar. • Readings.

  13. Week of January 7th • For Wednesday, read 1.1-1.5. • For Friday, read 2.1. • Go to tutorials as scheduled: • Set up your account. • Get familiar with tools. • Write and submit your first small java program. • First assignment will be available on Friday, due January 18th at beginning of class.

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