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Warm up for Today !

Warm up for Today !. How many valence electrons are in Titanium (Ti)? Hint – draw the electron configuration. How many unpaired electrons are in Tellurium (Te)? Hint – draw the orbital diagram. Lecture 6B Periodic Trends. Development of the Periodic Table.

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Warm up for Today !

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  1. Warm up for Today! • How many valence electrons are in Titanium (Ti)?Hint – draw the electron configuration. • How many unpaired electrons are in Tellurium (Te)?Hint – draw the orbital diagram.

  2. Lecture 6B Periodic Trends

  3. Development of the Periodic Table • Dmitri Mendeleev designed the first periodic table in 1869 by grouping elements with similar chemical & physical properties in rows according to Atomic mass • Henry Moseleyrearranged the table in 1913 according to atomic number

  4. The Modern Periodic Table Organized by groups (columns) and periods (rows)

  5. Classifying Elements by Electron Configurations • Representative Elements- Outermost s and p are filling • Alkali metals – Outermost s has 1 e- • Alkaline earth metals – Outermost s is full • Halogens – Outermost s is full, outermost p has 5 e- • Noble Gases- Outermost s and p are totally full • Transition Metals -Outermost s is full and d is filling or full • Inner Transition Metals- Outermost s is full and f is filling or full

  6. Periodic Trends As you move across the periodic table, you keep periodically running across the same properties... • The location of an element on the Periodic Table gives a lot of information about key properties of that element compared to the other elements Hence the name periodic table.

  7. Trend #1 – Atomic Size • An atom’s size is determined by its atomic radius • Atomic radius is defined as half the distance between the nuclei of two like atoms

  8. Atomic Size Trend • Going down a group,atoms get bigger because the number of energy levels increases. • Going across a period, atoms get smaller. No new energy levels are added, but more protons and electrons are added. The increase in protons and electrons result in a greater pull towards the nucleus – like a magnet!

  9. Trend #2 – Atomic Size of IONS • Cations (positive ions)are always smaller than their parent atom because they lose electrons and an energy level. A strong attraction forms between the remaining electrons and the nucleus. • Anions (negative ions) are always larger than their parent atom. Gaining electrons causes less attraction to the nucleus – the new electrons aren’t held as tightly and are now freer to move around!

  10. Comparison of atomic vs. ionic size

  11. Answer these . . . Which is larger: S or S2-. Why? • S2- is larger – Gaining electrons causes less of an attraction to the nucleus – the new electrons are more free to move around. Which is smaller: Fe or Fe4+. Why? • Fe4+ is smaller – Losing electrons causes more of an attraction to the nucleus – the remaining electrons are pulled in tighter. Which is smaller: Na1+ or Al3+? Why • They both lose an energy level BUTAl3+ loses MORE e-, nucleus pulls the remaining electrons closer due to the larger nuclear charge. Which is smaller: Be2+ or Na1+. Why? • They both lose an energy level BUTBe2+goes down to a smaller energy level. A neutron walks into a ‘restaurant’ and says, "Hey bartender give me a drink."The bartender gives him one and says, “No charge for you" An atom walks into a ‘restaurant’and proclaims, "Hey! Somebody just stole one of my electrons!"The waiter says, "Are you sure?“ The atom replies, "Yes - I'm positive!"

  12. Trend #3 – Electronegativity • ELECTRONEGATIVITY: the ability for an atomto attract an electron • Going down a group,electronegativity decreasesbecause the added energylevels ‘shield’ the power ofthe nucleus to attract electrons. • Going across a period,electronegativity increases because nuclear charge increases, but the electron distance does not! Non-metal atoms want to gain electrons to completely fill their outer shell.

  13. Which element would be the most electronegative? Why? • Fluorine – The outermost electrons reside on a low energy level. Therefore, there is a very strong attraction between the electrons and the nucleus. To fill its outer shell, Fluorine needs only one electron!

  14. How does ‘Shielding’ work? • SHIELDING EFFECT: The process of the inner electrons shielding/repelling the outer electrons. The inner electrons ‘shield’ the outer electrons from the pull of the nucleus. Therefore the outer electrons are not heldas tightly as the inner electrons. • Shielding increases as yougo down the periodic tablebecause more energy levelsare added. • Shielding remains constantas you go across the periodic table because all electrons added enter the same energy level.

  15. Why aren’t noble gases assigned electronegativity numbers? • They are happy the way they are – thank you very much – they don’t need any more electrons 

  16. Trend #4 – Ionization Energy IONIZATION ENERGY - The energy needed to REMOVE an electron from the outer level. Going down a group, ionization energy decreasesbecause more energy levels are added. This ‘shielding causes the electrons to be less attracted to the nucleus – little energy is required to remove them. Going across a period,ionization energy increases because the electrons move closer to the nucleus. Therefore more energy is needed to remove them!

  17. First vs. Second • First ionization energy is the energy required to remove the first electron • Second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the second electron (and so forth) • First ionization energy is always smaller (compared to the second or third ionization energy) because each successive electron removed is closer to the nucleus and more strongly attracted to it.

  18. Graphing First Ionization Energy vs. Atomic Number

  19. Trend #5: Metallic PropertiesFirst off, what’s meant by ‘metallic’?

  20. Metallic properties increase as you go down a group, and decrease as you go across a period. X Fr is the most metallic!

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