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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 从“眼馋肚饱”说起 ……. Eyes Bigger than the Belly. Did you know that if you are offered more food on a plate, you will eat more?

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 从“眼馋肚饱”说起…… Eyes Bigger than the Belly Did you know that if you are offered more food on a plate, you will eat more? This can happen no matter how hungry you are. Furthermore, you’ll eat more when the same food is served in a larger bowl than when it is served in a smaller bowl. If you are eating ice cream, you’ll eat more if you use a larger spoon than if you use a smaller spoon.

  3. But the more you eat, the less enjoyable each mouthful becomes. And whether you eat a big portion or a small portion, your feelings of fullness are the same after eating. So you’d better serve yourselves smaller portions when eating at home. In a restaurant, you can ask for a smaller portion.

  4. 滚珠搅拌杯让你告别搅拌勺。 Ball for Mix There is a ball at the bottom of the glass. When you move the glass, the ball can help mix milk and sugar into hot drinks such as* tea and coffee.

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 offer /'^f=/ v. 提供 happen /'h7p=n/ v.发生 furthermore /'f+:8=;m6:/ adv.而且,此外 serve /s+:v/ v. 提供(饭菜) portion /'p6:5n/ n.(食物的)一份 yourself /j6:'self/ pron. 你自己 mix /mIks/ v.混合

  6. bottom /'b^t=m/ n.底部 eyes bigger than the belly 眼馋肚饱(原词组为 have eyes bigger than one’s belly) no matter 无论,不管 But the more you eat, the less enjoyable each mouthful becomes. 但是你吃得越多,每一口食物的幸福感就越弱。 whether ... or ...无论是……还是…… feeling of fullness 饱腹感

  7. you’d better do sth. 最好做某事 such as 诸如

  8. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  9. 我们每个人都有一个形影不离的好朋友,一起来猜猜他是谁吧。我们每个人都有一个形影不离的好朋友,一起来猜猜他是谁吧。 My Best Friend Is ... I have a very very close friend who always goes in and out with me. Wherever I come and go, he comes and goes with me. He is very very like me, from head to toe. He must be the biggest fan of me, Because he copies everything that I do.

  10. The funniest thing about him is the way he grows. Other children may grow slowly, But he is different. In the morning and evening, he grows as tall as a huge ball. When sun is shining in the sky, he becomes small. Sometimes he becomes invisible to all.

  11. He doesn’t like rainy days. Maybe thunder makes him frightened. But sunny days are his favourite. He likes racing against me under the sunshine. I love him, my best friend, And his name is Shadow!

  12. 英语课上,老师正在教小朋友们动物的叫声——英语课上,老师正在教小朋友们动物的叫声—— Listen to Them! Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we’ll learn something about animal sounds. Now who wants to answer my questions? Students: Here! Here! Teacher: Great! Linda, how does a dog bark? Linda: A dog barks “woof, woof!”

  13. Teacher: Will, can you tell me what a pigeon says? Will: A pigeon says “choo, choo!” Teacher: Gray, who says “quack, quack?” Gray: That’s easy. A duck says “quack, quack.” Teacher: Last question. Who says “meow, meow?” Lisa: I know! A cat says “meow, meow.” 考考你: 在所有回答问题的小朋友里,有一个小朋友回答错了。你知道是谁吗?为什么呢?

  14. 这些食物尝起来味道如何呢? Have a Taste 考考你: 请将食物与它相对应的味道连线。

  15. yogurt watermelon black coffee sweet sour salty bitter spicy pepper salt

  16. 讲学指导 Shadow 名词shadow除了可以表示“阴影、影子”的意思之外,还可以用来表示“少许、微量”的意思,如: a shadow of a smile 一丝笑意 另外,shadow还可以作动词用,表示“跟踪、监视”的意思,如: He was shadowed by the police for a week. 他被警察跟踪了一个星期。

  17. 周周练 请找出每只蝴蝶对应的影子,并将它们连线。

  18. Word Bank 超纲词汇 fan /f7n/ n. 仰慕者,狂热爱好者 everything /'evrI0I9/ pron. 每件事 invisible /In'vIz=bl/ adj. 看不见的,无形的 thunder /'02nd=/ n.雷,雷声 frightened /'fraIt=nd/ adj. 害怕的 woof /wUf/ n. (狗叫声)汪汪 pigeon /'pId3In/ n.鸽子

  19. quack /kw7k/ n.(鸭叫声)嘎嘎 meow /mI'aU/n.(猫叫声)喵喵 yogurt /'j^G=t/ n.酸奶 spicy /'spaIsI/ adj.辛辣的 pepper /'pep=/ n.辣椒 close friend 密友 from head to toe 从头到脚 race against ... 同……比赛 under the sunshine 在阳光下

  20. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  21. 你最喜欢什么玩具呢? What Toys Do You Like?

  22. model plane Barbie doll jigsaw Rubik’s Cube remote control car toy bricks Stuffed toy Plasticine

  23. A Little Praise “I got two A’s,” the young boy said. His voice was filled with glee. His father proudly said, “That’s great, I’m glad you belong to me.”

  24. That s no concern of yours. 这句话直译为“那不是你要关心的事”,即“不关你的事”。表示某件事不希望别人干涉,在善意或恶意的场合下都可以用。不过需要注意的是,当用在不想让别人多管闲事的情况下,这句话的语气不是很好,相当于 “Mind your own business! (少管闲事!)”。使用需谨慎哦! Tina: Oh, the dinner must be very expensive (昂贵的). How much? Tim: That’s no concern of yours. My treat (请客) today.

  25. Word Bank 超纲词汇 jigsaw /'d3IGs6:/ n.拼图玩具 (=jigsaw puzzle) cube /kju:b/ n.立方体 stuffed /st2ft/ adj. 填满的,装满的 Plasticine /'pl7st=si:n/ n.(普莱斯 蒂辛)橡皮泥 praise /preIz/ n.& v. 称赞,表扬 glee /Gli:/ n. 欢喜,高兴

  26. proudly /'praUdlI/ adv. 骄傲地,自豪地 Barbie doll 芭比娃娃 Rubik’s Cube 魔方 remote control car 遥控汽车 toy bricks 积木 stuffed toy 填充毛绒玩具 be filled with ... 被……装满 belong to 属于

  27. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  28. 溢出的意大利面将要淹没整座小镇, 幸好巫婆奶奶及时赶回收拾了残局。 Strega Nona (V) Big Anthony sang the song again, but the pot kept bubbling. “Stop!” shouted Big Anthony. But the pasta did not stop.

  29. The pasta had filled the little house and came out of the windows and doors. It overflowed into the streets and all the people were running to keep ahead of it. The people began to worry. “The pasta will cover our town,” they cried. At that time, Strega Nona came back from her visit. She soon knew what had happened. She sang the song and blew the three kisses to the pot. The pot stopped boiling at once. What about Big Anthony then? Well, Strega Nona asked him to eat all the pasta. So poor!

  30. Word Bank 超纲词汇 bubble /'b2bl/ v.(指液体)起泡,沸腾 pasta /'p7st=/ n.意大利面食 fill /fIl/ v. 填满,装满 overflow /;=Uv='fl=U/ v.漫出,溢出 worry /'w2rI/ v.担心,忧虑 cover /'k2v=/ v. 覆盖,淹没

  31. soon /su:n/ adv.很快地,不久 happen /'h7p=n/ v. 发生 poor /pU=/ adj.可怜的 keep ahead of ... 赶在……之前 blow kisses 飞吻 at once 立刻,马上

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