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Jeopardy for Blood and Circulation. Anatomy and Physiology Review. Blood. 100 – Where are blood cells made in adults? Bone marrow of flat bones 200 – Give two functions of blood Carry oxygen, nutrients, hormones to cells, carry waste like carbon dioxide and toxins away, etc.
Jeopardy for Blood and Circulation Anatomy and Physiology Review
Blood • 100 – Where are blood cells made in adults? • Bone marrow of flat bones • 200 – Give two functions of blood • Carry oxygen, nutrients, hormones to cells, carry waste like carbon dioxide and toxins away, etc. • 300 – What % of blood is white blood cells? • 1% • 400 – Who could the A and B blood types each donate to and receive from & what blood types would each make anti-bodies to? • A could donate to A and AB, B could donate to B and AB, A can receive from A and O, B can receive from B and O, A makes anti-bodies to B and AB, B makes anti-bodies to A and AB • 500 – What hormone stimulates red blood cell production, what organ produces it? • Erythropoeiten , kidney
Heart Anatomy • 100 – Chamber that pumps to whole body • Left ventricle • 200 – Valves between the ventricles and aorta or pulmonary trunk • Semilunars • 300 – Name of the left AV valve • Bicuspid or Mitral Valve • 400 – Name of the heart muscle and serous membrane over the heart? • Myocardium, pericardium • 500 – When the ventricles are relaxing which vessels are open/closed? • The AV’s are open, SL are closed
Heart Conductivity • 100 – Pacemaker of the Heart • Sinoatrial Node • 200 – Where the electrical wave begins in the ventricles. • AV bundle • 300 – Where the impulse pauses before going into the ventricles. • AV node • 400 – What does the QRS wave represent? • The depolarization of the ventricles (sodium is flowing into the cardiact muscle cells) • 500 – Trace the path of electricity thru the ventricles • AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
CO./BP • 100: What does stress hormones do to blood pressure? • Increase it (bind to receptors causing vasoconstriction and increasing heart rate) • 200: What is the top blood pressure number called? • Systolic (pressure when ventricles are contracting) • 300: Name two things that effect blood pressure and how? • (cold – increase, nicotine – increase, alcohol, decrease, exercise – increase, etc.) see pwrpt. & coloring • 400: Name two major control factors of blood pressure? • Heart rate and vasoconstriction & body position • 500: Describe baroreceptor reflex • You stand up and your blood pressure drops because the blood pools at the feet – the pressure receptors (baroreceptors) in the carotid arteries sense low pressure to the brain and cause you to pass out – however, your brain is already increasing heart rate and constricting blood vessels to increase the pressure – if corrected quick enough you just get dizzy and then it goes away
Blood Vessels • 100: Define Arteries vs. Veins • Arteries take blood away from the heart, veins bring blood back to the heart • 200: Name two structural differences between arteries and veins • Arteries have thicker smooth muscle (tunica media), a smaller lumen, and no valves • 300: What is a blood vessel with only tunica intima called? • capillary • 400: Name 3 parts of blood vessels and what type of tissue each is made of: • Tunica intima (epithelium), tunica media (smooth muscle), tunica externa (connective) • 500: From heart back to heart- name vessel types starting with arteries • Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, heart
Arteries and Veins: • 100: Name the arteries that go to the lungs • pulmonary • 200: Name the arteries that feed the kidney • renal • 300: Name the arteries going to the head and name the arteries going to the heart (myocardium) • Carotid, coronary • 400: Name the arteries that split off the abdominal aorta and go toward human leg • iliac • 500: Trace the arteries from aorta to elbow on the right side of the body • Brachiocephalic, rt. Subclavian, rt. Axillary, rt. brachial
Cardiac Cycle: • 100: What makes the heart sounds? • Closing of the AV valves then closing of the SL valves • 200: How do you tell if there is a heart murmur? • After the lub and before the dub you hear a little sound as some blood squirts into the atrium • 300: What is it called when ventricles are contracted? • Ventricular systole • 400: When ventricles contract what closes? • The AV valves • 500: When ventricles are relaxing which valves are open/closed? • AV are open, SL are closed
Potpourri 1 • 100: 3 Things that describe cardiac muscle cells. • Cylindrical and branched, intercalated discs, striated • 200: Why can blood leave capillaries and not arteries? • Just a single layer of epithelium which are permeable to the things that can leave • 300: What is the highest percent of blood made out of? • Plasma which is mostly water • 400: What is the inside lining of the heart called and made of? • Endocardium – epithelium • 500: What are two things produced by platelets? • Serotonin and thromboplastin
Pot. 2 • 100: What organ monitors blood pressure through blood volume? • kidneys • 200: What is the purpose of lymphocytes? • Specific immunity – T cells kill foreign cells, B cells make antibodies to clump foreign cells • 300:What are two ways that help the blood return from the feet to the heart? • Skeletal muscle movement, breathing, valves • 400: Why can’t you see the atria repolarizing on an EKG? • It happens the same time the ventricles are depolarizing so you can’t see it • 500: What is the final step of blood clotting? • Lots of little fibrinogen molecules are linked together to form bigger ropes called fibrin to plug the hole
Blood Cells: • 100: What blood cell is most numerous? • Red blood cell • 200: What blood cell is the first response? • neutrophil • 300: What is the purpose of neutrophils and monocytes? • Phagocytes (endocytose junk and bacteria) • 400: What is the purpose of basophils? • Release histamine which causes inflammation • 500: What are the two types of lympocytes and how are they specific? • T cells kill infected cells that have a specific marker, B cells make antibodies that match a specific marker protein on a bacteria or virus
Final Jeopardy! • What are the arteries that feed the liver, stomach, and 2 intestines? • Hepatic – liver • Gastric – stomach • Intestine – superior and inferior mesenteric