1. The Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology
2. The primary functions of CIMH Institute are to: Provide facilities for the training of various categories of meteorological and hydrological personnel
Operate as a centre of research in meteorology and hydrology and associated sciences
Operate as contractors and consultants on various meteorological and hydrological projects
Maintain a service for the upkeep, repair, and calibration of meteorological instruments
Provide advice to participating governments on meteorological and hydrological matters
Collect, analyse, and publish meteorological and hydrological data
3. Satellite Training Courses Training on the satellite technology, imagery interpretation and analysis now conducted at ALL levels of meteorological training at CIMH-
Entry level technicians course
Introduction to Basic Satellite Imagery
Mid-level technicians course
Interpretation for aeronautical briefing purposes;
Senior level technicians course
Interpretation, explanation and use of satellite products for forecasting purposes
Bachelors degree in Meteorology
Analysis, interpretation analysis and research
Continuing Professional Development Online course for Operational Forecasters
Operational Satellite training Exercises
4. Aeronautical Meteorological Forecaster WMO Competencies Analyse and monitor continuously the weather situation
Simple scalar, synoptic analysis and satellite interpretation begin with in weeks of training;
Forecast aeronautical meteorological phenomena and parameters
Students use satellite products to assess regional and local features that can affect aeronautical operation
Warn of hazardous phenomena
Interpretation of synoptic analyses, NWP and remote sensing (satellite and radar) products
Ensure the quality of meteorological information and services
Regulations and documentation
Communicate meteorological information to internal and external users
Weather briefings, Public and Media presentations,
The first level competencies and RMTCs can address themThe first level competencies and RMTCs can address them
5. WMO 258 Satellite Meteorology Core competencies
6. Weather Briefings Students are often more comfortable writing a test than doing an oral presentation, so at CIMH we gradually over the last nine months work on briefing skills and integrate the knowledge
Students are often more comfortable writing a test than doing an oral presentation, so at CIMH we gradually over the last nine months work on briefing skills and integrate the knowledge
7. Satellite Imagery from NOAA, and RAMSDISprovide valuable information Global images from NOAA either from direct satellite feed using programs such as SMART MET Global images from NOAA either from direct satellite feed using programs such as SMART MET
8. Prognostic The RAMM Advanced Meteorological Satellite Demonstration and Interpretation System (RAMSDIS) is a PC-based unit developed by the Regional And Mesoscale Meteorological (RAMM) team at CIRA.
Currently system being upgraded to Lunix, using the Redhat software;
The CIRA team is aiding the process
One of the major projects arising from the CIRA/CIMH collaboration is a Cloud Climatology over the Eastern Caribbean
A future proposal is for the RAMSDIS at CIMH be a regional source for more High resolution satellite data over the area
The RAMM Advanced Meteorological Satellite Demonstration and Interpretation System (RAMSDIS) is a PC-based unit developed by the Regional And Mesoscale Meteorological (RAMM) team at CIRA.
Currently system being upgraded to Lunix, using the Redhat software;
The CIRA team is aiding the process
One of the major projects arising from the CIRA/CIMH collaboration is a Cloud Climatology over the Eastern Caribbean
A future proposal is for the RAMSDIS at CIMH be a regional source for more High resolution satellite data over the area
9. Special Events Forecasting and Disaster Risk Management
10. Vlab - Regional Focus Group Satellite Discussions Visitview Focal Group Monthly Weather Discussion across Latin America and the Caribbean;
Lead by Tony Mosel (UCAR/COMET); Bernadette Connell (CIRA) and Mike Davison (NCEP);
Satellite data interpretations
Special Weather events Caribbean Weather Discussion Monthly weather briefings for Caribbean;
Weather briefings and system discussion
Teaching and Continuous Professional Development
Special events
Dust Week
Onset of tropical storms
Introduction of new products; e.g. TWP, RTFS TAOS model
Regional weather discussions started in 2003 after the Satellite Training Seminar in Barbados;
Under the guidance of Horace and Selvin Burton in collaboration with CIRA and UCAR the discussions promoted regional satellite discussions and the use of virtual labs programs.
The VisitView Focus Group discussion has since grown to include not only the English speaking Caribbean territories, but much of Latin America as well.
In 2008 the Caribbean Weekly Weather discussion was started to encourage regional discussion and collaboration in the event of a major Hurricane system across the region
Special topics:
Screaming Eagle
Tropical cyclone briefing
Regional weather briefing
Regional weather discussions started in 2003 after the Satellite Training Seminar in Barbados;
Under the guidance of Horace and Selvin Burton in collaboration with CIRA and UCAR the discussions promoted regional satellite discussions and the use of virtual labs programs.
The VisitView Focus Group discussion has since grown to include not only the English speaking Caribbean territories, but much of Latin America as well.
In 2008 the Caribbean Weekly Weather discussion was started to encourage regional discussion and collaboration in the event of a major Hurricane system across the region
Special topics:
Screaming Eagle
Tropical cyclone briefing
Regional weather briefing
11. Vlab RFG Special Events Soufriere Volcanic Eruption
Afternoon February 11th 2010.
Large unexpected cloud appeared over north eastern Caribbean Island
The Impressive plume shutdown flights across the Lesser Antilles
The discussion group got a RGB demonstration for Bernie Connell of CIRA
12. Real-Time Flood Forecasting for the CaribbeanFlood Forecasting Concept The problem
Floods are a concern due to inadequate and untimely flood forecasts often lead to significant economic losses, and possibly, the loss of life
Our solution
Integrate quantitative precipitation forecasts into a distributed hydrological model
NWP WRF Mesoscale model and hydrological model
Updates utilizing outputs from Doppler weather radars
TRMM data Provides an early flood warning system before the precipitation event
Lead times of at least two days
Forecast updates utilizing outputs from Doppler weather radars
Water depths simulated throughout watershed
Potential flood extents delineated
Robust, reproducible framework Provides an early flood warning system before the precipitation event
Lead times of at least two days
Forecast updates utilizing outputs from Doppler weather radars
Water depths simulated throughout watershed
Potential flood extents delineated
Robust, reproducible framework
13. Progress to date Haiti recovery efforts 16/03/2011
14. Problems Insufficient funds.
The Institute is funded by the supporting governments and with some of these facing harsh economic times the required funding is hardly ever received.
The Institute despite the difficulties intends to expand its training methods by including computer aided learning materials in a meaningful way.
Efforts are being made to increase more consulting activities;
Need to increase bandwidth
Significant progress has been made
Lack of adequate finances also impinges on the ability to hire adequate staff.
More activities require more staff This places tremendous pressure on management to achieve all of its goals, particularly when the budget has already been reduced to a minimum.This places tremendous pressure on management to achieve all of its goals, particularly when the budget has already been reduced to a minimum.
15. The Future Integrate new satellite products into training and research;
Introduction of GEOnetCAST;
CoE VLab webpage;
Introduction of a Marine Meteorology program;
Continuing Professional Development program;
Aid Disaster Preparedness efforts;
GEONETCast Americas is a near real time, global network of satellite-based data dissemination systems designed to distribute space-based, air-borne and in situ data, metadata and products to diverse communities.
CIMH hope to be the main dissemination center for the Eastern Caribbean and well as training and advisory body
Lack of participation
Over the last 6 six months participation has dropped significantly
I have countered this by adding students to the list
Insufficient funds.
The Institute is funded by the supporting governments and with some of these facing harsh economic times the required funding is hardly ever received.
The Institute despite the difficulties intends to expand its training methods by including computer aided learning materials in a meaningful way.
Efforts are being made to increase more consulting activities;
Need to increase bandwidth
Lack of adequate finances also impinges on the ability to hire adequate staff.
GEONETCast Americas is a near real time, global network of satellite-based data dissemination systems designed to distribute space-based, air-borne and in situ data, metadata and products to diverse communities.
CIMH hope to be the main dissemination center for the Eastern Caribbean and well as training and advisory body
Lack of participation
Over the last 6 six months participation has dropped significantly
I have countered this by adding students to the list
Insufficient funds.
The Institute is funded by the supporting governments and with some of these facing harsh economic times the required funding is hardly ever received.
The Institute despite the difficulties intends to expand its training methods by including computer aided learning materials in a meaningful way.
Efforts are being made to increase more consulting activities;
Need to increase bandwidth
Lack of adequate finances also impinges on the ability to hire adequate staff.