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Outline Statistical Roadmap 9-11 June 2005, Helsinki

This project aims to provide a roadmap for the collection and processing of data for the EU KLEMS database, funded by the European Commission. It covers interindustry accounts, labor accounts, capital flow accounts, and relative price levels.

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Outline Statistical Roadmap 9-11 June 2005, Helsinki

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  1. Outline Statistical Roadmap9-11 June 2005, Helsinki Bart van Ark Groningen Growth and Development Centre University of Groningen This project is funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate General as part of the 6th Framework Programme, Priority 8, "Policy Support and Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs".

  2. Outline • Introduction • Theoretical basis of EU KLEMS database • General approach to data collection, processing and presentation • Raw data • Input • Output • EU KLEMS industry classification • WP 1: Interindustry Accounts (general guidelines, country guidelines • WP 2: Labour Accounts (general guidelines, country guidelines • WP 3: Capital Flow Accounts (general guidelines, country guidelines • WP 4: Relative Price Levels (general guidelines, country guidelines • Main areas of Methodological and Data Research

  3. WP 1: General Guidelines • The trade and transport margins paid by the consuming sector should be captured in the intermediate input flows from the trade and transport sectors. • Basic prices are identical in all uses. This is true for domestically produced goods on the one hand, and imported goods on the other. • In case the tables are not adjusted for FISIM, an adjustment must be made • In case the level of detail of the SUT does not fit the EUK list of industries (see Section 4), breakdowns should be made with additional statistical information. • The default option is to generate long-term series of ESA 95 compatible Supply and Use Tables with FISIM distributed. • For NA time series and IO or SUT tables made in the same vintage of the ESA system, the SUT or IO tables should be adjusted to match NA output, import, intermediate input and final demand. • The default option should be to have the volume change of the output of an industry in line with national accounts. On this we simply cannot do better than the national accounts. The volume changes by product should be consistent with this. • We aim for balancing Supply and Use Tables at constant prices, preferably by row.

  4. WP 2: General Guidelines • The quantity of labour input should be derived as much as possible from the integrated labour input numbers in the national accounts, provided these estimates are judged sufficiently reliable. Splits for disaggregated industries will be made with information from Labour Force Surveys, Business Surveys or administrative sources (such as social security statistics) • Hours should be based on actual hours worked not contractual hours • Compensation stems from the Input-Output tables and is therefore consistent with the National Accounts. • Quality of labour input (characteristics) will be tied into the quantity data.

  5. WP 3: General Guidelines

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