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World War I and Its Aftermath

World War I and Its Aftermath. Chapter 10 1914 – 1920. The United States Enters World War I A. The Great War: aka The War to End All Wars, aka World War I 1. War fought from 1914 to 1919 2. Involved most of the world including the US 3. Called WWI after WWII

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World War I and Its Aftermath

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  1. World War I and Its Aftermath Chapter 10 1914 – 1920

  2. The United States Enters World War I • A. The Great War: aka The War to End All Wars, aka World War I • 1. War fought from 1914 to 1919 • 2. Involved most of the world including the US • 3. Called WWI after WWII • B. Wilson Diplomacy • 1. Followed much of TR’s practices • 2. Promoted moral superiority of democracy • a. Essential for stability and economic development • b. Ensure peaceful world • 3. Promoted his own moral superiority • 4. Mexican Revolution • a. Diaz to Madero to Huerta • b. Investment to confusion to military brutality • c. US arm opposition to Huerta

  3. 5. Wilson Invades Mexico a. US sailors enter restricted area – arrested b. Released w/o apology c. Sends Marines to occupy Veracruz d. US supported dictator becomes president e. Pancho Villa leads guerrilla raids into US * Guerrillas: armed band that uses… * Columbus NM attacked – Americans killed f. General John Pershing leads 6,000 US Army… g. Failure h. Ridicule from Europe esp England

  4. C. Outbreak of World War 1. The Alliance System a. In Europe dates to 1864 w/Prussia uniting… b. Form alliances for various reasons c. Alliance: agreements between nations… d. Triple Alliance: alliance between Austria-Hungary… e. Triple Entente: alliance between France, Great… f. Triple Alliance +Ottoman = Central Powers g. Triple Entente + US = Allies h. Side Alliance only compound ie Russia and Balkans i. Secret alliances created mistrust 2. Naval Race a. Great Britain w/most powerful in world b. Germany began construction of large navy c. Great Britain feared losing dominance d. Arms race between two powers e. Militarism: the policy of having an aggressive…

  5. 3. A Change of Leadership/Lost Leadership a. Kaiser Fredrick III ruled Germany b. Humane and freer German Empire c. Empire created by Otto Von Bismarck d. Bismarck prudent and shrewd Chancellor e. Fredrick dies of cancer f. Wilhelm II (son) becomes Kaiser (Caesar) g. Bismarck forced into retirement h. Wilhelm II now unrestrained and power hungry j. Demand for colonies in Africa and Pacific to… k. When William Came l. General Alfred von Schlieffen and his plan

  6. 4. The Balkan Crisis a. Nationalism: feeling of intense pride … b. Self-determination: the idea that people who… c. Serbia gains independence wants to unite with Bosnia d. Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia from Ottomans e. Unrest among the Slavic people 5. To War a. Archduke Franz Ferdinand visits Bosnian capital… b. Car makes wrong turn????? c. “Black Hand” – Gavrilo Princip d. Serbian officials aware of plan e. Austria-Hungary ask for Princip to be returned… f. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia g. Alliances bring everyone else into a nothing war h. Assassination did not cause war, only an excuse

  7. 6. German’s War Plan Fails a. Schlieffen Plan giant pinwheel (Napoleon) b. Must pass through neutral Luxembourg c. Must pass through neutral Belgium d. Belgium not neutral in strictest sense e. Belgium invasion became propaganda fodder f. No proof of any of atrocities (Darrow $20,000) g. Atrocities were carried out by British (no outcry) h. French with similar pinwheel plan i. Germans quickly overrun much of French forces j. Russia mobilizes much quicker than expected – attack k. Germans now fighting a two front war – bad l. Western Front in France/Eastern Front German… m. Lack of quick victory by Germany = stalemate west n. Germany success in east

  8. D. American Neutrality 1. “We must be impartial in thought as well as in action.” 2. Americans Take Sides a. German immigrants supported Germany b. Irish immigrants though British hypocrites support… c. Most Americans supported Triple Entente 3. Pro-British Sentiment a. Wilson cabinet support Triple Entente except… b. US Ambassador work with British (neutral????) c. British propaganda aimed at US d. German propaganda aimed at Russia e. Propaganda: information designed to influence… f. Wildly exaggerated and false reports accept by US… 4. Business Links a. US business did not claim neutrality b. East coast business and banks close ties to Eng/Fra

  9. Propaganda Posters from World War I

  10. E. Moving Toward War 1. Americans supported GB/France/Russia but did not… 2. British Blockade a. Violated international law in scope b. Mined the North Sea in violation of standards c. Stopped neutral nations ships d. Goal was to stop food bound for German citizens e. Expanded the definition of contraband to meet… f. Contraband: prohibited materials g. Kept food blockade for six months after the war ended 3. Germans counter with U-Boats (submarines) a. Stop flow of military supplies to England/France b. Aim at military targets/transports/ships of combatants c. Unrestricted sinking w/o warning all ships in…

  11. 4. Lusitania a. Outrage in US at German submarine use b. Passenger ship Americans warned c. Passenger ship carrying ammunition from US to GB d. Passenger ship traveled into war zone e. Military ship protection removed f. Submarine sinks ship (1,200/128) g. Demand for war held off 5. Sussex a. French passenger ship sank by U-boat b. Americans injured c. Sussex pledge by Germany to… d. Disguise of ships by Britain

  12. F. US Declares War 1. Wilson campaign on kept us out of war 2. Zimmerman Telegram a. Arthur Zimmermann German official b. To German ambassador in Mexico c. Mexico aid Germany receive western lands d. British spy intercept e. Release to Am. Newspapers f. British also spy on US g. Not yet despite cry h. Unrestricted submarine warfare i. Wilson orders US merchant ships armed j. Six US merchant ships in war zone 3. Wilson ask for declaration of war against Germany 4. “Fight for moral principles/His place at the table”

  13. The Home Front • A. Building A Military • 1. 300,000 at declaration of war • 2. Not enough volunteers (2 million) • 3. Conscription: forced military service • a. Selective Service Act • b. 21-30 must register (later 1-45) • c. Lottery system • d. Local draft board (2.6 million drafted) • 4. Blacks in the War • a. 400,000 drafted • b. 42,000 served as combat troops • c. Under orders from Wilson not with…only with… • 5. Women in the military • a. First war • b. Navy as clerks –Army in Nursing Corps (11/20-10)

  14. B. Organizing Industry 1. Congress creates special boards to manage 2. War Industries Board a. Bernard Baruch run b. What to make/controlled raw materials/set prices 3. Food Administration a. Herbert Hoover b. Save on own not ration c. Victory gardens 4. Fuel Administration a. Harry Garfield b. Conserve coal and oil c. Daylight savings time d. Limit work week for nondefense

  15. 5. Pay for the War a. Raised income tax rates b. New taxes on corporations c. Liberty Bonds d. Victory Bonds C. Mobilizing the Workforce 1. National War Labor Board a. Pressured Industry b. 8-hr workday/right to organize unions/increase… 2. Increased work opportunities for women 3. Blacks migrate north to jobs – no immigrants 4. Large Mexican migration SW and further north (Chicago) *Barrios: Mexican neighborhoods w/i cities

  16. D. Public Support 1. Selling the War a. Committee on Public Information b. Sell the war to the American People c. Pamphlets and speeches 2. Loss of Civil Liberties a. Legislation to fight antiwar activities b. Espionage: spying to acquire secret gov’t info c. Espionage Act d. Sedition Act of 1918 expanded illegal to express… 3. Climate of Suspicion a. Name changes b. Classes dropped c. Lynching d. Growing intolerance 4. Supreme Court Limits Free Speech in time of war

  17. Killing on a Grand Scale • A. “Lafayette, we are here!” • B. Combat • 1. Devastated Europe by time US enters • 2. Trench Warfare • a. English Channel to Swiss Border • b. Dug in is safe sort of • c. Noman’s Land: space between opposing trenches • d. Extreme of conditions • e. Artillery ineffective • f. Machine gun (new) + old strategy = death… • g. Let to wholesale slaughters (Somme =1million +)

  18. 3. New Killing/Maiming Technology a. Second Ypes saw poison gas by Germans b. Allies soon followed c. Vomiting, blindness, suffocation d. British introduce tanks C. Americans Arrive 1. Doughboys: American troops 2. Use of convoys: large groups of ships for protection 3. Russia leaves allies a. Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate b. New gov’t overthrown by Bolsheviks (Commies) c. Vladimir Lenin leader of Bolsheviks d. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: peace treaty between… e. Freed up German troops to go west

  19. War • C. Peace • 4. German offensive falters at Chateau Thierry • 5. US push Germans back at Saint-Mihiel • 6. Battle of Meuse River-Argonne Forest • a. Largest US involvement • b. Heavy losses by US • c. Germans pushed back toward own border • 7. Revolution in Austria-Hungary • 8. Surrender of Ottoman Turks • 9. Germany now alone • 10. Germany signs armistice (cease fire 11-11-11)

  20. D. Terrible Peace 1. Peace conference with only Allies + Italy – no Germany 2. Wilson presents Fourteen Point Plan 3. Plan called for a League of Nations: general association 4. Allies reject all of Wilson’s points 5. Treaty of Versailles designed to punish Germany harshly 6. Allies blame Germany alone for war 7. Historians put most blame on France or England 8. Germany lose all armed forces 9. Germany must pay reparations (war damages to victors) 10. Demands beyond Germany’s ability 11. Sets stage and becomes major cause for World War II

  21. E. Changes in World Due to WWI 1. End of Russian Empire and monarchy 2. End of Ottoman Empire with revolution 3. End of Austria-Hungary Empire – split 4. End of German Empire created by Bismarck 5. Nine new countries created F. Rejection of Wilson 1. Arrogance offends Republican Party and Americans 2. US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles 3. Especially harsh on League of Nations – does not join 4. Wilson rejects all offers of compromise

  22. The War’s Impact at Home • A. Economy in Trouble • 1. Negative impact of gov’t price controls • 2. Inflation of 15% • 3. Cost of Living: cost of essential increased • 4. Multiple strikes by labor unions • a. Shipyard workers strike demanding … • b. Leads to general strike: involving all workers… • c. After 5 days returned to work without gains • d. 75% of Boston police force walk off job • e. Gov. Calvin Coolidge sends in National Guard • f. Striking policemen fired and replacements hired • g. 350,000 steel workers strike • h. Replacements hired • i. Caused riots in Gary, IN • j. Strike collapses and unions power declines

  23. B. Racial Unrest 1. Returning soldiers and migrating blacks compete… 2. Over 20 race riots in summer of 1919 in north 3. Largest riot in Chicago C. Red Scare 1. Red scare: fear that a communist revolution would… 2. Fear expanded by labor strikes 3. Fear expanded by formation of Communist International 4. CI goal to spread communism to other countries 5. Fear expanded by over 30 bombs sent through mail 6. Bombs were believed to be work of communist or other… 7. Bomb damaged home of Attorney General A M Palmer 8. Palmer created General Intelligence Division to … 9. Headed by J Edgar Hoover became FBI 10. Led to Palmer Raids: arrest of immigrants who… 11. Detained many/deported 600 as communist

  24. D. End of Progressivism 1. Economy, strikes, riots, war caused general dissatisfaction 2. 1920 Election Democrats called for continuation of … 3. Republicans call for return to normalcy 4. Repub. Warren G. Harding wins in landslide

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