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Comprehensive Ear Histology Guide: Explore Anatomy & Function!

Dive into the intricate details of ear histology, covering the middle ear, inner ear's labyrinth structures, receptor organs, and organ of Corti. Discover the pathway of sound through the ear, mechanisms of detecting pitch, and common ear pathologies. Learn about the remarkable hair cells and how ears produce sounds like otoacoustic emissions. Explore the nuances of cochlear ducts, Crista Ampulla, and the interplay between the osseous and membranous labyrinths in the ear. Enhance your understanding of ear function with this detailed resource.

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Comprehensive Ear Histology Guide: Explore Anatomy & Function!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The EarHistology doesn’t get better than this!

  2. Anatomy of the Ear

  3. Middle Ear

  4. The Inner Ear Osseous Labyrinth

  5. The Inner Ear Membranous Labyrinth Bony Labyrinth

  6. Membranous in Osseous Labyrinth

  7. Receptor Organs (red) in the Membranous Labyrinth

  8. General Structure of a Receptor Organ

  9. “Hairs” of a Hair Cell

  10. A Macula

  11. ~ 10 microns ~ 1 centimeter

  12. Crista Ampulla Cupula

  13. The cochlear duct is a long coiled tube in a long coiled hole in the bone. The organ of Corti is a long coiled ribbon 1 2 3 Uncoiled 1 2 3 • Bone • Osseous labyrinth • Membranous labyrinth

  14. Membranous Labyrinth in Osseous Labyrinth

  15. The Cochlea is coiled

  16. The organ of Corti

  17. The Organ of Corti is a Ribbon

  18. Each sound frequency is detected at a specific position along the cochlea at which it resonates. High pitch is detected at the base of the cochlea because the basilar membrane is narrower there. High Pitch Low Pitch Basilar membrane Base | | Tip

  19. Pathway of Sound through the Ear

  20. Pathway of Sound through the Ear

  21. Movement of Fluid in the Cochlea

  22. Movements of the basilar membrane from sound

  23. High Pitch Low Pitch Basilar membrane Base | | Tip

  24. Swings with Different Lengths of Rope Will Vibrate At Different Frequencies…

  25. The Organ of Corti

  26. Two ways to make a swing go higher Pushing Pumping

  27. The Extraordinary Outer Hair Cell

  28. Ears make sound called otoacoustic emissions

  29. Mechanical Receptors of the Hair Cell

  30. Pathologies of Ears 1. Deafness 2. Vertigo 3. Tinnitus

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