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Defining Labour Market Areas (LMAs) in Bulgaria based on the EU method

This project aims to define LMAs in Bulgaria using the EU method, including input data, characteristics of LMAs, experimental data compilation, and future plans.

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Defining Labour Market Areas (LMAs) in Bulgaria based on the EU method

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  1. Defining Labour Market Areas (LMAs) in Bulgaria based on the EU method Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  2. Project: Data collection for sub-national statistics: LMAs • Objective • Input data, sensitivity analysis, set of parameters chosen • Characteristics of LMAs obtained • Experimental data compiled at LMA level • Results, lessons learned, challenges faced, future plans Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  3. Objective Defining, for first time LMAs in Bulgaria based on the EU (TTWA) method • Establishing a List of LMAs and their characteristics • Creating a LMAs map • Possible data compilation (statistics) at LMAs level Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  4. Input data • 2011 Census • Collection method: Direct and Internet; exhaustive • Data: Commuters; Employed persons (15+) • Level: LAU1 (264 municipalities); excluding cross-border commuting flows Data source Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  5. Input data • Commuters: persons employed (15+) traveling every day or for more than half of the days of the week, from their place of residence (LAU1) to the usual place of work (LAU1) • Employed persons:persons (15+), who during the reference week: - worked at least 1 hour for pay, profit or other income; - were temporarily absent due to illness, holiday, full paid maternity leave bad weather, strike, labour dispute or other similar reasons Definitions of data Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  6. Input data Census 2011 (2833038) Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  7. Results of the sensitivity analysis * Including some non-contiguous LMAs Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  8. Set of parameters chosen Reasoning: • Aiming to create internationally comparable LMAs with European relevance; • Avoiding creation of very small LMAs that will be less stabile over time; • Avoiding establishment of numerous small LMAs of minimal use value; • Aiming to avoid very large LMA because they will not explain the territory; • Using LAU1 as building blocks, already aggregated; • Lacking of previous experience or any other source than 2011 Census data Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  9. Characteristics of LMAs Number of LMAs after fine tuning = 103 Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  10. Experimental data at LMA level Data sources: • Labour Force Survey • Enterprises’ survey on employment, wages and salaries and other labour costs • Administrative source - National Employment Agency Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  11. Experimental data at LMA level Labour Force Survey • LFS sample includes units (households) from all 103 LMAs established - min number of units per LMA = 16; max number of units per LMA =3744 • LFS data are grouped by municipalities (LAU1) and further to LMAs • Original LFS weights are additionally calibrated in order to achieve consistency with 2015 population data for each LMA (for age groups 15-64 and 65+) Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  12. Enterprises’ survey on employment, wages and salaries and other labour costs Experimental data at LMA level • Annual exhaustive mandatory online survey • Data at LMAs level are produced by grouping available data for the municipalities (LAU1) belonging to a given LMA Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  13. Administrative source - National Employment Agency Experimental data at LMA level • Registered unemployed at Labour Offices • Job vacancies announced at Labour Offices • Data at LMAs level are produced by grouping available data for the municipalities (LAU1) belonging to a given LMA Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  14. Results of the project • LMAs are defined for first time • LMAs list with their characteristics is produced • LMAs map is created • Experimental data at LMAs level are compiled • R package is adopted • Results of the project are popularized at a seminar Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  15. Lessons learned Knowledge, competence and experience gained in: • Implementation of the EU method • Usage ofthe R package for creating LMAs • Producing data at LMAs level • Other countries experience and practices on LMAs Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  16. Main challenges faced Selection of proper set of parameters • Lack of previous experience • Absence of agreed criteria for defining ‘global optimum’ parameters Further recommendations on defining optimal set of parameters will be very useful Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

  17. Future plans • Future use of LMAs in statistics - Attributing some existing regional statistics to LMAs - Further analysis of data at LMAs level • Further communication of the LMA concept and statistics at LMAs level to the interested stakeholders Final meeting on LMAs project, Eurostat - 28 June 2017

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