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The science programme at ISOLDE

The science programme at ISOLDE. Karsten Riisager Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Aarhus. Facility for isotope production. Energy range 10 -6 eV (10 mK) to 3 MeV/u Intensity 1 – 10 10 ions/s Isotope range 6 He to 232 Ra (Z: 2-88, N:4-144). Motivation (a reminder…).

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The science programme at ISOLDE

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  1. The science programme at ISOLDE Karsten Riisager Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Aarhus

  2. Facility for isotope production • Energy range 10-6 eV (10 mK) to 3 MeV/u • Intensity 1 – 1010 ions/s • Isotope range 6He to 232Ra (Z: 2-88, N:4-144)

  3. Motivation (a reminder…) • Nuclear physics (incl. applications) thrives on variety • Intrinsic many-particle structure (2 fermions !) • multitude of quantum states, a rich variety of phenomena • finite # particles, structure still varies rapidly • Progress needed on many fronts • need different experimental techniques • need many isotopes

  4. ISOLDE (2008)

  5. ISOLDE: a unique facility • Ideal driver beam for ISOL • Variety of beams: leading laboratory for developments in • target/ion-sources • ion beam manipulation • experimental set-ups • Strong users community

  6. Applied Physics Implanted Radioactive Probes, Tailored Isotopes for Diagnosis and Therapy Condensed matter physics and Life sciences Nuclear Physics Nuclear Decay Spectroscopy and Reactions Structure of Nuclei Exotic Decay Modes Fundamental Physics Direct Mass Measurements, Dedicated Decay Studies - WI CKM unitarity tests, search for b-n correlations, right-handed currents Atomic Methods Laser Spectroscopy and Direct Mass Measurements Radii, Moments, Nuclear Binding Energies Nuclear Astrophysics Dedicated Nuclear Decay/Reaction Studies Element Synthesis, Solar Processes Research with slow Radioactive Ion Beams f(N,Z)

  7. Examples of research themes • Nuclear Physics (abstract ID number) • shell closures  shape evolution (6,31,74)  shape coexistence (18,33,62)  halo nuclei (96)… • Fundamental interactions • P, T violation (45)  neutrinos (59,66)  Vud (69) • Solid state physics • semiconductors  spintronics (64)  nano… (88) • Biophysics, medical physics • radioisotopes (44)  heavy metal toxicity

  8. De novo designed heavy metal ion binding proteins Iranzo et al. Chem. Eur. J., 2007, 13:9178 IS448

  9. Determination of lattice positions ECSLI Mn beam time: b- emission channeling patterns from 61Co in GaN • 61Mn implanted (~1013 cm-2) • wait 25 min + anneal at 800°C • emission channeling patterns measured from 61Co b- particles • fit results: 61Co on substitutional Ga sites IS453

  10. “Island of inversion”

  11. An example: 30-33Mg • Magnetic moments 31,33Mg, COLLAPS Yordanov et al, PRL 99 (2007) 212501 Kowalska et al PRC77 (2008) 034307 μ = -0.7456 (5)μN Spin 3/2 2p2h g.s. (intruder) NMR 33Mg, MgO IS427

  12. An example: 30-33Mg • Coulex of 30,32Mg and 31Mg – Reiter et al Niedermaier et al, PRL 94 (2005) 172501 32Mg 107Ag IS410

  13. An example: 30-33Mg • 2nd 0+ in 30Mg at 1788 keV, weak mixing – Schwerdtfeger, Thirolf et al, arXiv:0808.0264 More results: H. Mach et al. IS414

  14. An example: 30-33Mg • 2nd 0+ in 30Mg at 1788 keV, weak mixing – Schwerdtfeger, Thirolf et al, arXiv:0808.0264 • Coulex of (30,32Mg and) 31Mg – Reiter et al (Niedermaier et al, PRL 94 (2005) 172501) • Transfer d(30Mg,31Mg)p, (t,p)… – Bildstein et al • Magnetic moments 31,33Mg, COLLAPS – Yordanov et al, PRL 99 (2007) 212501; Kowalska et al PRC77 (2008) 034307 • Masses, MISTRAL – Lunney et al, Eur. Phys. J. A28 (2006) 129 • Level lifetimes – Mach et al, Eur. Phys. J. A25 (2005) 105 • Radii, beta-decay studies,...

  15. ISOLTRAP: 80-81Zn S. Baruah et al, PRL 101 (2008) 262501 N=50 still robust shell at Z=30 Neutron separation energy (MeV) versus N IS413

  16. REX – Coulex: agreeJ. Van De Walle et al, PRL 99 (2007) 142501 N=50 isotones Ni,Zn,Ge isotopes E(2+1) [keV] E(2+1) [keV] Ge B(E2,2+10+1) [W.u.] B(E2,2+10+1) [W.u.] Zn Ni IS412 Proton Number Neutron Number

  17. 20.551 3/2- 1996 11Li 17.913 1966 1983 15.718 8Li+t 10.59 1980 8.82 8.979 1979 8Be+3n 7.313 9Be+2n 1974 0.501 Open delayed-particle channels in the 11Li beta decay 0.320 (MeV) 10Be+n 11Be Halo nuclei 9Li+d 7.914 6He+4He+n IS417

  18. Multi charged-particle branch 11Li M. Madurga et al, submitted to PLB Kinematic identification of (beta-delayed) decay branches: 4He + 7He 3H + 8Li etc Selecting one channel reveals new level at 16.3 MeV IS417

  19. Probing unbound 10Li 2.77 MeV/u IS367

  20. 11Li 287 MeV/u FRS-ALADIN-LAND@GSI 10Li

  21. Laser SpHERe beam blocker Dye Laser (Anticollinear) Shaping Optics Servo Doubler Signal Rb Clock Frequency Comb Photomultiplier Retardation Be+ Beam Deflector beam blocker Dye Laser (Collinear) Doubler I2 Servo Charge radius of Be isotopes Preliminary LaserSpectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions and ExoticRadioactive Nuclei (VH-NG-148 Helmholtz Young Investigators Group) IS449 W. Noertershaeuser, PRL 102 (2009) 062503

  22. 12B 1+ Hans Fynbo, Christian Diget et al., Nature 433 (2005) 136 The beta-decay of 12B 15.11 1+ 1+ 12.71 Not observed 0.0008 10.3 0,2+ 3a threshold 0.015 0+ 7.6542 7.275 0.013 4.4389 2+ 0.9722  0 12C 0+

  23. ISOLDE Jyväskylä 12C • Beta-decay to levels in 12C • select decays through 8Be(0+) • R-matrix analysis IS404

  24. The triple-alpha reaction rate C. Diget, H. Fynbo IS404

  25. Thanks to: The ISOLDE Physics Group The ISOLDE Technical Group The ISOLDE Collaboration Hans Fynbo Lars Hemmingsen Alexander Herlert Mark Huyse Björn Jonson Magdalena Kowalska Miguel Madurga Peter Reiter Piet Van Duppen Existing program needs upgrades of: Beam “quality” Intensity Energy

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