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Barents 2020 Progress Report Working Group RN01

Barents 2020 Progress Report Working Group RN01. Vladimir Vernikovskiy RN01 co-coordinator. Mandate for Phase IV. Recommend how Phase 4 deliverables should be structured, edited and published to fit well into the collection of existing standards

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Barents 2020 Progress Report Working Group RN01

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  1. Barents 2020 Progress ReportWorking Group RN01 Vladimir Vernikovskiy RN01 co-coordinator

  2. Mandate for Phase IV • Recommend how Phase 4 deliverables should be structured, edited and published to fit well into the collection of existing standards • Reviewdeliverablesfrom working groups for compliance with the recommendations report of RN01, and prepare roadmaps for implementation of deliverables • Create awareness among the potential recipients (e.g. standards organisations) as to what is coming and acting as an intermediary as necessary and appropriate • Provide proposal for an Arctic long term international standards program (ref. ISO/TC67 MC Ad-hoc group Arctic Operations) and including potentially missing international standards for the broader Arctic environment

  3. RN01 Members

  4. All deliverables of Phase IV should be structured, edited and published according to ISO Directive, part 2 • Focus should be put on completing ready made annexes to national adoptions and reports in order to minimize formal work in GOST R and Standards Norway

  5. OFFSHORE EXPLORATION STANDARDSBarents 2020 deliverables

  6. Creating awareness • San Francisco • TK 23 • TK 67 • Статья в «Мире стандартов» • Руфина в Арханегльске • Нефтегазстандарт 2011

  7. Bridging and Handover of Activities Barents 2020 Project plenary meeting (May 2011) ISO TC 67 MC AHG Arctic Operations (June 2011) ISO TC67 Plenary meeting (September 2011)

  8. 31st Plenary meeting of ISO/TC67 Resolution 2011/34 (Moscow, 2011) – Establishment of Subcommittee Arctic operations ISO/TC 67: — decides to establish a new subcommittee “Arctic operations” and to allocate the secretariat to the Russian Federation. — Welcomes the proposed draft scope Standardisation of technological, processing and service operations in arctic offshore exploration and production including requirements to human safety and plant security. — welcomes the nominated Secretary Mrs. LiudmilaZalevskaya and Chairman Mr. Mikhail Rusakov as presented by the Russian Delegation. — requests the Russian Delegation in cooperation with the ISO/TC 67 Management Committee to review and, if necessary, amend the scope, justification and proposed working programme of the Sub Committee and submit the detailed outline to the ISO/TC 67 secretariat within 14 days. — requests the TC 67 Secretariat to inform the ISO Technical Management Board to ensure ratification of the establishment of the new ISO/TC 67/SC 8 “Arctic Operations”.

  9. Scope of SC8 Arctic operations Standardization of operations associated with exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbons in onshore and offshore arctic regions, and other locations characterized by low ambient temperatures and the presence of ice, snow and/or permafrost. The work will be executed in coordination with the relevant ISO/TC 67 subcommittees and work groups. Excluded: Requirements for offshore pipelines that are under SC 2 requirements for offshore structures that are under SC 7.

  10. Полный таймлайн на все года

  11. Phase IV final report

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