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Question Do you complain because you have lots of problems ? or You have problems because you complain? Psalm 77:3 – “I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed.”. Phil. 2:13 exhorts to do everything without complaining. We shine when we are thankful.
Question • Do you complain because you have lots of problems ? or • You have problems because you complain? • Psalm 77:3 – “I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed.”
Phil. 2:13 exhorts to do everything without complaining. • We shine when we are thankful. • A thankful person is a great witness in this dark world. • Giving thanks is God’s will for our lives.
When things go wrong in our life, can God really be serious in wanting us to be thankful? • Are there examples in the Bible?
Daniel hears news that praying to God is an offence. • He goes to his room, opens the window and gives thanks to God. • Jesus takes 5 loaves and 2 fish, gives thanks to God and feeds a hungry crowd.
Job, on hearing about a freak accident which kills all his children, says: • “ Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”
There are benefits and blessings that God gives to those who learn the discipline of giving thanks in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.
The text says that when we offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, God prepares a way to show us His salvation. • His way of delivering us from whatever situation we are facing.
There was a singing group that was on tour. • After the evangelistic concert, they packed up their equipment and left for the hostel to spend the night. • But they arrived late. • The beds they reserved were given to others.
Referred to another hostel. • As they travelled, someone started a praise song. • Everyone started to sing along. • Earlier they were disappointed, angry and fearful. • But now they were filled with joy and hope.
When they arrived, this hostel had rooms for all. • It was cleaner, safer and quieter. • It was better than the first hostel. • Have you had a similar experience, because you made the choice to praise God and things worked out differently?
Paul writes and says that the way to get rid of anxiety is to bring our needs to God with THANKSGIVING. • If we do this, we are promised Peace.
A peace that guards our hearts and minds beyond anything our human mind can understand. • Just like how the personal bodyguards of the Prime Minister protect the Prime Minister and his family.
24 hours protection. • Similarly peace of God protects our heart and mind from the harm of the enemy.
The Apostle Paul did not have an easy life. • He endured hardships, beatings, imprisonment, hunger, abandonment. • But Paul writes one of the most incredible promises for all of us.
It states that for those who love the Lord, every circumstance ultimately works for good. • It takes patience and understanding. • If you are in the midst of pain or grief or crisis, God says – TRUST ME. • HE IS STILL IN CONTROL. • Working for our good.
What good? • V.29 – “To being transformed into the likeness of His Son.” • God has a good and wise and loving purpose for everything He allows into our lives, even pain and suffering. • We can give thanks in the knowledge that He loves us and will never permit us any pain unless the ultimate benefit is worth the cost.
One of the reasons that God allows us to suffer is to refine our character and strengthen our faith. • The Bible tells us that our faith is worth more than gold. (1 Peter 1:6,7) • It’s precious to God.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” – Colossians 2:6-7