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guidance contacts

August 2007. Aberdeen City Council. Aberdeen City Council provides a wide range of services which are detailed on the council website.Opposite is a short list which could help you make an appropriate onward referral for learners.. Adult Learning 497150Family Learning 487822Outdoor Education 346191Health Literacies 497150citymoves dancespace 611486Whitespace 523640 Confidence to Cook 346181.

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guidance contacts

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    1. August 2007 Guidance Contacts This booklet lists (A-Z) organisations which can provide information or activities to support staff and volunteers working with adult learners. This edition was checked in August 2007 and there have been changes to several pages, in particular information on dyslexia. New entry titles are in pink. If you download this document from www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/acci/web/files/AdultEducation/guidance_contacts.pdf it is yours to adapt. There are blank pages in which you can add your own useful information. If you develop a page useful to others, or spot an error please send to rjones@aberdeencity.gov.uk to include in the next edition.

    2. August 2007

    3. August 2007 Aberdeen College Contact details Gallowgate Centre Aberdeen AB25 1ZQ Tel: Guidance - 01224 612330 Community & Lifelong Learning 0800 0270405 Booking 01224 612225 www.abcol.ac.uk enquiry@abcol.ac.uk Course prospectus available. Numerous courses from departments in Arts, Communication & Social Science Technology, Science, Sport & Leisure Engineering, Computing & Business Studies Care & Service Industries

    4. August 2007 Aberdeen College - English as a Foreign Language Contact details Tel: 01224 612284 International Student Adviser Eileen Forbes 612635 Course Information Guide available English as a Foreign Language English for Business Academic English Life and Work in Britain English for Tourism

    5. August 2007 Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations Contact details 44 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BB Tel: 01224 358575 Fax: 01224 584792 www.acvo.org.uk “ACVO exists to represent, support and develop the voluntary sector and to foster, and promote the sector’s role in the development of caring communities where individuals are enabled to achieve their full potential. ACVO will achieve this by assisting organisations and bodies in coming together for common purposes and, through effective partnerships, facilitating the development of creative responses to need.”

    6. August 2007 Aberdeen Cyrenians Contact details Simon House 106 Crown Street Aberdeen AB11 6HJ Tel: 01224 572877 www.aberdeen-cyrenians.org “Aberdeen Cyrenians has provided a range of services for homeless people since 1968. Services are provided to around 3000 people annually, and the organisation has been described as "one of Scotland's major homeless charities." Aberdeen Cyrenians is a progressive local charity with a track record of achieving successful outcomes for homeless people.”

    7. August 2007 Aberdeen Disability Consortium Contact details 38 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5YU Tel: 01224 212 021 ext 279 and 280 Fax: 01224 584 792 Aims Collect and share information Provide a discussion forum for key issues Co-ordinate opinions to influence joint planning by identifying gaps and unmet needs and to promote active consultation Establish, promote and maintain good practice Develop opportunities to raise awareness and increase understanding of the needs of people with a disability

    8. August 2007 Aberdeen Foyer Contact details Marywell Centre Marywell Street Aberdeen Tel: 01224 212924 Fax: 01224 252899 www.aberdeenfoyer.com A local charitable organisation working to prevent and alleviate youth homelessness and unemployment. They provide supported accommodation, access to a range of education, training, employment opportunities and community health services for young people (aged 16 - 25) and their community

    9. August 2007 APEX Scotland Contact details 1st Floor 48a Union Street Aberdeen AB10 6BB Tel: 01224 611 875 Fax: 01224 611 890 grampian@apexscotland.org.uk ‘By addressing the employability needs of offenders, ex-offenders and young people at risk, Apex Scotland will improve employment prospects of clients, therefore reducing offending and contributing to safer communities’

    10. August 2007 Banff and Buchan College Contact details Open Learning The Flexible Learning Centre Henderson Road Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB34 9GA Tel: 01346 586100 extn 2214 Fax 01346 515370 www.banff-buchan.com hzacha@banff-buchan.ac.uk Course Prospectus available Open Learning - Numerous Courses Business/Administration Accounting Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronic Engineering Marine Engineering SQA modules include Communication, Core Maths, Word Processing, ITOA, Statistics.

    11. August 2007 Campaign for Learning Contact details 19 Buckingham Street London WC2N 6EF Tel: 020 7930 1111 Fax: 020 7930 1551 www.campaignforlearning.org.uk Our Vision We are working for an inclusive society in which learning is understood and accessible to everyone as of right. Our Focus Family and Community Learning Learning at Work Learning in Schools Key areas of work include national promotion campaigns, project partnerships, publications, events, research and award schemes.

    12. August 2007 Careers Scotland Contact details 377 Union Street Aberdeen AB11 6BT Tel: 0845 8 502 502 Team structure for each area. Contact information from Tel: 01224 285200 www.careers-scotland.org.uk Key services CV Builder Resource Centre Career Planning CareersMatch Applying for work and training

    13. August 2007 ContinYou Contact details 17 Old Ford Road London E2 9PJ Tel: 020 8709 9900 www.continyou.org.uk info@continyou.org.uk ContinYou - Building learning communities A merging of CEDC and Education Extra. Areas of work include Lifelong Learning Children, young people and families Health improvement Economic and community regeneration

    14. August 2007 Drugs Action Contact details 7 Hadden Street Aberdeen AB11 6NU Tel: Helpline 01224 594700 Fax: 01224 592295 www.drugsaction.co.uk info@drugsaction.co.uk “The overall aim of Drugs Action is to reduce the harms associated with drug use to the individual, the family and the community. Interventions range from advice and information regarding 'safer' drug use through to intensive work with dependent drug users to support positive changes in their drug use and related areas. A range of services is also available to family members from information and advice through to intensive one to one counselling. In view of Drugs Action's strategic role in making contact with hard to reach groups, confidentiality is of central importance in all aspects of the agency's work.”

    15. August 2007 Dyslexia Scotland Contact details Tel: 0844 800 8484 www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk info@dyslexiascotland.org.uk Combination of Scottish Dyslexia Trust, Dyslexia in Scotland and the Dyslexia Institute. “To enable and encourage dyslexic people, regardless of their age and abilities, to reach their potential in education, employment and life” Aims: Early recognition and intervention Equality in education Equality in employment

    16. August 2007 GREC Grampian Racial Equality Council Contact details 168 Market StreetAberdeen AB11 5PP Tel: 01224 595505 Fax: 01224 595541 Email: info@grec.co.uk Aims 1. Working towards eliminating racism in the Grampian area 2. Working towards equal opportunities for all 3. Working to promote good relations between people in a multi-racial society

    17. August 2007 Grampian CareData Contact details Tel: 0800 136 225 www.grampiancaredata.gov.uk caredata@aberdeenshire.gov.uk This is a local community, care and health information service. They gather and regularly update information from a variety of sources and organise it in one place making it easier for you to access, anytime, any place, anywhere.

    18. August 2007 ILA Scotland Contact details Alhambra House 45 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 6HS Tel: 0808 100 1090 0141 285 6000 Fax: 0141 285 6001 www.ilascotland.org.uk ‘ILA Scotland is a Scottish Executive scheme which helps you pay for learning that you can do at a time, place, pace and in a way to suit you. If you earn Ł15,000 or less, you could get up to Ł200 per year towards the cost of learning. If you earn more than Ł15,000 a year, you could get up to Ł100 a year.’

    19. August 2007 Inspire Contact details Old Stoneywood Church Bankhead Road Bucksburn Aberdeen AB21 9HQ Tel: 01224 715544 www.inspireonline.org.uk info@inspiremail.org.uk New name for Partnership We aim to offer opportunities for an excellent quality of life to people with learning disabilities in North East Scotland.

    20. August 2007 International Centre Contact details First Floor, 41 Union Street Aberdeen AB11 5BN Tel: 01224 210025 www.intercentre.org.uk ‘The IC’s mission is to remove barriers between and amongst communities and to promote an inclusive and just society in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. It seeks to enhance the self-confidence, knowledge and skills of minority communities, thus making it easier for these communities to exercise their rights as citizens and to gain access to services which take into consideration their language, culture and tradition.

    21. August 2007 Jobcentre Plus Contact details Tel: 01224 618000 0845 6060 234 North East Scotland Local Labour Initiative 01224 804577 www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk The work you want, the help you need - Guide to benefits and services available. Need help finding a job? Helping you back to work - support for customers with a disability or health condition 01224 804555 NHS Job Jump Start New Deal 50 Plus Build and train - New Deal participants and Grampian Construction Industry with Aberdeen Foyer 01224 212924

    22. August 2007 Lead Scotland Contact details Lynda Wilde North Aberdeenshire Organiser Lead Scotland Brownhill Croft Nether Kinmundy Peterhead AB42 4YH Tel: 01779 821804 Lead Scotland provides guidance to physically disabled adults enabling access to education, training and lifelong learning opportunities

    23. August 2007 learndirect Scotland Contact details Tel: 0808 100 9000 www.learndirectscotland.com Database with thousands of learning opportunities in Scotland learning costs information childcare qualifications job hunting

    24. August 2007 Learning Connections Contact details Johnstone HouseFloor 2 Suite A50-54 Rose StreetAberdeenAB10 1UD Tel: 01224 624960 Fax: 01224 62516 Learning Connections is part of the Community Regeneration division of the Scottish Executive. It is made up of three teams: Adult Literacies supports providers implementing the recommendations in the Adult Literacy and Numeracy in Scotland Report 2001. Community Learning and Development(CLD) provides advice to ministers on the Scottish Executive’s CLD policy and supports this policy by working with local partnerships and national agencies Community Engagement works with communities to help them take decisions and develop solutions for the regeneration of their local areas.

    25. August 2007 Learning Houses - Opportunity Gateway Partnership Contact details Middlefield Learning House 28b Manor Avenue, Aberdeen AB16 7TJ Tel: 01224 682861 The Learning Houses offer access to a range of supported opportunities, ICT and guidance services free of charge. They also provide study or meeting space and information on further education and training. The Learning Houses support the Family Learning Project which aims to support individuals to overcome barriers to enter further training or education and employment. Staff work with families in their homes to set up family learning plans, encourage families to learn together and provide IT equipment in homes.

    26. August 2007 Learning Link Scotland Contact details Suite 6, 2 Commercial Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JA Tel: 0131 553 7992 Fax: 0131 553 3870 www.learninglinkscotland.org.uk info@learninglinkscotland.org.uk ‘Learning Link Scotland is the national intermediary for voluntary adult learning organisations in Scotland. We can help you Build and sustain your organisation through training and consultancy Develop your staff to deliver services Keep informed of the latest developments in lifelong learning Shape, make sense of and influence policy Build networks and partnerships Run events locally, nationally and internationally Carry out research, investigations and evaluations.’

    27. August 2007 NAEGA Contact details Administrative Office PO Box 36 Offley, Hitchin, Herts SG5 3BB Tel/Fax: 01462 769400 www.naega.org.uk admin@neaga.org.uk Promoting Adult Guidance on Learning and Work NAEGA is the major association for adult guidance practitioners, including information, advice and guidance providers, further and higher education provision, careers services, voluntary organisations, employer bodies and telephone advice lines. NAEGA also provides opportunities for developing good practice for practitioners by informing and supporting policy development.

    28. August 2007 National Extension College Contact details Tel: 0800 389 2839 Fax: 01223 400 325 www.nec@ac.uk ‘The National Extension College (NEC) was set up over 40 years ago as a charity to help people of all ages fit learning into their lives. We believe there should be more than one way to get a good education.’ Course catalogue includes Getting Started courses (English Reading and Writing, Maths and Numeracy, Study Skills) Childcare and Early Years Counselling and Health Creative Arts Management and Professional

    29. August 2007 Newbattle Abbey Contact details Newbattle Abbey College Newbattle Road Dalkeith EH22 3LL Tel: 0131 663 1921 Fax: 0131 654 0598 www.newbattleabbeycollege.ac.uk office@newbattleabbeycollege.ac.uk "We provide courses which support the adult learner who is looking to further their education or for a second chance to learn"

    30. August 2007 North Forum Contact details Discover-your-routes North Forum CENSA Aberdeen AB10 1GG Tel: 01224 262175 www.discover-your-routes.org.uk A partnership of all education providers in the North of Scotland. Set up to increase the number of people from under represented groups participating in education at all levels.

    31. August 2007 Pathways Contact details 26b Manor Avenue Middlefield Aberdeen AB16 7TJ Tel: 01224 682939 Fax: 01224 683179 Malcolm Pritchard at malcolm@pathways-online.org A community based organisation which works in disadvantaged areas to support people into employment, encourage participation in lifelong learning and assist their personal development. Services offered include: Community Education Jobseach Support Counselling Service Middlefield Breakfast Club Gardening Service IT Services

    32. August 2007 Scottish Adult Learning Partnership Contact details 22 Hill Street Edinburgh EH2 3JZ Tel:0131 220 5567 Fax: 0131 225 5686 www.salp.co.uk ‘The Scottish Adult Learning Partnership has been created specifically to support and encourage adults who do not traditionally participate within our education system. Fundamental to our work is the promotion of lifelong learning, equality of opportunity, active citizenship, social inclusion and improved participatory democracy.’

    33. August 2007 Scottish Agricultural College - Aberdeen Contact details Tel: 01224 711000 0800 269453 www.sac.ac.uk/learning Course Prospectus available Course leaflets Garden Design Organic Farming Careers in the Countryside Careers in the Leisure Industry Careers working with the Environment.

    34. August 2007 Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations SCVO Contact details 2nd Floor 15 Union Street Aberdeen AB11 5BU Tel: 0800 1690022 01224 589338 Fax: 01224 589339 www.scvo.org.uk “The national body representing the voluntary sector working to the following mission: SCVO seeks to advance the values and shared interests of the voluntary sector by fostering co-operation, promoting best practice and delivering sustainable services.”

    35. August 2007 SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Contact details Room H037 William Harley BuildingGlasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road Glasgow G4 0BA Tel: 0141 331 3303 Fax: 0141 331 3575 www.scqf.org.uk info@scqf.org.uk ‘The SCQF is a way of comparing and understanding Scottish qualifications. It does this by giving qualifications a level (based on how difficult the learning is) and a credit value (based on how long it takes people to achieve the qualification).’

    36. August 2007 Scottish Qualification Authority Contact details The Optima Building 58 Robertson Street Glasgow G2 8DQ or Ironmills Road Dalkeith Midlothian EH22 1LE Tel:SQA Customer Contact Centre 0845 279 1000 www.sqa.org.uk SQA is an executive non-departmental public body (NDPB) sponsored by the Scottish Executive Education Department. It is the national body in Scotland responsible for the development, accreditation, assessment and certification of qualifications other than degrees.

    37. August 2007 The Robert Gordon University Contact details Schoolhill Aberdeen AB10 1FR Tel: 01224 262207 Fax: 01224 262185 www.rgu.ac.uk access@rgu.ac.uk Course prospectus available Numerous undergraduate courses within departments Aberdeen Business School Faculty of Health and Social Care Faculty of Design and Technology Access and preparatory programmes in biology /chemistry /computing /engineering science/maths/study skills

    38. August 2007 RGU Gray’s School Of Art Contact details Garthdee Road Aberdeen Tel:01224 263600 www.rgu.ac.uk/shortcourses Short Courses in Art and Design ceramics creative computing design for the web drawing painting jewellery photography printmaking studio glass textiles

    39. August 2007 RGU - REAcH - Centre for student access Contact details Centre for Student Access The Robert Gordon University Faculty of Health and Social Care Garthdee AB10 7QG Tel 01224 263089 access@rgu.ac.uk ‘REAcH is a project that aims to support people in NE Scotland, to gain access to a chosen course or qualification by providing a suite of preparatory and access course options. It is aimed at those who have been out of formal education for some time, or who have no formal entry qualification. For anyone who would like to further their career prospects by taking part in more formal learning but is not sure where or how to start.’

    40. August 2007 University of Aberdeen Contact details Access Programmes Tel: 01224 273 528 access@abdn.ac.uk Prospectus available Access to Degree Studies includes English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Philosophy and many others

    41. August 2007 University of AberdeenThe Language Centre Contact details Regent Walk Aberdeen AB24 3FX Tel: 01224 272538 Fax: 01224 276730 www.abdn.ac.uk/langcentre langcen@abdn.ac.uk French German Spanish Russian Portuguese Japanese Italian Chinese

    42. August 2007 Peacock Visual Arts Contact details 21 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BQ Tel: 01224 639539 Fax: 01224 627094 www.peacockvisualarts.co.uk info@peacockvisualarts.co.uk An educational charity supported by Aberdeen City Council and Scottish Arts Council. Courses include photography, bookbinding, life drawing, printmaking and many more. They respond to demand and run courses when they have enough learners.

    43. August 2007 Scottish Culture and Traditions Contact details Skene House 96 Rosemount Viaduct Aberdeen AB25 1NX Tel: 07754 758677 01224 622335 www.scat2000.co.uk email office@scat2000.co.uk ‘It’s never to late to learn, and these adult education classes are an ideal opportunity for anyone who has an interest in traditional culture to pursue that interest. clarsach song fiddle whistle mixed instruments ceilidh dance gaelic and more’

    44. August 2007 Volunteer Conservation Projects Contact details Aberdeen Countryside Project Doig Scott Building Craibstone Estate Bucksburn Aberdeen AB21 9YA Tel:01224 711129 Fax: 01224 719110

    45. August 2007 WEA Contact details 163 King Street Aberdeen AB24 3AE Tel: 01224 642725 Fax: 01224 641668 www.weascotland.org.uk aberdeen@weascotland.org.uk Provides adults with access to organised learning which develops intellectual understanding and social or collective responsibility. Locally provides a wide range of courses which include Confidence Tricks, Family Matters, Health Issues, Drugs Awareness for Parents.

    46. August 2007 Contact details

    47. August 2007 Contact details

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