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P. Grannis DØ Workshop 2012. Selected results from ICHEP. Many new results from LHC, Tevatron, neutrino experiments, etc. Tevatron results received good coverage but I will not focus on them here. I cover mainly the experimental results.
P. Grannis DØ Workshop 2012 Selected results from ICHEP Many new results from LHC, Tevatron, neutrino experiments, etc. Tevatron results received good coverage but I will not focus on them here. I cover mainly the experimental results. Note that the LHC pp running has now been extended to the end of calendar 2012. Current projections suggest the 2012 data set will be in the 35 – 50 fb-1 range.
Pileup at LHC Algorithms developed in ATLAS and CMS mitigate the pileup effects
Higgs results: (1) gg (Talks by R. Hawkings & J. Incandela) Local significance (125 GeV)=4.1s Local significance (125 GeV) =4.5s (after g ES syst.)
Higgs results: (2) ZZ* (4l) Local significance (125 GeV) =3.4s Local significance (125.5 GeV) =3.2s
Higgs analysis improvements in 2012 • ATLAS: • gg analysis in 10 subcategories of conversions, pTg, hg, 2 jets • NN g ID • g pointing to PV • g energy scale calibration • background fitting • Allow FSR in ZZ • Intermediate h muons • CMS: • Diphoton MVA • Add VBF 2 photon subchannel; 4 categories of gg • FSR recovery for ZZ • Matrix element likelihood for ZZ and 2-dim ME vs Mllll
Current LHC H→bb/tt situation bb tt CMS has reached s95%/sSM ≈2 at 125 GeV. tt signal below expectation of Bknd only
Final Atlas and CMS combinations ATLAS: VH→bb, tt, WW not updated from 2011. 5.1s at 126.5 GeV (4.6s exp) CMS Uses updated VH→bb, tt, gg, ZZ, WW(llnn) ; They call attention to deficit of H→ff relative to H →VV 4.9s at 125.3 GeV (5.9s exp) Note: 125 GeV SM Higgs tends to violate vacuum stability bound at scales above ~108 GeV. 125 GeV
Top quark(T. Muller) LHC tt pair XS to 6 – 8% New CMS result at 8 TeV Asymmetry: tt resonances: none to ~1.5 TeV Single top ATLAS sees Wt single top to ~3s
Top quark ATLAS W helicity fractions to ~5%, now approaching Tevatron precision. Top mass LHC approaching Tevatron precision top-antitop mass difference CMS World’s best ttZ production (CMS) 4.67s
Electroweak(J. Guimaraes da Costa) Atlas/CMS W/Z production cross sections in good agreement with SM and lepton universality at 8 TeV. LHCb extends W/Z XS and W asymmetry to large yV, giving useful data for PDF constraints. ATLAS/CMS + HERA fits give average strange quark density = dbar density. Drell Yan d2s/dMdy shows low mass data deficit relative to POWHEG/FEWZ pTZ comparison to ResBos resembles D0
Electroweak TGCs: LHC now surpassing WWg/WWZ limits, still below Tevatron for ZZg/Z AFB in Z agrees with SM CMS uncertainty in sin2qW (light quarks) of 0.003 (D0 error is 0.001) Congratulations to Tevatron on W mass! Challenging outlook for LHC.
SUSY Searches(A. Parker ) Golden channels (jets + MET) show no hint; exclusion for equal squark/gluino mass at ~1.5 TeV Look in corners of phase space; e.g. light stop. Not yet very constraining. (125 GeV Higgs makes light stop difficult) Stealth SUSY – e.g. low mass hidden sector gives many low pT final objects. Search in ST R. Sundrum: “Is SUSY dead? No, but somewhat humbled”. 125 GeV Higgs makes SUSY more complex/fine-tuned. At mH=125, SUSY breaking terms ~ MZ . But SUSY is so beautiful reluctant to give up.
Non SUSY BSM Searches(S. Worm) About 50 LHC searches for new phenomena in different signatures/models. Nothing seen. No Z’ to ~ 2.5 TeV, no W’ to ~2.8 TeV; no dijet resonance to ~ 3.5 TeV; no miniBH to ~4.5 TeV ATLAS seeks magnetic monopoles in DY production using TRT ionization, hit multiplicities, calorimeter; none 0.2 – 1.2 TeV LED scale limits from monojets and monophotons.
New Physics in heavy flavor(S. Stone) fs in J/y f; New results from ATLAS, LHCb LHCb avg: fs = -0.002±0.088 LHCb from J/ypp: fs = -0.019 ±0.174 Asl = asymmetry in B(s)→ D(s)m X LHCb: asls = -0.24±0.63% Bfact: asld = -0.05±0.56% D0: asls = -1.81±0.56% D0: asld = -0.22±0.30% Reviewer makes the point LHCb agrees w/ SM, D0 does not. But D0 assl & adsl agree with LHCb/Bfactories and agree with D0 dimuon asymmetry, which does not agree with SM
New Physics in heavy flavor Bs→ mm New limits from CMS and LHCb; 1.2xSM value. Tightens limit on SUSY models (tanb < 50) Previous discrepancy with B+→ t+n now coming closer to SM
CKM Measurements: (M. Nakao) New Belle measurement of B+→t+n reduces discrepancy with SM. CPV in difference of A(D0→K+K-) and A(D0→p+p-) seen in 4 expts. Now 4s. World avg CPV in D+→Ksp+ is now -0.41±0.09%. Recent BaBAR CPV in t→Ksp+ (np0) is now 2.8s from SM
Rare decays(Y. Kuno) Rare decays are sensitive to new physics well beyond LHC scale. Recent results: m→eg (MEG expt); 2009-10 data: BR<2.4x10-12 (expect 1x10-12 with 2011 data). (NA48/NA62): (K→en)/(K→mn) = 2.49±0.01 x10-5 E787/E949:K+→p+nn: 17.3±11 x10-11 (7.2x10-11 SM) LHCb: D→mm < 1.1 x10-8 Future expt’s: COMET (JParc) and Mu2e (FNAL) for m→e conversion at the 10-16 level NA62 (CERN): K+→p+nn (10% BR) ORKA (FNAL): K+→p+nn(5% BR) Future facilities: SuperKEKb, SuperB Factories; LHC lumi upgrade; Intensity upgrade at Fermilab, Project X;
QCD Jets(D. Bandurin) JES uncertainty at LHC now in 2-4% range (~2xD0) Comparison of inclusive jets at 7 and 8 TeV; now offer strong constraints on PDFs. Need precise as to constrain PDFs, make XS predictions, check coupling unification; new D0 data improve precision.
QCD Jets New LHC Z/W+jets (light flavor and b). ATLAS W+b XS ~2xSM (CDF was 3xSM) g, g+jets measurements at LHC show similar agreement/disagreement with NLO QCD as seen at Tevatron. Double parton scattering: new ATLAS results show continued trend to slowly increasing seff with energy.
PDFs (S. Glazov) ATLAS/CMS W/Z total, differential XS’s are constraining PDFs. The LHC data favor sea quark ‘democracy’ (s, sbar, dbar the same). Previous x(s) situation was chaotic. Recent HERA analyses have improved constraints on c and b PDFs.
Elastic/Diffraction: (P. Newman) TOTEM (Roman Pots) measures ds/dt for pp (7 TeV). Relative to D0 measurement, the dip moves from t=0.6 to 0.53 and slope increases from 16.7 to 19.9 GeV-2, reflecting the growth effictive proton size. TOTEM extrapolates from data at t=-0.005 to zero and invokes optical theorem to get sTOT =98.3 mb. Total cross section growing like ln2s consistent with Froissart Bound. CMS rapidity gap measurement shows ‘survival probability’ in agreement with Tevatron (at variance with HERA).
New heavy quark states: (R. Mizuk) Many new results – see talk for details.
Reactor Neutrinos: (Jun Cao) Anti ne disappearance from reactor experiments is sensitive to sin22q13 : no complications from mass hierarchy, matter effects, CPV. For Daya Bay, RENO (soon dCHOOZ) measure in near and far detectors to reduce systematics. Best estimates of background rates are ~2(5)% at near (far) detector. Daya Bay Observation that sin22q13 is ‘large’ and non-zero is big news, even if overshadowed in ICHEP by ‘Higgs’ announcement. It allows the program to probe mass hierarchy and CPV. Two fits with extreme priors on flux: q13 =9.2±0.46o or 8.7±0.45o (from C. Gonzalez-Garcia talk)
Accelerator Neutrinos: (T. Kobayashi) Start with dominantly nm beam and look for ne appearance Updated T2K: 3.2s MINOS measurements on q23 now show slight tendancy for q23 ≠45o. nt appearance: OPERA 2 evts with 0.2 bknd SuperK: 3.8s away from no ntappearance
Dark Matter: (L. Hsu) Best limits at ICHEP on spin independent Wimp interactions is Xenon100 and reaches into the SUSY LSP space. Post ICHEP press release (7/18) gives Xenon100 2012 result which has 2 events in window with 1 bknd expected. The limits are reduced by a factor 3.5. There are enough conflicting claims in the DM world that we will need at least two strong confirming experiments using different techniques (ionization, scintillation light, phonons)
Conclusion It was an exciting meeting with many striking new results. The LHC has come of age.
Conclusion It was an exciting meeting with many striking new results. The LHC has come of age. If one applies a Random Forest filter on Christian’s photo, a striking new discovery emerges at more than 5s ! Tevatron LHC