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Long-term trends in EPIC pn energy response

Long-term trends in EPIC energy response, calibration, and operations discussed at a meeting in Mallorca, Spain, November 6 - 7, 2007. Analysis includes energy resolution, FWHM measurements, charge transfer inefficiency, and absolute energy scale determinations.

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Long-term trends in EPIC pn energy response

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  1. Long-term trends in EPIC pn energy response EPIC Calibration & Operations Meeting Mallorca, Spain, 2007 November 6 - 7

  2. energy resolution

  3. FF Mn-K FWHM CCD 1 - 6

  4. FF Mn-K FWHM CCD 7 - 12

  5. FF Mn-K FWHM quadrant 0

  6. eFF Mn-K FWHM quadrant 0

  7. 30 20 adu FF Mn-K FWHM quadrant 0 10 0

  8. FF Al-K FWHM CCD 1 - 6

  9. FF Al-K FWHM CCD 7 - 12

  10. FF al-K FWHM quadrant 0

  11. Charge transfer inefficiency

  12. FF Mn-K CTI CCD 1 - 6

  13. FF Mn-K CTI CCD 7 - 12

  14. eFF Mn-K CTI CCD 1 - 6

  15. eFF Mn-K CTI CCD 7 - 12

  16. Al-K FF Mn-K FF Al-K eFF Mn-K eFF

  17. Mn-K FF 2004

  18. Mn-K FF 2007

  19. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2002

  20. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2003

  21. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2004

  22. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2005

  23. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2006

  24. Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2007

  25. Mn-K FF CTI(t)

  26. absoluteenergy scale

  27. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  28. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  29. FF Mn-K Pos quadrant 0

  30. FF Al-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  31. FF Al-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  32. FF Al-K Pos quadrant 0

  33. eFF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  34. eFF Mn-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  35. eFF mn-K Pos quadrant 0

  36. eFF Al-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  37. eFF Al-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  38. eFF al-K Pos quadrant 0

  39. with 1 adu / 2000 d drop

  40. Mn-Kα position [adu] (in quadrant 0, after 1 adu / 2000 d drop) slope: +0.43 adu / C Mean quadrant box temperature [C] (F1576..F1876)

  41. 1E 0102.2-7219, FF rev 065 – 900 12 observations 5 – 31 ks total exposure: 229 ks 3 free energies 922.1 eV 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 574.0 eV 665.7 eV 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K

  42. N132D, LW rev 474 – 958 7 observations, 11 – 26 ks, total exposure: 122 ks 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 6.7 keV

  43. 1E 0102.2-7219, LW rev 447 – 981 7 observations 10 – 35 ks total exposure: 141 ks 2 free energies 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K

  44. N132D, SW rev 083 – 1129 15 observations, 7 – 30 ks, total exposure: 293 ks 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 6.7 keV

  45. 1E 0102.2-7219, SW rev 375 – 1165 7 observations 10 – 32 ks total exposure: 192 ks 3 free energies 922.1 eV 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 574.0 eV 665.7 eV 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K 0.43 adu / C @ Mn-K

  46. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  47. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

  48. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  49. FF Mn-K Pos CCD 7 - 12

  50. Charge transfer inefficiency

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