Narrative Structure • In the documentaries I have watched and analysed I have found that many documentaries are multi-stranded, such as ‘Catfish’, “Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer” and “Supersize Me”, this is done when a documentary wants to focus on many issues from one larger issue, such as “Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer”, that focuses on serial killer Aileen Wuornos but also the justice system among other things. • I also found that the documentaries were both a mix of open and closed narratives, as it depends on the topic of the documentary and whether questions need to be left or not. • The documentaries I watched were all linear, this is so that the audience can easily follow the storyline and understand what is happening at what time.
Type of documentary • Most of the documentaries were mixed, as they weren’t just one thing, many included interviews and observations for example.
Camera work Most had mid shots or medium long shots when interviews were being conducted, as they are simple and formal. Establishing shots/ long shots are used to set up location but can also be used to show something that is happening covertly. Many had close ups to evoke a specific emotion that was happening in the scene, so the audience is able to feel empathy.
Camera work continued Zoom ins are used to get closer to a persons face and see their emotions. It can also be done to get the correct shot for a scene. Handheld camera work is frequently used, as in some situations professional cameras cannot be used. Two shots are also used in most documentaries I watched to set up relationships in the documentary, presenting them as formal or informal.
Mise-en-scene • This is a common feature in all the documentaries I watched and makes a huge part of a documentary. • The mise-en-scene reinforces the themes presented in a documentary, for example in Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer, we see images of the death bed she will be executed in, to reinforce the nature of the documentary and what will eventually be where Aileen Wuornos is killed.
Sound • All of the documentaries used diegetic and non-diegetic sound throughout, as it is crucial to a documentary, for setting the mood or allowing the audience to know what is happening in the scene. • Most documentaries use voice over, this is so that the audience are given information that people in the film may not know, it is also done to formally explain what is happening in a scene if it is not overtly clear in the moment. • Soundtrack music is used a lot, and can be used to convey a certain emotion, it can also be used sarcastically or done simply because the scene needs it, for example Beyonce’s music is played over some scenes in Life is But A Dream, in a form of self promotion but because their is no sound that needs to be heard within a scene. • Diegetic speech is heard in all of the documentaries this is so that the audience can first hand understand what is going on in the scene before a voice over is added in.
Editing • All of the documentaries I studied used cuts, both long and short cuts, these are mainly used as they are easily followed and are simple to watch for the audience, it also lets the documentary to flow fluidly. • Their are few examples of complex editing in the documentaries, as their isn’t need to do so, because they are meant to be informative rather than over the top.
Archive material • Archive material is present in all of the documentaries I watched. In some documentaries adverts are used to show how they have affected future events or set up a person in the film, for example in Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer an advert is shown of her past lawyer, whereby the documentary almost mocks him. Images from childhood or the past of the main people in the documentaries are shown, for example video footage of Beyonce as a child is shown in Life is But A Dream and images of Aileen Wuornos when she was younger is shown in Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer.
Graphics • Most graphics in the documentaries I watched were used to suit the themes of the films. • For example in Catfish, the opening credits are pixelated to reinforce the documentary is about online relationships. • All of the documentaries include textual graphics through the opening credits and ending credits. Textual graphics are also seen when it says the names of who is being interviewed.