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Surveying Inflation and Reheating

Explore the top-down and bottom-up approaches to inflation, from early universe inflation to reheating after string theory inflation. Discover various inflation models, like Chaotic Inflation, Hybrid Inflation, SUSY Inflation, and more. Learn about resonant preheating, creation of particles during preheating, and modulated fluctuations in different inflation scenarios. Gain insights into the realization of string theory in inflationary cosmology and the role of compactified dimensions and branes. Dive into the world of KK modes, cosmic strings, and gravitational instabilities in extra-dimensional models. Understand the significance of cosmological fluctuations in compactified string theory and the observational constraints on inflationary trajectories. Join us in surveying the landscape of cosmological fluctuations and inflation to unveil the mysteries of the early universe.

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Surveying Inflation and Reheating

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  1. Surveying Inflation and Reheating Lev Kofman, CITA Cosmological Landscape: Strings, Gravity and Inflation Seoul, September 2005 “K. listened intently. So the Castle had appointed him land surveyor …” “The Castle” by F.Kafka

  2. Top-downapproach to inflation: seeks to embed it in fundamental theory Bottom-up approach to inflation: reconstruction of acceleration trajectories

  3. Early UniverseInflation Scale factor time Realization of Inflation

  4. Phase portrait of inflation

  5. Particlegenesis time Inflation no entropy no temperature BANG

  6. Resonant Preheating in Chaotic Inflation Classical Quantum Occupation number

  7. Resonant Preheating in Chaotic Inflation

  8. Decay of inflaton and preheating after inflation Classical Quantum movie Felder, LK,05

  9. Decay of inflaton and preheating after inflation Classical Quantum

  10. Tachyonic Preheating in Hybrid Inflation l Felder, LK, Linde,01 movie

  11. Tachyonic Preheating

  12. Initial conditions from Inflation inflation Hot FRW

  13. ModulatedFluctuations Inflationradiation Light field at inflation LK03;Dvali et al,03

  14. Modulated fluctuations in Chaotic Inflation Podolsky, Felder, LK,Peloso hep-ph/0507096

  15. Modulated fluctuations in Hybrid Inflation inhomogeneouswaterfall

  16. Bernardeau, Uzan, LK 03

  17. 4 dimensional Inflation predicts No classical inhomogeneities from the past Scale free gaussian fluctuations of all light scalars No vector perturbations Scalar (almost scale free gaussian) metric perturbations Tensor (scale free gaussian) metric perturbations Creation of all SM particles in preheating/thermalization One inflation helps to ignite another inflation

  18. Inflation in the context of ever changing fundamental theory 1980 -inflation Old Inflation New Inflation Chaotic inflation SUGRA inflation Power-law inflation Double Inflation Extended inflation 1990 Hybrid inflation Assisted inflation SUSY F-term inflation SUSY D-term inflation Brane inflation Super-natural Inflation 2000 SUSY P-term inflation K-flation N-flation DBI inflation inflation Warped Brane inflation Tachyon inflation Racetrack inflation

  19. Search for inflaton with branes in extra dimensions 4-dim picture Prototype of hybrid inflation Dvali,Tye 98

  20. Compactification of inner dimensions with branes Old string theory New phenomenology Strongly warped 5d geometry RS 99

  21. Stabilization of Inner dimensions and moduli in string theory

  22. Realization of String Theory Chaotic Inflation Chaotic inflation Mobile brane

  23. Realization of String Theory Inflation on the ground of KKLT throat warped geometry KKLMMT03 Mobile brane Warped brane inflation Conformal coupling problem Realization of warped brane inflation with conformal inflaton modulated fluctuations scalar field associated with angular position at

  24. Reheating after String Theory Inflation Barnaby, Burgess, Cline, hep-th/0412095 LK, Yi, hep-th/0507257 Frey, Mazumdar, Myers, hep-th/0508139 Chialva, Shiu, Underwood, hep-th/0508229

  25. LK, Yi 05 End point of inflation Closed strings Unstable KK modes BANG SM particles Long-living KK modes related to inner isometries Open strings between branes are unstable

  26. KK story KK particles are thermalized first SM particles are thermalized much later KK from M with isometries are stable No complete decya KK particles freeze out

  27. KK KK SM KK KK

  28. 4 dim Inflation in 10dim String Theory predicts All what 4 dim inflation predicts Creation of non-SM particles (KK modes) in reheating/thermalization Short-wavelength gravitational radiation Scale free gaussian fluctuations of many light scalars Modulated cosmological fluctuations String theory Cosmic strings

  29. Fluctuations in Cosmology with Compactification string theorist CY AdS 3+1 FRW

  30. Fluctuations in Cosmology with Compactification string theorist CY cosmologist CY 3+1 FRW AdS 3+1 FRW

  31. Fluctuations in Cosmology with Compactification string theorist CY cosmologist CY 3+1 FRW AdS 3+1 FRW CY +fluctuations Practical cosmologist 3+1FRW +fluctuations

  32. background fluctuations

  33. Fluctuations in Cosmology with Compactification

  34. Gravitational instability of anysotropoc geometry

  35. Too strong fluxes lead to new instability

  36. Summary Theory of cosmological fluctuations in models with extra dimensions Generic properties of fluctuations in 3+1+d dim Instabilities exclude regions of landscape Potential observables: varying couplings/masses, Primordial fluctuations

  37. Scanning Inflation R.Bond, C.Contaldi, A.Frolov, L.Kofman T.Souradeep P.Vandrevange Bottom-up

  38. Ensemble of Inflationary trajectories Chebyshev decomposition Space of models opens wide

  39. Observational constraints on trajectories Markov Chain MonteCarlo

  40. Degeneracy of the Potential Reconstruction

  41. Top-downapproach: no priors “Best fit” model is awkward: features in the potential suppression of scalar mode at large scales large tensor mode Bottom-up: personal priors Non-vanishing probability

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