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Evolution and up grade of the ADRIatic REPorting system setting-up an Adriatic Regional Server system. Captain (ITCG) Piero PELLIZZARI piero.pellizzari@mit.gov.it. ADRIREP GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE. ADRIREP operational area. ADRIREP - Current situation.
Evolution and up grade of the ADRIaticREPorting system setting-up an Adriatic Regional Server system Captain (ITCG) Piero PELLIZZARI piero.pellizzari@mit.gov.it ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
ADRIREP GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE ADRIREP operationalarea ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
ADRIREP - Current situation Primary objective of ADRIREP MRS is to make the coastal States involved (Italy, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia) capable to have a complete situational awareness of the transport of dangerous and/or polluting goods in the Adriatic Sea in order to better manage search and rescue and/or antipollution operations in case of accidents. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
The maritime surveillance in the Adriatic Sea Current situation • Annex 2 of IMO Resolution MSC.139 (76), "Description of the Mandatory Ship Reporting System in the Adriatic Sea", establishes the adoption in the Adriatic Sea, from July 1st 2003, of a Mandatory Ship Reporting system, ADRIREP, required for the following types of vessels sailing in the Adriatic Sea: • all oil tanker ships of 150 gross tonnage and above; • all ships of 300 gross tonnage and above carrying on board, as cargo, dangerous or polluting goods, in bulk or in packages. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
The Italian Coast Guard has been constantly engage in promoting a better cross-border cooperation in the Adriatic Sea. Need to establish a platform able to improve the maritime surveillance in a close basin and to exchange relevant data. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
ADRIREP COMMUNICATION SYSTEM • ADRIREP is based on VHF voice communications (or any other available communication equipment e.g. MF, HF or INMARSAT) between ships and shore-based authorities. • Transiting ships shall: • contact by radio the competent authority whenever it enters a new sector, • report their presence and provide relevant information such as position, speed, course, persons and cargo on board. Competent Authorities exchange the information received from ships (REPORTS) by e-mails. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
CURRENT ADRIREP LIMITATIONS • To exchange information by e-mail has operational limitation, due to the possibility of mistakes or omissions by the operator; • Adrirep system doesn’t provide an overall picture of the targets of interest (TOIs); • The system isn’t capable to automatically feed a database to support surveillance operations, vessel reporting activities and analyses of data for statistics on vessel traffic. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
Adriatic-Ionian Regional Sub-centre Existing EU legal frameworks • To perform the sharing of data between the Member States and the third countries of Adriatic–Ionian Sub-Region (art. 5 of Directive 2002/59/EC); • to notify relevant information to SafeSeaNet system (art. 22a of Directive 2002/59/EC); • to keep as reference the established objectives introduced by Directive 2010/65/EU as well as the relevant concepts introduced by the CISE concept. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
The Adriatic-Ionian Regional Sub-centre • To design and to develop a new system as the basis for a regional sub-centre in order to promote the implementation of a cross-border cooperation platform and network in the Adriatic-Ionian sub-region; • The new system, called Adriatic Regional Server (ARS) and based on up-to-dated technology, is intended to allow an overall picture of the ships’ track (IMO Resolution MSC.139 (76)) as well as the necessary automation of procedures to simplify the tasks of operators in the exchange of information and in the reporting activity. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
The Adriatic Regional Server Performance requirements • To allow for access to stored information for users of participating countries • Access to historical data and information to support emergencies management; • to correlate data provided by VTS, VMS and AIS networks. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
ARS - Performance requirements • provide data and information to the maritime safety, security and prevention of pollution by ships Community; • provide data through the National Competent Authority of participating Countries to the allied Parties (e.g. port Authorities, pilots, tugs, port facilities, owners, agents, etc.); • exchange information with other maritime information management systems (e.g. Helcom server and North Atlantic server). ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
and to be considered as a pilot project able to involve possible interested SafeMed Countries providing the possibility to explore useful answers for the developing of other regional basins sub-centre in the Mediterranean Sea where to apply similar cross-border and cross-sectorial solutions. SAFMED Partners: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
Summarising: In linewithourcommitment in the AdriaticSea I wouldliketo propose to the distinguishMaritimeCoastGuardfunctionsAuthoritiesofAlbania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia, as partecipants in the IAI initiative,toestablishingdirectscontacts in orderto progress in the work toward: • the modernisationof ADRIREP foranupgradedcooperationbetween the Countriesof the Adriatic-IonianInitiativewith a viewtoprovidingcomprehensivecontrolofmaritimetransport in the Adriatic; • and in ordertoexplore the possibilitiesofenhancing the cooperation in control and management ofmaritimetransport, environmentalprotection and fisheriescontrol. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
Under thiscommitment in line with the thediscussionsheld in Ancona on the 6th ofMarch , 2012during AII meetingof Senior Officialrepresantives, and afterthe last meetingoftheMediterraneanregionalserverexpertsworkinggroupunderthecharmanshipofEMSA the workingcontactsbetweenCoast Guard functionsAuthoritiescouldalready progress and start to provide positive results to the NCA; This ARS cooperation project can contributefor the preparationof the ActionPlanof the“UE strategyfor the Adriatic-IonicMacroregion”, after the positive consensusof the NCA in chargeto elaborate the Plan due to start at the beginningof the nextyear, in accordanceto the EuropeanCouncil mandate to the Commission; If positive resultswillberapidlyachieve the ARS project willbeabletomove under the ActionPlanof the“UE strategyfor the Adriatic-IonicMacroregion” perfectly in linewith the IAI initiative. ItalianCoastGuard Headquarters
Thank you for your attention. Any questions? Capt. (ITCG) Piero PELLIZZARI piero.pellizzari@mit.gov.it Italian Coast Guard Headquarters