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Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM – a progress report and proposed way forward

Overview of actions, collaborations, and proposals by the Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM, with a phased implementation approach focusing on user requirements and data coordination for agriculture monitoring.

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Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM – a progress report and proposed way forward

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  1. Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM – a progress report and proposed way forward Yves Crevier on behalf of the Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM Canadian Space AgencyCEOS SIT-28 Meeting Hampton , Virginia, USAMarch 14, 2013

  2. Ad hoc Advisory Working Group Members • Participating Agencies • CSA – Yves Crevier • CONAE – Lucia Kocar • ESA – Benjamin Koetz • INPE – Julio Dalge • ISRO – Sujay Dutta • JAXA – Shin Ichi Sobue, Stephen Ward • NASA - Brian Killough, Brad Doorn • USGS – John Faudeen, Prasad Thenkabail • Includes thematic skill set and mission management expertise

  3. Reference Documents • JECAM progress report and presentation • User Requirements Document • SDCG 3 – GEOGLAM session briefing memo • Observation scenario and volumetric assessment for Phase 1 • Asia-RiCE – Crop Estimation and Monitoring work plan • CEOS/GEOGLAM Cooperation – briefing memo • Ad hoc Advisory Working Group SIT 28 presentation

  4. Actions from SIT 27 • SIT Action 27-11: An Ad Hoc CEOS Working Group to take responsibility for working with GEOGLAM to further develop the space-based observations component suggested by the draft Work Plan. (Due: On going, report back at 2013 CEOS Plenary) • SIT Action 27-12: SIT Chair will explore with SDCG the possibility of tasking/augmenting the SDCG group to undertake a preliminary global acquisition strategy in support of GEOGLAM needs. SDCG tasking would begin following approval at Plenary. (Due: 2013 CEOS Plenary) • SIT Action 27-13: Building upon the outcomes of the user requirements and space data coordination activities, responsible CEOS Working Group will provide their analysis and recommendations to CEOS leadership on further steps vis-à-vis the GEOGLAM initiative – including a plan for the pre-2015 outcomes. (Due: SIT-28)

  5. Action 27-11 • SIT Action 27-11: An Ad Hoc CEOS Working Group to take responsibility for working with GEOGLAM to further develop the space-based observations component suggested by the draft Work Plan. (Due: On going, report back at 2013 CEOS Plenary) • Creation of an Ad hoc Advisory Working Group • Collaboration activities between CEOS and GEOGLAM since SIT 27 - User requirements meeting, Montreal, June 2012, Co-Community meeting, NASA Langley, Nov 2012, participation of CEOS in the GEOGLAM Strategy meeting, USDA, Feb 2013 • Developed a phased implementation approach in-sync with the GEOGLAM implementation strategy. The initial phase will primarily focus on freely available mid- and low-resolution datasets in 2013 and expand over time. Need for SAR missions coordination for Asia-RiCE. Additional updates and definition of this plan will be presented to CEOS at the 2013 Plenary.

  6. Action 27-12 • SIT Action 27-12: SIT Chair will explore with SDCG the possibility of tasking/augmenting the SDCG group to undertake a preliminary global acquisition strategy in support of GEOGLAM needs. SDCG tasking would begin following approval at Plenary. • The composition, skill sets and expertise of the CEOS Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM allowed the group to develop an initial coordination framework to address the needs of GEOGLAM. • Understanding the complexity of the task, the Ad hoc WG entertained discussions with SDCG to learn how it is supporting GFOI and how a similar group may be needed to support GEOGLAM in the future. • A proposal to better formalize the Ad Hoc WG on GEOGLAM will be submitted to the CEOS plenary – similar process as the creation of SDCG for GFOI. • Comply to CEOS guiding principles on the creation of a new WG (re CSS discussions).

  7. Action 27-13 • SIT Action 27-13: Building upon the outcomes of the user requirements and space data coordination activities, responsible CEOS Working Group will provide their analysis and recommendations to CEOS leadership on further steps vis-à-vis the GEOGLAM initiative – including a plan for the pre-2015 outcomes. (Due: SIT-28) • A high-level phased observation strategy based user requirements was developed during the few weeks – following the adoption of the GEOGLAM phased-implementation plan. Related Phase 1 high level volumetric analysis was conducted by the SEO (Ref documents: User requirements document, Observation scenario and volumetric assessment for Phase 1) • Report on initial coordination between CEOS and GEOGLAM proposing a corresponding a phased-implementation approach was submitted to SIT 28

  8. CEOS 2013 Workplan - GEOGLAM “Decision on whether and how CEOS Agencies may provide coordinated data acquisition support to the GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) initiative: In response to a request by GEO, an ad hoc CEOS Working Group on GEOGLAM has further developed the space-based EO component of the GEOGLAM Work Plan. Building upon the outcomes of ongoing CEOS-GEOGLAM user requirements and space data coordination activities, the ad hoc Working Group will provide to CEOS leadership its analysis on further steps vis-à-vis the GEOGLAM initiative – including a plan for the pre-2015 outcomes. The presentation at the March 2013 SIT-28 Meeting will focus on a status of the GEOGLAM activity and plans for a phased implementation that increases the need for CEOS support over time.”

  9. CEOS High-Level Phase Implementation Strategy • Phase 0: Foundation activities (2011-2013) Completed • Focused on the creation of an Ad hoc Advisory Working Group, the relation with the GEO Ag CoP in order to better develop an understanding of the requirements, developing a high level observation strategy, elaboration of a CEOS phased-implementation approach. • Phase 1: Support for demonstration and feasibility (2013-2015) • Assess data availability, accessibility, and assimilation of data products, creation of information products, to validate their usefulness, robustness and affordability. • Phase 2: Assessment and expansion phase (2014- 2016) • See details in the coordination report • Phase 3: Pre-operational details (2015 – 2017) • See details in the coordination report

  10. GEOGLAM Phase 1 Scope • Well defined scope and geographical areas • 4 main crops (corn, rice, soy, wheat). • Ag areas of 4 large producers and 3 small producers. • Knowledge of the Asia-RiCE countries and regions of interests. • Good understanding of ag regions observation needs – still need to generate detailed volumetric analysis outputs. • Asia-RiCE requirements are well defined • Involve the participation of several Asian space agencies and Ministries of Ag • ADB funded rice crop monitoring using SAR will be implemented in 4 target countries • Require coordination of SAR mission operators • JECAM • Undertaken at a series of study sites which represent many of the world’s main cropping systems • 15 sites currently exist, at least 3 in development, 3 dormant

  11. Immediate actions • Data requirements related actions • Focus on freely available mid- and low-resolution datasets – understanding that low resolution dataset will be the primary focus • Engage discussion with USGS on Landsat 7 - 8 LTAP • Engage discussion with ISRO potential access to ResourceSat • Engage discussion with CNES potential access to Spot5 and Pleiades – archive and new data. Low, med and high res • Follow-up on interest expressed by the German government to contribute RapidEye data. • Coordination related activities • Further define the CEOS Strategy for Space Data Coverage and Continuity in Support of GEOGLAM • Further assess detailed CEOS response to the GEOGLAM phased-structure requirements (w2w ag regions and sampling strategy over the set of countries identified within the GEOGLAM) • Assess the needs and capacity of the Ad hoc WG and come up with suggestions to formalize the participation of CEOS agencies in response to GEOGLAM (SDCG-like approach) • Meetings • Co-community meeting • SAR coordination meeting • Ad hoc WG regular telcons • Continue CEOS support for JECAM • Participate in JECAM first science meeting (Ottawa, summer 2013) • Work with GEOGLAM for the generation of information products • Improve liaison with CEOS working groups and VCs where applicable (WGCapD, WGCV, WGISS, LSI VC)

  12. Summary • Significant investments of space agencies in support of application development has contributed to the recognition of satellite-based EO for timely and reliable source of environmental intelligence. • Policy framework that recognizes the importance of GEOGLAM Space-based assets in support of price volatility, transparency and early warning (G20 endorsement). • National and regional Ag authorities requesting space agencies to support GEOGLAM (i.e. , Australia – ABARES/CSIRO, Canada - AAFC/CSA, US - USDA,NOAA/NASA,USGS, Argentina – INTA/CONAE, Brasil – CONAB/INPE, Asia-RiCE, ESA/JRC, etc.) • Ad hoc Advisory Working Group on GEOGLAM has made some significant progress on nurturing the relationship with GEOGLAM, understanding the requirements, developing a response phased-implementation strategy. • But, we are not in a position yet to request an endorsement of the CEOS strategy.

  13. Recommendations • The CEOS Ad hoc Advisory Working Group for GEOGLAM requests that they continue their efforts towards a better understanding of the resources required to support GEOGLAM requirements and report on CEOS SIT Actions 27-11 at the 2013 CEOS Plenary Meeting. • The CEOS Ad hoc Advisory Working Group for GEOGLAM plans to seek the endorsement of the CEOS Strategy for Space Data Coverage and Continuity in support of GEOGLAM and recommend the creation of a data coordination wg that will build on the process, results and successes of the SDCG for GFOI. (CEOS Plenary, 2013)

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