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DigiStories Grades (2-4) Do you like writing stories ?
DigiStories Grades (2-4) Do you like writing stories? Well, join us as we create digital stories. We will be using computers, ipads, scanners microphones and digital cameras to add pictures, animation, music and your own voice to your stories. This is an exciting new way to do Writer's Workshop and create stories. We will also be sharing our digistories on the big screen in the cafeteria. If this sounds like fun come join us! (Bowers) Stop asking your Mom and figure it out! (3-4) Have you asked your Mom so many questions you thought you would run out? Questions like “Why do batteries work?”, “What makes a magnet stick to the refrigerator?” or “How long can you hold your breath?” are all question you can find the answers to this summer. (Gannott) Spanish Extravaganza (3-4) Come join us as we learn some basic español (greetings, counting, alphabet, animals, colors, etc.) and explore the Spanish-speaking countries. There will be crafts, music, food, dance, games, videos, and lots of FUN! ¡Olé! (Señora Dickson) Coast to Coast in 18 Days (3-4) What is the difference between a salt water and fresh water crocodile? Are dinosaurs ancestors of the birds? What is a water cycle? And, what is a geyser? Learn the answers to these questions and many more as we explore three of the United State’s most famous National Parks. (Hazelrigg) LEGO Castle Adventures! (3-4) The world of castles, kings, knights, and adventure will come alive this summer! Come explore fantasy and history to create your own exciting adventure through storytelling, building, reading, writing, and technology (yes, like computers and iPads)! Learn about life in the medieval times and build your own virtual LEGO castle to share with your friends and family! (Dye) Travel Central & South America! (3-4) Have you dreamed of traveling to tropical places? Your passport will take you to Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Belize, and El Salvador where you will experience music, food ,and all kinds of fun learning. You will hear first hand experiences from these countries. Each student will receive a souvenir from Panama or Cuba. It will be a tour you won't forget. (Bunch) Build It (3-4) Build It will be a class where we build with blocks, Legos, cardboard, paper, and more. We’ll be reading books from the Magic Tree House series and building things encountered in the books. Once built, the projects like cannons, igloos, and treehouses will be used to enact some portion of the book. Come have fun and build away.. (Bell) Summer Adventure 2014 June 4 – June 27 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM D.A. Mallory Elementary 315 South Hickory Street Buffalo, MO. 65622 Phone (417)345-2350 Fax (417)345-5080
Around the World in 18 Days (1-2) Bonjour, Guten Tag, Aloha, ¡Hola!, néih hóu, Ciao . All different ways to say “Hello!” Come join us as we travel around the world in 18 days. Climb aboard as we travel to Europe, Australia, Africa, South America, North America and Asia. We will explore many different countries and learn about what makes them special. We will get stamps in our passport, make special foods, and create art pieces that remind us of our travels. (Lenz) Fairy Tales (2-3) Have you ever wondered what was at the top of a beanstalk? Would you like to dance at a Fairy Tale Ball? If so, come to the land of make-believe where we will be reading and writing about fairy tales around the world. We will read plays, participate in cooking activities, and write our own fairy tales. (Moffett) ART in a Time Machine! (2-4) Come take a trip through time to discover ART of the ages. We will begin our journey in 3000 BC, creating our own prehistoric paint, travel to 1000 BC to build a pyramid, and continue through time to design clay sculptures of the Renaissance, Impressionist paintings, and Abstract sculptures.(Gilpin) Summer School A-Z (1-2) Hey kids! Do you want to learn about animals and make and eat some yummy food this summer? Well come in to Duskin’s A-Z. We are making art projects, using ipads and the Mimio board to do a lot of fun things. We will be reading books about animals and doing lots of hands-on projects, and science experiments, too! (Duskin) …we all scream for ice cream! (1-2) Cool off this summer while exploring this frozen treat. Dig into its history. Discover your favorite flavor. Share an ice cream tale. (Quigley) Mad Scientist (1-2) Let’s Experiment! Have you ever wondered why it rains or how lightning and thunder happen? How does rain help plants grow? How about how a volcano explodes? Come do experiments while finding out more about nature! (Souza) Animal Investigations (2-3) Do you love exploring nature? Are you fascinated by animals? Join us naturalists as we uncover exciting discoveries of the animal world unnoticed by the untrained eye. Let’s get investigating! (Stanton) Passport to Learn with Dora & Diego (1-2) Travel the Spanish-speaking world with Dora and Diego! Let’s learn to speak Spanish and learn about kids from countries all throughout Latin America. Do you love to play games, dance, listen to music, create art, take virtual fieldtrips and try new foods? Join us on an adventure! Vamonos! (Smith) Wild About Kindergarten! (This is for students ENTERING Kindergarten) Come have fun with us as we learn about farm and zoo animals, nursery rhymes and camping. We will dance and sing songs with our friends. We will enjoy free choice play as well as doing fun learning stations and games. (Thiesen) Kindergarten Fun! (This is for students ENTERING Kindergarten) Come introduce your child to school by enjoying a sneak peek into kindergarten! Your child will become acquainted with our building and a kindergarten routine. We will enjoy making new friends, as we read books and participate in learning stations, songs, games, free choice centers, recess and lunch. (Holt) Kindergarten Investigators (This is for students ENTERING Kindergarten) Come and enjoy learning about farm animals and zoo animals. Let’s find out which ones are better for pets, how to raise and care for them. We will hear favorite stories from our favorite characters. Kindergarten Investigators will have many adventures each day to help prepare us for the thrilling days of school. (King) Leap Into Kindergarten (This is for students ENTERING Kindergarten) Be Nimble and be quick to join the summer fun. We will learn about nursery rhymes, the farm, and the zoo. (Ybanez) All About Animal Habitats (1) Come and take a tour to see a variety of animals and their homes! We will read, measure, write, and create habitats! (Wolf)
SUMMER SCHOOL ROUTE STOPS Country Corner Store @ H & M Hwy Cumberland Road & F Hwy (on Cumberland) Ash St. & F Hwy Kountry Kids Daycare Cooper & Chestnut Spruce & McDonald Williams Grocery in Louisburg Thomasville-Victory Baptist Church Hickory & Ramsey Mill St. Apts Buffalo Heights Apts Chisolm Trail Daycare Redtop Trailer Park Potters Road & Redtop Road D Diamond Travel Plaza (215 Hwy) Hinds Daycare Pilgrim Rd & 38 Hwy (near 65 Hwy) Countryview Estates Broken Bow Rd & Legend Rd Bennett Springs Winchester Gap Murl’s @ K & 64 Melton’s @ 73 & 64 Hwy Locust & Mill Noah’s Ark Daycare Long Lane School JJ & 32 Hwy Quarry Rd & Ozark Trail @ 32 Hwy Woodland & Main Pear & Lincoln Pear & Howe Poplar & Madison Spruce & McDonald Maple Leaf Daycare These are designated drop-off points. Busses do NOT drop off at homes! Summer school route times are approximate and may vary due to issues that may arise at the school before busses can leave. Thank you in advance for your patience. Please fill out the information and return this portion of the form along with $12.00, if you want your child to go swimming each week and attend the field trip at the end of summer school.. Form and fee must be returned by April 30, 2014. Checks should be payable to Mallory Elementary. Student Name:____________________________________________________ Current Teacher: __________________________________ Grade in 2014-2015: _________________________________________________ Summer School Class Requested: 1st Choice: ____________________________________________________ 2nd Choice:____________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________ Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________ _________ I do not wish for my child to attend swimming each week. _________ I do not wish for my child to attend the field trip at the end of summer school. Bus Stop: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Parent Signature